{Chapter eight: Choking game}

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Maya's POV
It was now free period, I haven't seen Riley all day and Farkle...I don't like him so why would I care? I walk into the gym and look at the bleacher, I can back out now or do it. Whatever happens, I decide...I change my life. I do a 2 second debate and decide to walk under the bleachers. Missy was already there sitting down, she turned around as soon as I dropped my purse. She got up and walked over to me.

She took my hand, "Are you sure? I'm not going to judge you if you walk away. I was just joking about you coming around.  There's no pressure Maya, you can walk aw-"

"I'm sure Missy. I know what I'm doing." I tell her, but if I'm being honest...I have no fucking clue what's going through my thick skull.

"I know you not, but if you say that your ready...I'll do it for you. Just like drugs, you can overdose. I'll walk you through everything okay?" She asked me, I smile and nod. She walks me to her backpack and grabs her things, taking it closer to the end.

"Just in case you want to leave." She explains, I look at her and nod. She then kneels down and brings me down with her.

"Lay your head on my lap." She tells me making me nod and do so, "Now I'm going to place you hands around your neck...your going to feel lightheaded for just about 1 second then, you'll be 'put in another universe' as I like to call it." she explains. I take a deep breath and close my eyes, she placed her soft hands on my neck and presses her thumbs against my skin. My vision gets blurry and I feel the headache, afterwards I was sent to 'the other universe'.

My eyes fluttered open and she looked at me worried, "H-how was it?" she asked.

"Breathtaking." I say, she smiles and I hug her.

"Thank you, that was amazing." I say, she pats my back softly.

"I'm guessing this won't be your last time." She says, I smile and shake my head.

"Far from that." I tell her, she smiles excitedly. I look forward to see Darby standing there staring at us, I freeze up and she quickly walks away.


So, she played the game...she loved the feeling. Darby sees the two? Uh oh. What about that girl that was with Lucas last chapter? Do you think their dating? Don't be a ghost reader and comment your theory! Sorry it's short, they will be longer.

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