Chapter 16: Childhood Friends

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3rd Person View

"I think the others will be here in a few moments." Y/N said while he, Yang and Neptune stand outside the bar.

"So what should we do in the meantime?" Yang questioned putting on her helmet.

Suddenly, they heard Nixium's voice from Y/N's scroll inside his pocket. He hastily grab it then the three of them listen.

"Everyone! if you can hear me, we need back up-"

Sun's audible screaming appeared in the background.

"Nooww!!!!" Nixium finished.

"Augh, for crying out loud." Weiss said then rushed to where they are.

A mech then was seen from Y/N's location as the three of them look at each other.

"I think that was them." Neptune pointed out.

"Yeah, let's go." Yang then starts the engine and zoom out chasing them.

Y/N's started jumping from roof to roof, catching up as well. Nixium, Blake and Sun continuously jumps in each car passing by whilst Roman still chase after them sending off the cars out of his way. Behind the mech, are Yang and Neptune attacking from behind. Y/N then appeared and used Bloody Aimer to shoot dust bullets at it. Neptune then jumps on the mech and used his weapon to prevent himself from getting off.

Sun then assisted him by using his semblance, sending off his clones to the mech then exploded. He was about to jump and attack but Neptune was send off his direction causing the both of them to be sent away.

"Blake, I'm in position." Weiss said through her scroll.

She then jumps and lands on the road where Roman was about to run through her. She then used an ice dust and froze the road around her, ending up the mech slipping and land on the outside place where Ruby stood.

The six of them then stand in front of Roman with their weapons prepared.

"You guys ready?" Y/N asks.

"You bet I am!" Yang replies.

"We'll go with our team moves first. Nixium and Y/N, you two will do yours later." Ruby stated.

"All right. All I wanted was to finish that ugly pokemon for good." Nixium scoffs.

"Okay then, Freezerburn!" Ruby yelled.

Y/N, Blake, Ruby and Nixium then backed away as Weiss then freeze the ground around her and Yang jumping up punching the frozen ground afterwards causing a haze to form. With that, Roman was blinded by the fog and walks around trying to search for his target. Team RWBY just around, trying to attack at the right moment.

Roman started shooting around until Ruby charges and hit the mech then lands on her feet.

"Checkmate!" She yelled.

Blake and Weiss then charges forward and attack by the foot. Roman shoots them with missiles but they soon dodged and backs away, then he shoots again but unfortunately Weiss was hit and got sent back then quickly use her semblance on Blake which made her temporarily stronger.

Roman fires missiles again and were destroyed by Blake before it even lands on her. Ruby runs passed Blake and strikes.


The duo repeatedly strikes at the legs until Roman fires which made them jump but ending up causing one of the arms of the mech to be separated from the body. Yang then jumps from the back and continuously punches it, then the mech quickly runs backwards hitting a pillar causing Yang to be hit by the force as well. Roman then punches her, she slowly stands up and was about to use her semblance to attack again. But a hand placed on her shoulder stopped her.

"I think you four had enough, now it's time for us to enjoy." Y/N said letting go of her shoulder and holds Dark.

Behind them, is Nixium holding Light as her face is plastered with a determined expression.

"Oh I can't wait to kick his ass!!" She said.

"Did you just said that word?" Y/N questioned.

"What word?" Nixium ask confused.

"You know what? Nevermind, let's finish this already."

The two of them then charge forward and each jump from either side with Y/N on the left and Nixium on the right. Roman fires at Y/N but was easily dodged and then he jump in front of the mech and give the other arm a slash, which it also got cut off. The two then repeatedly slash at the left leg until Y/N jumps and grab hold on the front then use Bloody Aimer to shoot at the engine inside using a fire dust, which it made the whole mech explode and destroyed.

"Just got this thing cleaned!" Roman stated.

Y/N then aims his gun at Roman and fires one more shot until someone jumps in front of him and blocks the shot using the pink umbrella their holding.

"Dammit..." Y/N mumbled.

The umbrella was removed from their faces, revealing Roman all right and the same girl as described from Y/N's story. When Nixium saw her face, she couldn't help but feel shock.

"Ladies. Gentleman. Loli." Roman started.

"I'll cut your head off for calling me that!!" Nixium yelled.

Her yelling caused Neo's attention to be on her, making her shock as well by seeing her but soon regain her composure.

"Always a pleasure. Neo if you would." Neo then bows and the two of them remain there.

Yang decided to attack and punch them but when she laid a hit, the both of them shattered into small pieces glass and the both of them appeared on a bullhead flying away.

"They got away!" Weiss said.

"So I guess he got a new henchman."

"Yeah, I guess she really made our plans..." Ruby paused.

"Fall apart?" Weiss finished.

Without them noticing, Nixium spaced out thinking about Neo.

"No... Just no." Yang said to Weiss.

"What? But you do it." She retorts.

"There's a time and place for jokes." Yang said.

"Was this not it?" Weiss ask.

"No, it just wasn't very good." Yang and Blake started to walk off followed by Weiss.

"Well, at least I'm trying."

"Hey Nix." Y/N called out.

"Huh? Sorry, I was just.... thinking." She said.

"Is there something had been bothering you?" He ask her.

"Oh, it's nothing. It's just...... Neo." She said.

"That girl? I also remember her from that day I destroyed the building. So how'd you know her?" He ask.

"I'll tell you later, for now let's go back. And wait..... Where are Sun and Neptune.

In a noodle stand, both Sun and Neptune were sitting eating noodles.

"They're probably fine, right?" Neptune ask.

"Probably." Sun replied.

Neptune turns back and continue eating noodles.

The Next Day

In the halls of Beacon, team RWBY are walking around not knowing what to do in the meantime.

"Last night was exhausting." Yang started.

"We should start an investigation again if Roman did something troublesome." Ruby said.

"It would probably be worse than last night." Blake said.

When they were about to pass Y/N and Nixium's dorm, they suddenly heard faint voices.

"Dammit! We're already here for almost a year and we still can't use our semblance properly!" Nixium's voice was heard.

The four of them stopped in from of the door and decided to listen to their conversation.

"Calm down, we'll eventually be able to use it." Y/N said.

"We have this semblance for two years now and we still can't use it. Maybe we shouldn't have ever attended this combat school. I rather have just stayed back home." Nixium said.

"You seem to be off at the moment, you usually don't act like that. What's wrong?" Y/N ask him.

"Two words. I'm frustrated." She said.

"What's the reason?"

"I rather not tell. I'll be out in Vale for a few hours to refresh myself."

Nixium then walks to the door and opens it, team RWBY were standing in front her.

"Uh.... Hi?" Ruby awkwardly waves.

"So you've been listening to our conversation this whole time? You know what? I don't care, I should go now."

She walk right passed them and walk off. Team RWBY looks at her confused then they gaze at Y/N.

"Is she all right?" Weiss ask.

"She just need some time alone. She'll be back to herself soon." He answered.

"Do you have anything to do today?" Yang ask him, hugging his arm.

"Yang, please stop..." He said.

"Awww, you're no fun." She pouts.

"How 'bout we play some games." He said to them.

"Sure." Weiss said.

"Okay!" Yang happily accepted.

"I'm in! How about you Blake?" Ruby ask.

"I have nothing to do anyway." She replied.

Y/N then let the four girls inside the dorm and the five of them just spend the day playing games.

Nixium's POV

Walking around in Vale, I started to think what should I do today to calm myself. I pass by many people and accidentally bumped into someone.

"Ow, huh?" I then look at the person and suddenly my eyes widen.

The person I bumped into was Neo, her eyes wide as well and started to back up before running away from me. I started chasing her in every street until I could see her stop. I slowly approach her and went in front of her, she isn't moving at all. I then realize her semblance, my fist made contact with the illusion and then it broke into pieces. I jumped on a building and look around then I saw her running then started to chase her and cornered her in a few buildings.

"Neo! Where have you been?! I was searching for you!" I said to her.

She remained silent and draw her weapon which is the same as mine, but hers can be pulled out of the umbrella.

"Why are you doing this?" I ask.

Like always, she stays quiet.

"I'm not going to fight you, I just want my childhood friend back." I said to her.

She slowly lowers her weapon and looks at me with a sad expression. I then smiled at her and slowly approach her, lending my hand to her.

"How about we hang out right now? Just like before?"

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