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The time has come!!! Enjoy~~

San doesn't come inside the building once he arrives, but he does ask for the burly hybrid by my door to escort me to the entrance where the car awaits me, something I appreciate because it keeps me from having to deal with people on the way.

Thankfully, I had enough time to compose myself and calm down after my father's visit, but I can't help the worry that continues to twist at my insides because of the unexpected development.

It's one thing to believe that I owe him anything because of who he is to me, but to think that he would act on it shamelessly? Will mother try something too? I haven't seen my older brother in forever... could I recognize him if he were to show up before me?

I walk through the revolving doors and find parked right in front of me the vehicle that will bring me to my soulmates, a sight that pulls a sigh of relief from me.

I hope they can forgive me for taking longer to meet them, especially since they were right here, waiting for me just a moment ago. They must have been very confused when San asked them to leave with him.

The rottweiler steps out of the vehicle to reach my door before I can open it, and his gaze assesses my state in silence as I remain immobile where I am, aware that he needs to see for himself that I'm alright before we can get going.

"He didn't touch you, did he?".

I shake my head without hesitation, and he nods once before opening the back door for me, not needing to hear more. I allowed myself to be strong in front of my father, I won, and that makes him proud.

Too used to this routine to really look at my surroundings and too tired to feel the shift in the air, I settle my bag at my feet while he closes the door to walk back to the driver's seat, and I turn my gaze towards the hybrid who sits inside without a sound, which is also when I finally notice the massive figure seated in the corner of my eye.

A familiar perfume reaches my nose, and I stop breathing, body locking in place as my brain suddenly dares to imagine the unthinkable, or is it that impossible still?

Didn't San bring them to my mansion after all? Aren't I on the way to see them at this very moment?

My heart is already pumping blood as if I need to run until I collapse before I can even process who is sitting next to me on the back seats, and the fear of being disappointed fights savagely with the hope that it might be one of them.

What was San thinking, not telling me that someone else would be in the car? I thought I'd have the entire ride to the mansion to pull myself together for the meeting yet to come, but now I'm learning that I never was going to have that chance to begin with.


The deep, kind voice that speaks my name sends a jolt of longing through me, and I quickly close my eyes tightly, teeth biting on my bottom lip in a weak attempt at keeping myself from falling apart too soon.

Still, a whimper manages to slip through before I can stop it, and a familiar - though also incredibly muscled - pair of arms pulls me into a firm chest that also feels familiar despite how new it feels against my body.

The man currently holding me was so slender in the past, but he's gotten so much bigger now.

"It's really you" I murmur with a trembling voice that loses itself into the fabric of his loose shirt, and it's only when I squeeze my hands at his hips that I realize the burn that covers my soulmark once more, weaker than last time but still noticeable enough to be uncomfortable.

"It's really me, honey, it's me" Namjoon murmurs back before bringing me onto his lap to hug me closer into his heart, and San starts driving us away from work and closer to my fate, to the pieces of my soul that I thought I'd lost forever.

"It's you" I repeat to myself again, unable to believe my senses, my ears, or the touch that sends tingles from my skin and deep into my bones.

There's an urgency in the way he holds me, in the way that his heart beats with too much strength and speed against my ear, in the pulse that pushes against me from the junction connecting his shoulder and neck where my cheek rests.

He hugs me like he's giving it his all, and yet it also feels not enough. Not enough because he needs me where I can't leave him ever again, in the deepest and safest part of him. He wants me in his heart, in his soul, tucked safely under the warmth of his love.

None of this is enough, and yet it also feels perfect.

Bringing a hand up to his hair, I push his head closer so his cheek can meet my own, my hold strong and desperate in my struggle to feel him closer.

I can't believe Namjoon is here. I can't believe that he's holding me like this. Can't believe how strong he's gotten, how big he now feels as I sit on his thighs of steel. What the hell happened to him during my absence?

Wasn't he working behind a desk back then?

I finally find the willpower to pull back just so I can cup his cheeks and stare at him, into his eyes of gold, and my heart skips a myriad of beats as my gaze finally connects with his own, those eyes that used to always stare at me with so much love, now staring at me with even more love.

I didn't want to get my hopes up, didn't want to wish for this to happen when the fall would've been that much more painful. But he's looking at me like this and it brings a healing that I shouldn't deserve, that I shouldn't be given.

I let my thumbs caress his cheeks as I take in every inches of his face. He's gotten so beautiful, to a point that it's putting to shame my imagination. Nothing I could've imagined compares with what he's become, and it's hard to believe that I'm finally holding him between my hands.

I don't know how long we remain like this, simply staring at one another in silence, taking each other in like starved souls. What needs to be said when our eyes say it all for us?

"You've grown into such a beautiful woman, Y/N" Namjoon is first to break the silence with a loving tone, one of his hands settled over the small of my back while the other pushes my body flat against his own, and a teasing smile like only him can make appears at the audible hitch of my breath.

I blink bashfully at him, suddenly remembering only now that San is here too, but I don't get to turn around to glance at him when the man who monopolizes my attention tuts at me, his fingers pulling my chin back to him so my gaze doesn't leave him.

"After all these years of making us look for you fruitlessly, you owe me all of your attention until I decide that it's over, honey" he comments smoothly, as if he didn't just reveal an important piece of information to me.

My eyes widen and he quirks an eyebrow, almost amused, but not quite. There's disappointment in that gaze too, I recognize the glow.

"Y/N, do you really believe that we would've accepted your rejection without trying anything? That we would've given up on you so easily? That we wouldn't have done our very best to get you back?"

I press my lips tightly together, and he sighs deeply, his chest rising with the pull of air into his lungs.

"I broke your hearts by rejecting the bond, I deserved to be forgotten" I mumble with a small voice, but he simply shakes his head at that, fingers soft when he tucks some strands of hair behind my ears before his eyes search into mine.

"We went to your house that day. Jungkook ran off in one direction without saying a word after you left, and we followed him all the way to the mansion. What we saw was enough for us to know that whatever happened there had a say in why you left us.

"We found your bedroom, Jungkook grabbed all of your belongings that mattered, and we spent the next years rereading your diary and wondering how we couldn't see anything. How could we be so blind to your pain when it was felt within each words that you wrote down?".

Taken aback by that, I stare at him with a remorseful expression, heart twisting in a knot as I hear his own pain in his voice. "I didn't want you guys to know" I say softly.

I didn't want them to learn of my past like this, without me to assure them that my love for them gave me strength to move forward everyday. What my parents did to me... it was nothing compared to the love that the four of them never failed to give me.

"I wish you would've told us" he retorts with a small frown, though his thumbs are comforting in the way that they caress over my clothes.

"We would've helped you, I-" he swallows a lump before continuing, but his voice breaks anyway, "I wouldn't have pushed back moving in together like a moron. I could've taken you in until we'd find a bigger apartment for everyone, we would've kept you safe instead of losing you for twelve years".

Tears start to burn my eyes as I keep staring at him in silence, my heart so heavy as he confirms something that I could only understands after it was too late to change anything.

Showing them only my smile... it didn't help anyone. It only made things worse.

"I'm sorry" I whimper out, brows twisting under the pain that swarms my entire being.

"I'm so sorry" I repeat, when tears fall down my cheeks, leaving behind them hot trails that he catches with his thumbs, his face also sharing my regret when a light makes the sheen in his eyes shine like glass.

He leans down so his forehead rests against mine, nose bumping into nose as he offers me a proximity that is accepting, rather than rejecting. Even after all the terrible pain I bestowed upon us, he's still willing to forgive me.

"San told us everything earlier, not much in details, but enough to let us understand what it is that you went through after being forced to leave us. About the world you were pulled in, the dangers that came with it. I'm sorry that we couldn't find you when it mattered the most. We tried so hard, if only you knew".

I shut my eyes tightly, needing a moment to process his admission and let it flow against my skin, into my body and to my heart.

They never gave up on me. Never stopped trying to find me while I was working tirelessly for a man who didn't have my well being to heart, but his own selfish desires in mind.

"Thank you for looking for me" I whisper against his lips, to which he hums weakly, unconvinced.

"Thank you for not giving up on me" I continue, pressing a kiss onto his cheek, then his chin, and his other cheek.

"Thank you for waiting for me, and for making me feel like I still belong in your arms even though I was the one to reject you, no matter what good intention I had when I did it".

A kiss on his nose.

He opens his eyes with a fever now settled in them, and my stomach fills with butterflies, a strange and hot feeling that I'd forgotten until now. He always used to turn my body into putty with that gaze, dragon eyes, I'd tell him.

"You still have the same eyes" I muse softly as I gaze down at him with adoration.

"My dragon".

The air stills between us, his lips parting, but still unsure of whether he wants to say something or kiss me.

I wouldn't mind the latter, I think to myself as I wait patiently, but Namjoon must take too long to figure out what he wants to do because the car eventually comes to a stop, and San turns on his seat to stare at us with a bored look on his face.

This ride must have been god-awful for him. Poor San.

"We're here. Now get out before I throw up".

Namjoon doesn't seem to find that as funny as I do, and I'm alone to giggle on top of the giant while he glares at the hybrid without any real animosity in his eyes.

I guess the choice was done for him, with neither of the answers being chosen.

"Let's resume this another time, my precious. We shouldn't keep the others from meeting you, else they'll have my head for stalling your reunion. I'll have a taste of those lips once I get you to myself".

Then again... maybe this is for the best.

With a blush that paints my cheeks the prettiest shade of red, Namjoon can't resist kissing both of them before carefully helping me back on my seat so I can grab my bag on the way out, though I don't have time to open the door when San is already out and pulling it open for me.

I'm tempted to avoid his eyes out of pure embarrassment, but when he doesn't leave the car once up on my feet and my door closed, I'm forced to meet his gaze with a bashfulness that he's never seen before, a refreshing thing to see.

He smiles lightly, then pats my head softly.

"I'm going to wait here just in case that something happens, but I don't want to get in the way of your reunion. I'll let you know if I need to get anywhere but in the meantime, I can work in the car so don't worry too much about me and take your time".

I nod shyly, thankful for his presence nearby, then turn back to Namjoon who towers even more over me than before, which I thought was impossible.

He makes me feel terribly small next to him, and it has me wondering if the same growth has happened with the others.

He offers me a hand that I accept easily, and together, we walk towards the mansion's entrance.

I thought I'd be fine with him by my side, but I eventually come to a stop when I suddenly feel like throwing up.

I'm so anxious about meeting everyone else that fleeing does cross my mind, and I hold Namjoon's hand tighter.

I'm so close. Behind this door... Taehyung, Jimin and Jungkook are waiting for me. Once I make that step, there will be no going back, no running away, no avoiding anything. I'm going to have to take it all, no matter how they welcome me.

I know that there will be no rejection happening today, I know that with my head, but my heart is terrified.

"On three?" Namjoon offers, a small smile on his lips when he sees the emotions that merge and fight across my face, thumb rubbing over my hand because he can sense my fears as if they're his own.

Knowing that pushing back the inevitable is pointless, I nod firmly, then watch as he puts his free hand on the knob.


He twists. "Two".

Then pushes. "Three".

He guides me inside first, and by the time he releases me and turns around to close the door, I have time to make only two steps before I hear the sound of feet running across the wooden floor and a body full-on slams into me.

My world tips upside down as we go flying back on the floor, but there's no registering any sort of pain in my shock when I feel an equally as strong body as Namjoon's squeeze itself around me with a face pressed into my neck.

There's no wondering who this is when I notice the black tail that waves in front of my eyes.

I don't need to see his face to know deep down that this is Jungkook, my first love.

The shaking of his body as he cries and tries to make me swallow him whole has me instinctively trying to hug him even though I can't move at all, not with the crushing hold he has on me, and it feels like the reunion that I always wanted, but didn't think I could ever have.

He's desperate as he rubs his cheek against my neck, a hand in my hair pushing my face onto his shoulder as his arm around my waist pulls me into him, and I find myself hushing and caressing his hair softly as he weeps into my skin with what must have been years of accumulated tears.

My poor baby...

"I'm not a baby" he mumbles softly into my neck, voice muffled from being spoken directly against my skin, and I smile, knowing for a fact that I did not say anything aloud.

"I never called you a baby, Jungkook".

"I could sense it, I heard it in your head. You know that our connection is that strong when we're together, so I can hear your thoughts. I'm not a baby" he insists with a pout, though he's yet to pull back from me as he begins to calm down.

I could never figure out if he was just messing with me back then or if he was serious about hearing my thoughts, and it's somehow hilarious to me that he would throw me back into that same confusion as soon as we meet again.

"What are you then? You slammed me into the floor and then started wailing like a baby" I decide to tease him just as I come to process that I'm not in pain. How could I when I've got him wrapped around me like a safety jacket?

He finally raises himself on his hands to hover over me, face still wet with tears and his nose red but his eyes alive with a fire that has been set alight by my words alone.

Even like this, nothing can hide what he's become - a hot panther.

Holy shit.

"If you hadn't left like that twelve years ago, I wouldn't be wailing like a baby right now. And I... I slammed into you because I missed you. Are you hurt? Did I hurt you?" he starts with an insulted tone that quickly melts into worry as he gazes over me with concern, ears tilted back, and I hum with a small chuckle that consternates him.

Maybe I hurt my head after all?

"Point taken, that one's on me. And I'm fine, Jungkook, you cushioned my fall pretty efficiently, so I don't hurt anywhere".

He purses his lips, then raises himself from the floor before helping me up to my feet with a strong hand.

I don't know why I thought he'd let me go after that, because he simply pulls me closer until our noses almost touch, and I'm all of a sudden reminded of the feeling of his lips on mine.

Jungkook was the only one I could imagine getting my first kiss from, and he was also the only one who ended up with enough time to kiss me.

Seeing his eyes fall to my lips lets me know that his thoughts must have gone in the same direction, but instead of leaning down to connect our lips after twelve long years, he decides to flick my forehead with a serious expression on his face.

"Ouch!" I exclaim as I raise a hand to my forehead to rub gently over the painful spot, it stings! "What was that for?!"

"That was for making dumb decisions on your own. And for hurting alone when we were ready to take care of you. And for not saying anything about the abuse. And- and for taking so long to come back" he begins to scold me with a resolved frown that leaves me speechless while two more bodies edge closer.

"That flick was nothing compared to how you made us feel that day, and I know that you had no choice after you were kidnapped, but... god damn it. I never want you to keep those things to yourself ever again, do you hear me? From now on, you say everything, whether you want to or not. I hate that I had to learn everything through your diary after it was too late to do anything" he continues, lips forming into a pout the more he speaks, ears and tail still droopy and sad.

This... why does it feel like I was gone only a few months? He speaks to me as if no time has passed while also being way too long all at once, and it's giving me an immediate sense of domesticity that I craved so dearly.

I nod my head at him, eyes turning guilty like those of a puppy as I look down, and Jungkook groans to himself before hugging me again, this time more forgiving when he allows me to hug him back tightly with my head tucked under his chin.

"I missed you so much, Y/N. Don't ever leave again like this, I don't think I can survive a second heartbreak".

I squeeze my arms tighter around him with a small noise, and he kisses the top of my head.

We stay like that for a long minute, and then he suddenly lets go of me with a step back.

I'm left unsure of what this means for only a few seconds, because the next thing I know, two more bodies are running into me and sandwiching me between them with more strength than my human body can withstand.

But protesting doesn't even cross my mind, because where I was oozing with anxiety just a moment ago, now I can only smile as I process that Jimin and Taehyung have also found their way to me.

"Y/N, oh, my sweet girl" Jimin muses aloud as he pushes my head against his chest while Taehyung rests his cheek on my shoulder, face towards my neck to breathe in my scent, his sensitive nose already finding its rightful place into my skin.

The two of them are shaking with the intensity of their emotions, adrenaline the only thing keeping them from crumbling down as they finally get to hold me, finally.

"I've never missed a scent as much as I missed yours" Taehyung murmurs as he inhales my skin deeply. "No mint could compare with yours, and I was going crazy trying to find something that could remind me of you. I was so scared that I'd forget what you smell like".

My heart softens and I melt within their embrace. How very like him to say something like that as soon as we reunite.

They've both gotten bigger as well, and taller, and even prettier, something that I should've expected, but didn't to that extent. I stopped growing when I was nineteen, so I guess I was expecting some similar outcome with them as well.

Boy was I wrong.

"I missed you all so much, more than words can express" I murmur back to them, loud enough so that Namjoon and Jungkook can hear as well, the two of them standing close with teary smiles on their faces.

This reunion is one that we all longed for, and to have it finally happening is the best thing we could have ever asked for.

I eventually notice Hoseok and Seokjin standing nearby, which makes my smile widen with glee, and their eyes crease with relief at seeing how well everything is going. They hoped for nothing less, and they can see on my face that this is exactly what I needed.

I figure that this is everyone, but then I catch a spot of white in a corner behind a wall, and I tilt my head in curiosity, a movement that Jimin and Taehyung don't miss.

They pull back to glance in the same direction without letting go of me, and Jimin makes a soft sound at seeing what caught my attention.

"Yoongi, you don't need to hide. You can join us".

Yoongi? I'm hearing this name for the first time, who's this?

The pure white that comes into sight is fascinating on its own, it's a colour that I don't get to see too often on hybrids, but the fact that they accompany such a handsome face too? It's an overkill, my heart was not ready.

But again, who is he? Those ears and that tail... he must be a wolf, right?

They're pretty rare here, but I've seen enough while working for Hae-in to recognize their particularities and not mistake them for dog hybrids.

For having made that mistake a few times... I know that wolves hate being mistaken for weaker than they really are. They are not to take lightly, even when they appear harmless.

He raises a shy hand for what I assume must be a hand wave of greeting, but then my eyes fall on the soulmark that I share with everyone else and-

"Oh!" I exclaim softly, eyes widening in surprise. I didn't know that they'd met another soulmate! Does that mean... is the bond finally complete? Do we have everyone?

With a clinging Jimin and Taehyung now holding onto my arms like cuddly animals, I attempt a few heavy steps in his direction so I can see him properly, and interest flashes onto his face at seeing how happy I suddenly am to see him.

He was expecting to feel more like an outsider, which is why he kept a distance from the very beginning, he didn't want to intrude. But this? It's making him feel like maybe he can belong after all, if he'd only open the door first.

"Yoongi, is that right?" I ask once in front of him - he's very tall too, and I somehow feel rather angry by the fact that I'm still the smallest of the soulbond.


The white wolf nods his head, tail wagging behind him despite his desire to look composed, and I can't resist the small laugh that leaves me.

How very cute.

"I'm sure you already know by now, but I'm Y/N. I... er... you...".

Sensing what's stopping me from knowing what to say right now has him taking over, feeling more confident than earlier now that he's finally gotten to see me in person for the first time.

"My arrival is recent, I met Namjoon yesterday. Everyone else was a first for me today, but... we did talk about you in the group chat and I was there when San told us about your time with the... that leader" he clears his throat, not willing to say more about that, though it gives me an idea of what exactly it is that San told them.

"So yeah, I know just as much as they do, but other than that, we still don't know much about each other. You haven't missed anything important" Yoongi steadies the ground beneath my feet by telling me exactly what I wanted to know, and I relax under Jimin and Taehyung's weight as they lean against me, their curious eyes taking us in with smiles.

"I see. Thank you for telling me, Yoongi, I didn't want you to be too confused with our behaviour, but I honestly didn't know where to begin at this point. It's a relief to see that you were pulled into the loop after all, and that I could be here in time to get to know you with everyone else".

I feel lighter already as I gaze at everyone in my mansion, the seven pieces of my soul now by my side, just like I always dreamed.

I hope there comes a day when the past can remain just that and be forgotten behind us.

I turn my gaze back to Yoongi, then take a look down at his outfit.

Something about it... did he roll in a dusty corner of the much cleaner building earlier? There's even plaster on his skin, and the only explanation that comes to mind for that is that he works here.

It can't be a simple gamble, the others don't look quite the same and they're standing in the same room as him. Even Jungkook who threw us to the ground doesn't look nearly as messy as the wolf.

"Do you work here, Yoongi?".

His eyes widen at my guess, and he nods his head once. "I- I do, yeah".

Jimin looks up at me through his lashes, and despite the frown clashing against the softness of his features, I swoon right here and there.

Why and how could this man become even more beautiful than before? He was already the prettiest, but now? How am I meant to gaze at him without blushing like a teenager?

"His boss treats him poorly, though".


This is how you keep me from blushing, apparently.

My blood goes cold, and I turn my head to stare back at a now fidgety Yoongi, ears pulled back in unease as he avoids my eyes, like his secret just got exposed.

I glance at the opened boxes of flooring behind him, then at his hands, skin that looks slightly red and tender, some wounds here and there, but no bandages. He hides them behind his back when he decides that I've stared for too long.



"Tell me everything".

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