Chapter 17: Day Off

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"Sooo, what are we gonna play?" I ask the four girls.

All of them seem to be thinking something so I only remained silent waiting for their respond.

"Truth or Dare! Let's play that!" Ruby announced.

"That? That game is for old school, but nonetheless I wanna play it." Weiss gives an uninterested look.

"Okay, sure." Blake responded.

"Yeah! We should definitely play that! I could even learn a thing or two about my fiance." Yang suddenly hugs me.

"How can you be my fiance when we're not even together?" I said.

"Don't ruin this!" She said.

"Let's use this bottle and spin it on the center and whoever is pointed by the cap, will be asked if truth or dare." Ruby placed an empty bottle on the center of our circle and spin it.

Yang finally let go of me and just sit beside me, the five of us waited for the bottle to stop but unfortunately...

"Hey guys!!! What are you playing?!" Nora barged in the dorm with the rest of her team behind her.

"Nora! I told you to not enter inside! Oh hey team RWBY." Jaune waves at us.

"Hello everyone!" Pyrrha smiles.

"If you guys wanna join, get inside now while the bottle is still spinning!" I yelled.

The four of them complied and we made room for them to sit.

"So what game are we playing?" Ren ask.

"Truth or Dare, whoever gets to be pointed by the bottle will be asked if truth or dare." Blake answered.

"Quiet everyone, the bottle is slowing down now." Ruby excitedly said.

As the bottle gets spinning slower and slower, it finally stopped and was pointed at...

"Blake! Truth or Dare?!" Nora and Ruby ask in sync.

"Uhmm, truth?" She responded.

"Hmm, truth, truth..... Oh! Why do you love reading that Ninjas of love book?" Ruby questioned her.

We all looked at her then slowly, her face started to get red and soon she stands up heading to the door.

"I'm just gonna get some air, be right back." She opens the door and got outside before closing it.

"That was wierd, I wonder what really is that book?" Weiss mumbled to herself.

"Wait! She hasn't answered it yet! Augh, fine let's go again." Ruby spins the bottle again.

We all intently watch the bottle spin until it stopped and is pointed at Ren.

"Truth." He said immediately

"How about, what is Nora to you?" Weiss ask.

"Really Weiss?" I ask looking at her deadpanned.

"What? There's nothing wrong with it!" She defended.

"I only view her as my best friend, nothing else." He said.

"Continue!" Nora shouted.

Pyrrha then spins the bottle and soon stopped at Jaune.

"Uh, I think I choose dare." He said.

"We'll let you do something easy for you." Yang said.

"C'mon, give me something harder." He demands.

"Do 50 push ups." She said.

All the color from Jane's face disappeared and started to sweat, gulping.

"S-sure! I can do that." He said.

He then positioned himself and started to do the push ups. Two minutes passed, Jaune is already having a hard time.

"23...24....25.......26!!" He stopped and lie down in the floor panting.

"Seriously? You've only been doing that for two minutes and you're already sweating rapidly." Weiss said.

"Why is it so hard!" Jaune shouted.

"Let's continue the game." I said then spin the bottle.

Unfortunately, the bottle is pointed at me. Spinning it put me in karma.

"Y/N! Truth or Dare?!" All of them but Ren ask.

"Uhhh truth?" I said.

"Do you have any love interest on someone?" Ruby ask.

I started to think of it. Do I like someone? I gaze at everyone and saw them having interested expressions, I guess they're eager to know even Blake got back inside and just sit on the bed like nothing happened.

"I actually do, but for some reason I like more than just one girl." I said.

"Are you... You know what, nevermind." Jaune said.

"So you like more than one girl? Wow, didn't know you have that in you. (Can I be one of them?)" Nora said.

"But even if he likes more girls, I'm still his number one!" Yang said.

"I never said that." I said.

"Okay, my turn." Ren spins the bottle.

The spinning bottle took longer than expected but it soon stopped and points at Weiss.

"I'll choose dare." Weiss said confidently.

"Okay then. I dare you to do seven minutes in heaven with Y/N." Ren said calmly.

"What?!" Me, Nora, Pyrrha, Weiss and Yang said in unison.

"Why would I do that with him?!" Weiss ask.

"Yeah! No one gets to do that with Y/N except me!" Yang said.

"I'm not even gonna ask...." I lay my head on my palm.

"You choose dare, so you have to do the dare." Ren said.

"F-Fine...." Weiss said blushing then she quickly grabs me and dragged me to the bathroom.

But before the bathroom door closes, I could see Ren put on a black sunglasses and showing me a thumbs up.

"(Damn you Ren!)"

Me and Weiss just stand in front of each other looking away feeling awkward due to our situation.

"We'll just stand like this for the next seven minutes and nothing will happen between us." Weiss reminded me.

"I know, like I'll do it." I said.

Weiss Fans: Just Do It!!

"(Shut up you Ice queen servants!)"

"This is awkward..." She said with a blush.

"I know." I replied.

"So what should we do, except for that." She ask.

"I don't know, talk?"

"Where's your cousin by the way?" She ask.

"Out in town, she doesn't want to be bothered for now."

"Why? Did something happen?" She ask.

"I don't know, she just started acting like that since last night. And that new henchman of Roman's, she seems familiar to me like I've seen her before." I said.

"Hey Y/N.." She called.


"Do you perhaps have some time tomorrow?"

"I do, is there something you want me to do for you?" I ask.

"Well I was wondering, if you would like to hang out together?" She ask looking away.

"Like a date?"

"W-well, if you want to call it that..." She started to blush as I began to blush as well.

"S-sure, it's a date then. What time should we meet up?" I ask flustered.

"Maybe about five?"

"Okay then, I'll pick you up in your dorm tomorrow." I said.

Weiss Fans: Yaaaaassss!!!


I then look at my watch and saw that it is now seven minutes passed. I open the door and me and Weiss were surprised by everyone else falling on the ground.

"Wait, you guys been listening the whole time?!" Weiss yelled.

"Augh... We can't hear what you both said because your voices so soft and incoherent by this door!" Nora shouted.

Me and Weiss sigh in relief as the others stand up and we all got out of the bathroom.

"So did you do it?" Jaune ask.

"No." Me and Weiss said bluntly.

"Thank Oum." Yang sighed in relief.

"All right, game's over. You all can go on now." I said grabbing Bloody Aimer.

"Are you going to do something today?" Blake questioned.

"Yes, and that is a business that no one but me to know." My hand then placed two fire dust vials on two slots and closed it.

"Awww, no fair." Ruby pouts.

All of them then walk out of my dorm and closed the door. I sit on my bed and stared at a random direction with a frown.

"I probably should go for a walk later."


In the town of Vale, two individuals were walking on the side spending their day together.

"I didn't know you would be working for that pokemon. What happened after you disappear?" Nixium ask Neo.

Neo shaking her is the response to her friends question then looking down with a lonely expression afterwards. Nixium couldn't help but sigh.

"I see.... How about we stop at an ice cream shop?"

Her face lit up and smiled happily at her before nodding.

"You still never changed." The white haired faunus smiled.

The two of them entered an ice cream shop and took a sit on a vacant spot. A minute later a waiter approached them and asked for their order. Each of them ordered an ice cream and the waiter writes it down the notepad then bowed before walking away.

"Hey Neo...." Nixium started the conversation.

She look at her with a confused expression.

"Do you perhaps, were saved by a blonde boy years ago?" She ask.

Neo thinks for a moment trying to remember the events from her youth. Her response was a nod.

"I guess Y/N did save you. I'm glad you're safe." She said.

When Nixium said that, Neo's eyes widen a bit. Her friend look at her confused.

"Judging by your reaction, yes he's the boy from last night when we're trying to stop your boss." Nixium said.

Neo let out an expression of realization until their ice creams finally arrived. The two fo them just started eating their food, not bothering to make a conversation.

In Beacon, Y/N was walking through the hallway heading his way towards the elevator. But he suddenly bumped into two familiar faces with the other one unknown to him.

"Oh, hey Y/N. Didn't know you were in Beacon." Emerald greets him.

"Emerald was it?" Y/N ask.

"Yep, we're one of the exchange students." She replied.

"So who's she?" He pointed at the woman who looks to be older.

"Oh pardon my rudeness, my name is Cinder Fall. I'm one of Emerald's teammates. Pleasure to meet you." She lends out her hand.

He shook hands with her and smiled before letting go.

"Pleasure to meet you too, Cinder. How about we talk later, I still have some business to do." Y/N said.

"I see, well I look forward to it." She replied.

He walked passed them and waved then soon enter an elevator.

"You're right Emerald, he is interesting. Perhaps we might be able to use him for our plans." Cinder said with a sinister smile.

"He is?" Mercury questions.

"Indeed he is, but in the right time he'll be useful to us." She replied.

The elevator door finally opened and Y/N stepped out standing inside of Ozpin's office.

"Good afternoon Mr. L/N." Ozpin greets him turning his chair around to face him.

"So professor, what are you going to tell me?"

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