Chapter 6

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I'm jolted from my sleep by Katniss' screams. She's been having terrible nightmares for the last few weeks, increasing more and more after she found out she was pregnant. Not necessarily every night, but they haven't allowed either one of us much sleep either.

I shake Katniss' shoulder to snap her out of the nightmare and she shoots up next to me, gasping.

"I was just a dream," I repeat over and over again as I pull her out off our tangled blankets like I do nearly every night lately. She kind of rocks herself a little, wide eyed before finally crying.

"I'm sorry," She whispers between sobs. "Its just, can't help but have them." I slowly guide her to me and she just shudders with her sobs against my chest.

"Can you please tell me what this was about tonight?" I ask her. She shakes her head and I gently run my hand up and down her arm. She starts to calm down a little and I reach out to touch the small growth of her stomach that has come as her baby grows. She bats my hand away.

"Peeta, don't," she whispers. Although she admitted it, Katniss still hates the thought that she did indeed get pregnant, especially the way we wereforced to concieve. She has gone to one appointment after finding out to prove that she was and to get the things the government requires of her, but she refuses that we talk about it.

She especially is very adimite that I don't feel her pregnant belly.

Her breathing becomes more even than before but she is still very jumpy as I move her off me and she looks back at me. I slowly reach for the edge of her nightgown and she flinches away from me

"What are you doing?" She asks very accusingly. I gently run my knuckles against her ribs and her shaken, tear filled eyes meet mine.

"You trust me, don't you?" I ask, still gently rubbing her side. She watches my hand a moment before looking back at me and nodding slowly. I gently pull her silken nightgown up off her sweaty body and over her head. She pulls a blanket up over her front and looks at me as I get up and grab her hairbrush.

"What are you doing?" Katniss asks. I get back on the bed behind her and starting at the ends, slowly brush out her long silky hair. It falls in a wavy, raven colored curtain down her back and she sighs, obviously feeling a little better. I stop and her head snaps back again.

"Lay down," I say and she searches my face for a moment before laying down on her stomach. I lay down next to her and she turns her head to face me. I reach out and tuck her hair behind her ear. I reach out and gently run my fingers down her back, making Katniss shiver.

"Why are you doing this?" She asks.

"Just relax," is all I say as I gently try to soothe her. Her breathing slows and she starts to look at me a little more relaxed before her eyes look down.

"Its about them," she says after about ten minutes of me gently rubbing her back.

"What is?" I ask softly.

"My nightmare," Katniss replies. "I keep dreaming that they are just using us like cattle. To breed us like animals and then they take the babies and breed us again. I dream they take this child I'm carrying and make me do this all over again as soon as I'm fertile again. I can't Peeta. I can't do this again." I stop stroking her back for a moment and then reach out and touch her cheek, wiping away a stray tear.

"It'll be okay," I say. "I won't let them do that. If they try, I'll take you and our baby and we'll runaway." She looks at me a moment and then raises her head.

"You're serious," she says. "Peeta, we'd never make it. Not with a baby. Not out in those woods. You've never been there. I have. There is nothing out there. We can't raise a child out there."

"What about 13?" I ask and she laughs.

"Peeta, I know you blondes have a reputation for being a little dense, but you can't be serious," she says. "13 is long gone. Almost a hundred years now. It might as well never gave exhisted. Besides," she rolls over and lays on her back looking up at the ceiling. "I am my mother's daughter. This whole situation is probably me just catching a touch of her crazy." We both laugh and I sit up and look over her.

"You aren't crazy, Katniss," I say. "But you are probably right. Its probably just nerves about how carefully and strictly they treat you. But I want you to know, I will do everything in my power to keep both of you with me and safe." She smiles and reaches up and touches my cheek lightly.

"I know you will," she says and I smile.

"Go back to sleep," I say softly. "You need your rest. And honestly, so do I." Katniss frowns and looks at her hands folded over her middle.

"I'm sorry for waking you," She says and I shake my head laying down beside her.

"Its fine Katniss," I say. "You can't control your nightmare and there are far worse reasons I could be woken up for." She's silent for a moment and I almost feel safe to fall asleep when she speaks.

"You can touch it," she says and I look over at her. "The baby I mean."

"Katniss, I know you don't want that," I say and she shakes her head.

"Its yours too," she says softly. "Its nothing special, but if you want to feel it, you should be able to."

"Okay," I say softly. I reach slowly beneath the covers and run my fingers across her soft skin, resting on her stomach.

"No, not there. Its lower," Katniss says and she lays her slender hand over mine, guiding it down, just below her belly button. "Its right around here." I keep my hand there a moment and she looks over at me. "I've felt it move a little. Just inside me, but not a lot. Its very subtle."
I smile at her and kiss her forehead.

"Its still amazing," I say. "That there is really someone growing in there." She nods and we look at each other. I kiss her softly on the lips, feeling that intense feeling for her as I do. I pull away and she smiles at me.

"Goodnight Peeta," She says and I lay back down next to her, my hand still resting over my child, wishing I could say how much she means to me. But not wanting to ruin what little spark we have for each other, I just return the quiet words as I close my eyes and pull her close.

"Sweet dreams, Katniss."

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