Chapter 23: The Ladies' Man

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"How did it go with the confession?" Nixium asked when I entered the room.

"It did go well. I accepted her confession and now I'm dating two girls at the same time. And what's more? Weiss and Nora agreed to share me." I said sitting on my bed.

"That means the harem is growing slowly. You should be lucky to be a ladies man." She said while reading a book.

"Yeah I guess I should..." I said.

A knock was then heard from the door, I stand up from my bed and walk towards it before opening it to reveal Neo.

"Hi, Neo was it? What brings you here?" I asked her.

She points at Nixium who was engrossed on the book she is reading. I let Neo enter inside, while looking at the two of them. She first began poking her cheek multiple times then proceeding to wave her hand in front of her. Those attempts lead to no avail, she then touch her cat ears to which it responds with twitching but Nixium is still engrossed.

I could see Neo tapping her shoe with a pout on her face, this made me chuckle and she noticed it. Neo looks at me and showed me her message on a paper.

"Help me." It said.

Sighing, I approach them and stand beside Neo, I look at Nixium who was busy reading her book. I tried pulling the book from her hands but there grip is pretty tight so I let go. I flip a page many times as she keeps flipping it back. This made me look at Neo.

"There's one more thing to do. We need to sacrifice something." I said to her.

She looks at me confused as to what did I mean by that. I made a circle in the air with my hand and another smaller circle in the middle of the circle. Neo finally got what I meant and rushed out of the room before coming back with her right hand behind her. She showed me the donut she is holding and then she slowly poke her cheek with the said donut. It took a few seconds before she started reacting to it my sniffing. Her eyes slowly gaze at the donut then suddenly eat it along with biting Neo's hand.

Neo began to flail her arm to shake Nixium out. But she was still attached to her hand.

"Nix! Release her hand already!" I yelled while pulling her.

She remain there not listening to me. I kept pulling until she wasn't biting her hand anymore.

"Seriously Nixium, you gotta control yourself." I said putting her down.

"Sorry..... I guess I got carried away. I forgot that we were supposed to hang out today." Nixium said to Neo.

Neo looks at her with a pout then she grabs her and started drag her out of the room. I'm now alone in our dorm.

"(I wonder what I should do today? Maybe I should hang out with Nora or Weiss.)"

I walk out of the dorm and closed the door then walk through the halls before reaching team JNPR's dorm. I knock the door and in a second it opened.

"Hey Y/N!" Nora tackles me to a hug.

"Good to see you too Nora." I said hugging back.

"What brings you here, Y/N?" Ren ask.

"My team all had something to do but me, so I thought maybe I should hang out with you guys." I said with Nora letting go.

"You should definitely hang out with us!" Nora said before pulling me inside their dorm.

"Where are Jaune and Pyrrha?" I ask.

"The two of them are out somewhere training, specifically Pyrrha is training Jaune." Ren answers.

We look at Nora to see her preparing three stools. She grabs something from the drawer and then she tied three nooses on the ceiling.

"It's all done now!" Nora said joyfully.

"That's not the hang out that I meant Nora!!" I yelled.

"Oh, it's not?" She ask.

"I think you ate too much pancakes today." Ren sighs.

"Anyway, wanna go for a stroll around the academy?" I ask.

"Sure, we have nothing to do here anyway." Nora said.

The three of us left the dorm and walk around. We were having a nice conversation while walking.

"So how does it feel to have a relationship with Nora?" Ren whispered to me.

"Even though we had just began dating, I'd say it's going pretty well." I whispered back.

"Be careful though. When she requests for pancakes, you have to cook her at least thirty of them so she won't bother you." He said.

"That many?!" I was surprised.

"What are you guys talking about?" Nora looks at us with suspicion.

"It's nothing! It's just about uh.... guy's stuff! Yeah!" I said sweating.

"Hmmm....... Okay then!" She said.

"Good thing she buy that act." Ren said.

"Hey guys!!" Ruby waves.

"Hi Ruby." I said with a smile.

"What are you guys doing today?" She asked.

"Oh just walking around, nothing to do at all." Nora said.

"Say, wanna play video games with us?! It'll be fun!" Ruby offered.

"Why not? How about you two?" I look at Ren and Nora.

"I'm cool with it." Ren said.

"I accept!" Nora said.

"Great! Let's go to my dorm!" Ruby led the way to her and her team's dorm.

The rest of her team were inside doing their own business. Blake reading a book, Weiss studying, and Yang playing video games.

"Yang! Y/N, Ren and Nora decided to play with us! Where's the third controller?" Ruby approaches her sister.

"Oh hey cutie!" Yang looks at me and waves.

I wave back and look at Weiss to see her still studying. I approach her while letting Ren and Nora help Ruby find the controller.

"Hello Schnee." I said.

"Hey Y/N." She said smiling at me.

The day goes on as all of us in the room are having a lovely conversation while playing video games with Ruby and Yang.


Somewhere in Beacon, Neo and Nixium are having a great time together.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Neo's note was showed to Nixium.

"Okay! You can tell me anything!!" She shouted.

Neo then covers her mouth with her hand, she tries to remove her hand but Neo remove it herself instead.

"If you're going to keep a secret, you at least have to stay quiet before they tell you."

"S-sorry, I will be quiet this time. I promise." She said.

Neo nods then looks to the side with a light blush on her cheeks. Nixium looks at her confused but deep inside, she imagines herself having a smirk.

"(Narrator, please continue. I wouldn't want to put this moment into waste)" Nixium thought...

Er..... S-sure. You know you don't have to tell me.

Neo then looks back at at the white haired faunus with the blush still on her. She shows Nixium the note and then she reads it.

"I actually had feelings for your cousin."

"Ohhh, you mean Y/N?!" She said in a loud tone.

Neo looks at her with a glare then she proceeds to smack Nixium on the head so hard that a large bump had immediately formed.

"Ow! Why did you do that?!" She yelled with tears appearing on her eyes.

"Didn't I told you to keep quiet?!"

"I know, I'm sorry!" She apologized.

Neo sighs and forcefully pushed the bump back in Nixium's head.

"Ow.... Don't worry Neo, the secret is safe with me!" She said to her with a smile.

The pink and brown haired girl loli... I-I mean girl smiled at Nixium.

"When the narrator said that, Neo immediately looks at a certain direction while glaring at the said narrator with an ominous aura coming from her. She grabs Nixium's umbrella with the pointy end pointed at the direction before throwing it." Nixium stated with a smirk.

Glass shattered. The fourth wall has been broken once again. Note, this is Slender Man. I couldn't afford hiring another narrator.

"Oh hi Slendy! What brings you here?" Nixium said.

Neo waves at me as I just sweat dropped.

I have to go now. Good bye. I snapped my fingers and disappeared.

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