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(Y/N - 18 years old)

After another fun date with Jungkook, Namjoon, Taehyung and Jimin, the kind of date that leaves me smiling dumbly for hours into the night, I quickly head back home before dinner so that I can get started on making food for my parents before they ruin my day by complaining.

We haven't made a decision about the right time to start looking for an apartment that could house all of us yet, but since Jungkook and I have both turned eighteen recently, I'm sure that it's only a matter of time before our soulmates decide to put things into motion, especially since I keep mentioning it more and more these days.

I'm getting very impatient after all. It feels like my freedom is getting so close within reach, and yet also so far away still. I don't like that. It feels like something very bad will happen soon if we take too long, like it's going to be too late soon.

I try to push that worrying thought to the back of my mind, knowing that anxiety has a way to make me imagine the worst case scenarios, but as soon as I make it home and walk inside the dusty building that has truly seen better days, I immediately notice that no one is here, which is... weird.

My parents never leave the mansion anymore, not even to go see my brother and his wife, which they used to do often previously. It's as if the outside world has become too scary for them, and I have absolutely no idea what made them like that.

It wouldn't surprise me if some kind of drug has made it into the picture without my knowledge.

"Mother? Father?" I call out to them as I begin to search throughout the entire building, if only to see a hint of where they could've gone to, but even after looking into every single rooms that I know of, I have yet to see anything that could give me an answer to my question.

What's even stranger though... is that I somehow get the feeling that things have... disappeared.

I look around me with a sigh. I wish they would let me know when they decide to head outside now, just so I can know what to expect of them when they come back. Maybe they went somewhere to sell some belongings?

They have been begging me for money recently, as if I'm the richer one of us now, which might as well be true, seeing as I have saved up quite the amount. I shake my head with another long sigh, it doesn't matter anymore.

This is my last year of being here anyway. Jungkook and I not only saved enough money to move out soon, but our other soulmates are going to live with us as well, which makes me so excited. We just need to find the perfect place for all of us, then we'll be good to go.

Thinking that my parents are going to be back anytime now, I end my search and instead head to the kitchen to start making dinner, hoping to appease them with some of their favorites so that they'll hopefully take the news of my moving out well.

I'm not expecting them to jump out of joy considering that I've taken on most of the expenses - my salary can easily afford it since I met up with the CEO of the franchise I work for, they decided to put me in charge of the local shop after seeing how well I handled it.

That's been good for me, but that also means that my parents fully pulled back from paying for anything, be it mortgage, electricity or water bills. I'm getting really tired of it, so I will move out, whether they want me to or not.

I look around me as I prep the ingredients that I kept aside for tonight.

This mansion was once glorious, sparkling and always smelled good. A cleaning team would come once a week to scrub every surfaces clean, but ever since my parents learned of my hybrid soulmates, it has become absolutely disgusting and I honestly want nothing to do with it once I'm gone.

They can always move in with my brother if they really want a baby sitter - they won't be allowed to stay for long if no bills get taken care of - though I doubt it would go well. He's just as bad as them and is only still breathing thanks to his wife.

Poor woman. I don't know what she sees in this jobless man other than a soulmate she's now stuck with, but at least she took him out of my life by getting him to move in with her, which I'm real thankful for.

I don't know if I would've been able to do the parent job for my older brother too, and goodness knows that this is exactly what would've happened if he were still living under this roof.

I huff to myself, about to heat up the oven for the homemade lasagna that I'm working on, but the sound of a foot hitting loudly against the front door suddenly startles me and I almost run out of the kitchen to see what's happening until I freeze when I hear an unknown voice shout when it breaks open.

"Search the whole place, even if you have to tear it apart piece by piece, they can't be too far. They take my money and think they can just disappear? Hah, as if. Search every nook and crannies, I want everything that has worth taken to the cars, it'll have to do until we get our hands on them again".

My heart stops beating as I try to process what I just heard, blood running cold in my limbs as I hear the sound of feet spreading across the house, a sound that gets closer to the kitchen where I still stand speechless.

What? What did I just hear?

The sound of another door breaking down nearby has me ducking to the floor behind the dining table as I quickly come to process how dangerous this situation is for me, and I quietly begin to crawl towards the side of the room, hoping to sneak out of the kitchen in search of a way to make it to the back door unseen, my heart pumping so much blood that it feels like my veins will burst at this pace.

What is happening? What have my parents done for such violent people to come barging into our house? What the fuck have they done behind my back?!

I only get far enough to see the back door leading to the overgrown garden outside, but I don't have time to make five steps in its direction before someone is grabbing me by the hair and dragging me on the floor to the entrance without a single word uttered.

The pull hurts my scalp badly as I try to grip onto the stranger's wrists for respite, and I kick my feet around when we pass by a few scary men dressed in black suits and coats, the kind that doesn't bode well at all.

"Let me go!" I shout while trying to get them to drop me, though my attempt remains unsuccessful, and when I'm pushed at someone else's feet on the cold and dirty floor, my eyes land on the shiny black shoes that must cost a fortune - I recognize the quality only because they're what father used to wear when I was younger.

And then a detail catches my eyes and I immediately feel a dread set upon me.

Is that blood on the corner of the heel?

"Well, well well. What have we here? Could you possibly be one of the Choi's daughter? I bet you are, poor little thing. What a bad timing you had to be home today of all days" he tuts as his men continue to trash everything around the house with laughter that would scare even the bravest man, which I am not.

I clench my trembling hands into a fist before daring a look up to see the face of the man I must deal with, and I'm met with an evil smirk as the old man crouches in front of me to hold me by the chin and get a better look at me.

His teeth are yellow and his breath smells of old cigarettes, and his skin feels rough against my own, nothing like the softness of Jungkook's and the others whenever they hug me close to their heart or caress my hair.

He looks like mafia, I realize, and not the typical shark loan that sends his men to roam the streets in search of desperate new customers, but the kind of guy that promises you heaven and gold before taking bits and pieces of your body to sell when you fall behind an unrealistic contract.

And that is bad.

"Not too shabby, might get some money out of you if we doll you up a little... you're probably what's worth the most in this damned building at this point. San, put her in the truck, will you? My own. I want her by my side on the way back, and stay with her so she doesn't run away, she's got that look in her eyes. I think this will become real interesting".

I pull my head out of his hold, ready to bite his fingers off should he bring them near again, but before I can tell him to go fuck himself, another pair of arms pulls me off the floor and into a tight grip before I'm taken out of the building, and no amount of screaming and trashing gets me the attention of one of the neighbours, screw them all!

Are they suddenly deaf or do they just not care that I'm being taken away by scary men?

"I said let me go! Fucking hell, at least let me walk!" I insist with a swear even though I know it won't earn me freedom, but he must be deaf too because he doesn't even react as he drops me harshly into one of the vehicles, his face blank of any emotions as he pushes me to the back seats where there's not a single chance for exit.

He gets inside before closing the door behind him, and I glare at the hybrid who stares back at me with a sigh and a shake of the head as I try to push against the tinted windows, his ears relaxed and bored as he leans back against the locked door.

What the hell is happening? Am I supposed to just... stay here and do nothing when I'm clearly being kidnapped?

"Don't make this any more dangerous for yourself, little girl. Just be good and listen to him, and nothing bad will happen to you. Once we find your parents, we'll release you, the boss just likes scaring young rich kids like you. Though it's obvious that you're not rich anymore, seeing the state of your home".

I don't reply to him as I try to sit comfortably on the fancy leather seats that reek with a smell that I can't possibly begin to describe without feeling sick, and I huff softly as my annoyance soars high in my chest.

God damn, if I'd known this was going to be my evening, I would've stayed longer with my soulmates.

Did my parents know that this would happen? Is that why they weren't there when I made it back? They couldn't even let me know to avoid home, instead leaving me alone to deal with this shit? They really had to remain assholes until the very end.

I get the feeling that they won't come back anytime soon, seeing as there's nothing worth their time here anymore.

It takes a good dozen minutes until the door opens again, and the smell that follows as the man from earlier sits in front of me makes me grimace. He smells like fresh cigarettes, like the smell is seeping out of his every pores.

It's heavy on the nose and almost makes me want to cough, how many does he smoke a day? I don't know how this hybrid even manages to not grimace when it's strong to my human nose. It must be a thousand times worse for him.

The one who I assume to be the boss pats the back of the front seat as another man sits behind the wheel, a wordless order that gets the vehicle moving smoothly, taking me with it and away from home.

I look out of the window until I can't see it anymore, a weight in my guts that makes me feel nauseous.

What's going to happen to me? What will they do to me?

A snap of fingers and my eyes are brought back to the one who ordered all of this trouble.

"Do you know why you're here, young lady? Any idea what your parents did to get you into this shithole of a mess?".

I'm tempted to huff and say that I don't know shit about what my parents are up to these days, but the look on his face... not to forget the deadly tattoos that decorate his skin as if telling his own life story... yeah, I'm not risking it.

"Not particularly, but I heard you say earlier that they took your money. Honestly didn't even know that they received anything since I've been paying for everything for the last year. If you ask me where it is, I'm afraid I won't be of much use to you, as I was myself a free bank account in their eyes" I let out with my arms crossed over my chest and a glare on my face, a sight that seems to amuse him greatly.

"You don't look scared of me, that's a new feeling. What's your name, child?".

"Y/N... you?".

He grins before adopting a position similar to mine, and the hybrid who's named San, sits uninterested by all of this as he keeps his gaze on the window. He looks bored despite having abducted someone just a few minutes ago.

"S'first time someone asks for my name. You know what? I think I like you, Y/N. I'm Jung Hae-in, but since you're not crying like a lil' baby right now... you can call me Hae-in. You seem pretty ignorant of what your parents have been up to, so I'll tell you since I believe you deserve to know why you're here right now".

I stare at him from the corner of my eyes as he leans forward with his gaze always kept on me. I don't know why, but there's something about it that I don't like. It makes my skin shiver with disgust.

"Two years ago, your parents came up to me and asked for money. A whole lot of it, actually. Me, being the nice guy that I am, agreed to their request and gave them the amount they wanted, thinking that I would be repaid what I'm owed by the end of this year.

"The thing is... they've been completely ignoring our calls and I've grown tired of running after what belongs to me. That's why I came to their place to get my money back myself. If they didn't have it, I was going to kill them and sell their guts on the market".

I listen to him with a disappointed frown, but not one that is directed towards the man. It's all for my parents. I'm not even surprised that they'd do something like that, if I'm being honest. There's no way they could've bought all that junk otherwise.

"With the interest... well, let's say that they owe me more than what it's possible to make in a lifetime by now. More than whatever I found in that house is worth. Besides you, of course. Once we find them, you'll be released but in the meantime... I'm going to keep you by my side, a simple safety measure, mind you".

He hums before adding, "Though... in the possibility that we don't find them again, I'm afraid to say that the debt repayment will fall onto your shoulders. A man's got to do what needs to be done to get his money back, so I hope you won't take it personal".

I drop my head between my hands as I breathe in deeply to keep myself from going crazy just yet.

I didn't bring my phone with me when I tried to flee so I can't even call the police to report what's going on right now, nor can I message any of my soulmates. This isn't good at all.

"Well, if it matters at this point, we'll treat you right, so don't worry. Once we've got the money we're owed, we'll let you go and you'll be able to continue your life just as before, though... it might never happen. Still, could be worse, right? We don't mistreat women, as long as you listen to the rules".

I don't say anything to that as I keep my gaze on the window to try and pinpoint where the heck they're taking me, and I'm not requested to say anything either.

He seems to not mind the silence too much, because he deems the conversation over just as quickly as it started as he leans back in his seat with closed eyes, something about how he's exhausted after working so hard for the last week.

The rest of the ride goes by silently, and the further I'm taken away from home and the men I love, the less hopeful I am that I can even make it out of here alive at all.

It seems clear to me.

My parents have abandoned me to deal with their shit once more, and I'm going to have to take care of it all on my own.

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