Chapter 24: Prepared

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Nixium's POV

All of us watch Pyrrha fight Neo's teammate, who is Mercury. For me the fight they're having is boring because I've already seen this multiple times. I look to my side to see Aster leaning on his seat then yawning, I guess he's also bored by this. Then I look to my my other side to see Y/N just chatting with Blake and Emerald. The match ended with Mercury forfeiting.

"Well that was boring." I said.

"We still have time for another match. Anyone want to volunteer?" Professor Goodwitch said.

No one raised their hand nor uttered a word. The professor sighed, and scan something on the device she is holding..

"All right then I'll just have to choose among you. Let's see..... Y/N L/N and Neopolitan, please proceed to the arena." Professor stated.

"Me? Augh..... I'm already tired after the training.... Other than that, let's just finish this." Y/N stands up.

My cousin and best friend in disguise both enter the arena standing across from each other. Y/N draws his sword and Neo draws the blade of her umbrella weapon. My ears began twitching in excitement, Blake noticed this.

"Is something wrong with you, Nixium?" She asked.

"I'm completely fine! It's just that I'm excited to see my cousin and my best friend to fight!" I said.

"I guess that's normal. (I hope he impress me more with his strength.)" Blake said.

"Ready, begin!"

The whole room was silent, the two of them slowly walk towards each other making everyone wonder what will happen next. They stand against each other with smirks.

"I hope you can keep up with me." He said to her.

Neo just smiled and strikes her blade to the side, Y/N jumps to avoid the attack. After that, they both began clashing their blades. Both of their moves are elegant like they were dancing. I was so amazed by their fight that I began to act like a child that had just seen a magic trick. Y/N throw his sword aside and began to use hand to hand combat, when Neo saw this she just smirked and dodge every attack. He then sent a kick on her stomach that cause her to slide back.

His attacks then became more aggressive the same for Neo. I look at the large screen to see their auras still in green. I felt a tap on my shoulder and gaze at the side to see Aster standing up.

"Let's go now." He said.

"Now?! Can it wait?" I pout.

"If you want to use that semblance sooner then you have to listen." He said.

"Fine..." I stand from my seat and grab Midnight Killer.

"Where are you two going?" Blake ask.

"We'll be out training. Can you tell Y/N that we will be waiting for him in the courtyard." I said.

"Sure." She said.

Me and Aster got out of the class and walk through the halls, I look at him with a dead panned expression.

"What are you lookin' at?" He asked with a raised brow.

I remain silent then my gaze at him turned into a glare. He began to sweat and look away.

"Aster....." I said in a cold voice.

"What?" He said.

"Your jacket..." I pointed at his jacket.

"What's wrong with my jacket?" He ask.

"It has ketchup stain. Just by looking at it makes me uncomfortable." I said.

"For crying out loud. I thought it was something so serious." He said.

"I want a donut." I said.

"No." Aster said.


After minutes of walking, the two of us are finally outside the academy and in the courtyard. I sit on a bench by the fountain and place my weapon on my lap. Leaning on the bench I look up at the sky to see the cloud covering the sun.

"Should we start now?" I asked.

"Yep, let's have a spar here." He said.


My match with Neo ended up in a draw, I help her stand up and grab my sword. I got back to my seat and noticed my team aren't here at all.

"Hey Blake, where's my team?" I ask.

"They are waiting for you in the courtyard." She said.

"Oh, okay thanks. I have to go now." I immediately ran out of the room and head towards the courtyard.

After I got there, I could see the two of them having a spar. Approaching them, they soon noticed my presence. They stopped sparring and then the three of us began training.

It's been an hour since we started training, I could feel and see that I'm getting more used to it. I was so excited to be able to use my semblance soon that I challenged my cousin to a match. She accepted my challenge my challenge and the two of us began to fight. We spend the rest of our time training until the bell rang.

I sat down eating my lunch with my team along with Team RWBY. I just remain eating my food while they were talking, Weiss sat across from and grabs my attention.

"Wanna hang out later after class?" She asked with a smile.

"Sure, I can spend time with you and your team." I said.

"That'll be good, we can just stay in my team's dorm if you want."

"I'd prefer that, I don't want to go out right now. Training for hours makes me tired." I said.

Neo and Emerald then approached us. We look at them as they smile.

"Mind if we sit with you guys?" Emerald ask.

"Hey Emerald! Sure you can sit with us." Ruby said.

Emerald sat between Weiss and Ruby and Neo sta between me and Nixium. The ice cream girl looks at me as I look back. The two of us stare at each other until we realize how long have we been staring so we both look away from each other blushing.

"Hey guys, I remembered the dance is coming up. Have you guys found someone to go with?" Blake said.

"Y/N. Remember the harem." Nixium said to me.

"Oh..... Right....." I said.

"So who are you going with, Y/N?" Ruby ask.

"Hmm... Whoever asks me I'll accept, no matter how many they are." I cough afterwards.

"Then I'll go him! After all, he's my boyfriend." Weiss said.

"I'll go with him as well!" Yang said.

Team JNPR appeared and overheard our conversation. Nora stated that she will also go with me and I could hear Pyrrha say it too.

"Having a harem is pretty hard right?" Aster whispers to me.

"And I'll put the blame on Nixium for that." I said sighing.

Neo then grabs a donut and shows it to Nixium. She then began to drool and immediately bite it along with her hand. Neo began to freak out again as she stands up and began to flail her arm.

"Let go Nixium!" Blake yelled.

I then grab her and began to pull her once again. All of the students' attention were drawn to us. After trying to pull her for about a minute now, she finally let go.

"Sorry.... I guess I got carried away again. Hehehehe...." She gave an innocent smile.

"Seriously you really have to stop doing that. You're making your best friend afraid of you now." I pointed at Neo was shaking.

"I need more donuts...." She said.


"So anything new?" The amber eyed female stated.

"I've heard from Emerald that the L/N's are getting used to their semblance. They're always out during halfway through Oobleck's and Goodwitch's classes." The grey haired boy said.

"I remember they have another team member that is also skilled at combat, correct?" She questioned.

"Well, I haven't seen him fight before but perhaps me might be." He said.

"Those three will really be a threat to our plans. Tell Roman and the White Fang to hasten their work. I'll go and report the info to the others." She then stands up and walks away.

"I overheard your conversation. Those two were the ones who are also with Red who ruined the recruiting." Roman appeared behind Mercury.

"We just have to wait for Cinder's orders on what to do with them." Mercury said.

"Keep an eye on Neo for me all right?" Roman walks away.

"Yeah, yeah." Mercury replied.

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