Chapter 27: Rehearse

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"Come on!! Let's join the contest! It'll be fun!" Nixium yelled.

Me, Aster and Nixium are in our dorm once again discussing about joining or not joining the contest. For us to join, it requires the whole team so if one of us didn't agree we won't be able to. Right now, my annoying cousin is trying to convince Aster into joining to which he keeps denying. She then began to shake him as she repeats the same sentence.

"Let's join!" She said.

"For the hundredth time, no I will not join that stupid contest! What are we gonna perform anyway?!" He questioned as he tries to get out of her shaking grasp.

"I've been thinking about it, how about a magic show?" I suggested.

"Magic show, huh? Then who will do the magic." He asked.

"Maybe the three of us should do it, let's just take turns. I'm sure it's going to make the crowd excited." I said.

"But we only have three days to prepare and practice before the dance to begin." Aster said.

"Worry not! Let's us break the fourth wall and time!!" Nixium said with a light bulb glowing above her.

"Breaking the fourth wall again? But isn't it already broken and some readers might hate it when you break what's already broken." I said.

"Nah, I'm sure they're fine with it! Now let's go practice our magic!" Aster stated.

"Fine.... I think I'm the one being dragged in this again." I said.

"We must not let everyone else know about this. So where should we practice secretly?" Aster asked.

"Hmm, how about we meet in the old warehouse when me, Blake and Sun were spying on the White Fang." Nixium said.

"Sure then, let's meet later at 3 o'clock sharp." I said.

"For once you are useful Nixium." Aster said.

"What does supposed to mean?!" She glares at him.

"Nothing, you're just doing nothing but eat donuts." He said.

She then just punched him on the stomach causing him to clutch it.

"Why?!" He yelled then fell on the floor.

"I should be going now, see you guys in the warehouse!" She said then walked out of the dorm.

I look down to see Aster in a fetal position hugging his abdomen, he seems to be mumbling something under his breath. Clearing my throat, I sat down and poked his head with my finger.

"You okay Aster?" I asked.

He slowly looks at me and suddenly sit up, holding my shoulders while having an enrage face.

"This is preposterous, how dare she.... How dare she punch me like that! I'll make her pay..... by using Mickey to steal all the donuts in the world! Hahaha!!" He let go of me and began to laugh evilly.

"Er..... S-sure, go ahead." I said having a sweat drop.

He then began to blabber about ways on how to make Nixium pay for what she did to him. This caused me to shiver down my spine, the aura he is having reminded me of someone.

"I should go now, don't wanna ruin your moment here." I quickly said and immediately got out of our dorm and slam the dorm closed.

I sigh and walk a few meters and sat on the floor, leaning my back on the wall. Since I still have a few more hours to spend before the three of us meet up in the warehouse. Sighing again, I just grab my scroll and began to tap whatever I want. A person then stands in front of me, looking away from my scroll, I face the person and saw it was Emerald.

"Need something?" I asked.

"No, but why are you sitting here?" She asked.

"I don't want to be in my dorm right now." I said.

"Why is that?" Emerald looked at me curiously.

"You don't wanna know." I shivered after saying that.

"Anyway, got something to do than just that?" Her hands are on her sides.

"Actually, no. I don't have anything to do but wait for me and my team to head out." I said.

"Wanna go for a walk while you wait? It's boring if you just sit there and tapping around with your scroll." She said.

"Sure, I could use some company." I said standing up and putting my scroll in my pocket.


After all about that nonsense Aster kept saying, he finally calmed down. Sitting on his bed, he started to think what he should do in the mean time.

"(Maybe I could use the four hours on destroying all the donuts and replacing it with pizza! Yes! That'll be a great idea!)" He thought.

Standing up and grabbing my weapons, he head outside and summon one of Nixium's enemies, Mickey Mouse.

"Mickey! I want you to go to every town and eat all the donuts, also include the ingredients on how to make it. Let everyone know especially that Goddess of Donuts that pizza rules!!" He said to him.

"Aha! Got that!" He then exited the school by smashing through the window.

He then started to laugh evilly once again as the thought race through his mind. Some students around noticed him laughing and felt rather uncomfortable so they quickly ran away from him.

"Oh yeah, I forgot to return this book called "Fire Melts Ice" to the library. Gotta put it back before something happens." He said to himself while holding a book.

He then began to walk towards the library while whistling his way there. Three and a half hours had passed, and there is only thirty minutes left before their rendezvous. Since the warehouse was a bit far away from where Beacon is, the three of them decided to head out now with the materials they might need for their practice.

Aster, arrived two minutes early with Y/N arriving two minutes later, which means he made it in time. They stand in front of the warehouse's broken wall, wear the mech that Roman and the White Fang stole break through when the infamous criminal went after Blake and the other two. Y/N looked at his watch and saw that it was thirty four seconds since he arrived.

"She's a few seconds late, she never goes by the rules." Y/N sighs.

"Let's just go inside and wait for her." Aster stated.

The two of them enter inside using the large hole from the wall, later, they then saw a white haired cat faunus sitting on the stage while humming a tune. Her eyes were close, but her faunus ears were twitching meaning she noticed the two.

"And I thought Y/N was the the punctual one. Heheheh." She giggles mischievously.

"And what do you mean by that?" He asked his cousin.

"Well I said we should meet in the old warehouse and you said at three o'clock sharp. I arrived her just now and I am in the warehouse, not out." She said.

"Good grief, let's just practice our performance already so we can go back early." Aster said.

"Okay, got all the stuff?" Y/N said.

"Yep!" His two teammates said in unison.

"Great! Now let's get started!"

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