{Chapter seven: On second thought}

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Maya's POV
It's been a week since that choking game offer and Missy has been coming over since. Riley basically forgot about me except for today, because it's our 13 year anniversary.

Missy walks up to me with a grin, "Hey Maze." she says. I smile at my brunette friend.

"By the way, happy best friend-iversary." She says, I smile and thank her. Silence comes upon us and she eventually speaks.

"I think I'm going to go to my locker." Missy says, I nod and hug her. As she leaves I watch how happy she is, not a worry in the world...all because of that game.

"Hey Maya." I hear behind me, I turn around on my heel and smile coming face to face with my brunette bestie.

"Hey Riles, excited for today?" I ask, she nods and squeezes Farkle's hand.

"Yes because today.." She starts making me move her hand to encourage her to continue, " is they day I met Farkle!" she screams. My face drops completely, maybe she's joking.

"Yeah and..."  I say, she furrows her eyebrows.

"It's Wednesday?" She questioned, I sighed. She actually forgot...I know that face, it's how I know she doesn't remember.

"Uh yeah, that's what today is." I say, she smiles and kisses Farkle. I feel tears well up in my eyes and close them.

"Well, I'll let you two be alone." I say backing away, I then bump into someone. I knew who it was by the way I was pressed up against him. I slowly turned around to see him holding hands with a brunette.

"Hey Maya." He smiled, I gave him a weak smile and a small wave.

"Hey Lucas." I said back, he looked at me for a minute before the brunette tugged on his arm.

"Come on Lucas, we haven't finished what we started." She said smiling, he looked at her and nodded.

"Bye Maya." He said dealing his hand from the girl and wrapping his arms around my waist, I wrapped mines around his neck taking in his strong scent. The bell rang making us separate and he grabbed the girl's hand and they walked off. I sighed, my best friend forgot about me..my crush has a girlfriend. I have nothing but Miss-Missy! I smile and run to math, even though I have science.

I knock on the door making someone open it, "Yes?" the teacher asked.

"Oh, yes Missy has to go to the principal's office." I tell him, he looks at her and nods. She grabs her textbook and binder then walked my way. We walked out the door and I started to walk, until she grabbed my arm.

"Okay, I know you Maya. What's the real reason you called me here?" She asked, I was surprised. Riley wouldn't of noticed that I lied. I try to walk away from her but she tightens her grip.

"Maya, what's wrong?" She asked me, my vision gets blurry indicating tears. She then brings me into a hug.

"Riley forgot what today was." I say, she puts her hand on my shoulders and pushes me back a little.

"What how could she?" She asked, i shrugged. She took her math textbook and began to walk away.

"Where are you going?" I ask her, she turned around with a angry look.

"To beat a bitch." She told me, I sighed and grabbed her arm.

"It's not her fault, I was hoping. Just like what I was with Lucas." I whisper the last part. She looked at me and hugged me again. I knew what I had to do, there may be consequences and it could be dangerous...but I need an escape.

"Oh Maya I'm so s-"

"I want in." I tell her, she stops hugging me and looks me in the eyes.

"Are you sure?" Missy asked, I stared at her chocolate brown orbs and nodded.

"Okay, free period...we do it then. Under the bleachers." She tells me, I nod. She then hugs me again, but tighter. I hug back and smile.

There you have it, Maya wants to play the game! How will this turn out, what about the dangers? We'll see!

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