Six: Sunday Bible Trivia

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Hey y'all!:)

I hope you enjoyed last weeks Bible trivia:)

If you are new here and don't know how the format works, you can just scroll up to the first week of Bible trivia chapter where you will discover how the format works.

Now I obviously I can't make sure you don't cheat and look up the answers, but my advice is to guess first and just let God led you through them. Then after I respond to your comment with the right answers (if you didn't get them right) you can look them up. But don't spoil the fun!

With that being said, let's get into it!:)

1: True or False: The Bible is the most popular book ever written, (by copies sold). 

(With this question all you have to do to answer it in the comments, is write 1:True or false, (whatever you choose:)

2: What is the first book in the Bible?

A: Ruth?

B: Jude?

C: John?

Or D: Genesis?

3: How many days did it take God to create the world?

A: Seven?

B: Three?

C: Six?

Or D: Five?

4: An angel placed God's seal on the foreheads of people who were faithful servants of God. How many people received the seal?

A: 82,000?

B: 49,000?

C: 144,000?

Or D: 777,000?

5: She who is at Babylon, who is likewise chosen, sends you greetings, and so does Mark, my son. Which ancient city did Peter attribute Babylon to?

A: The Babylon?

B: The Philistines?

C: The Persian empire?

Or D: The city of Rome?

6: Which Jewish holiday celebrates Esther's act?

A: Hanukkah?

B: Purim? 

C: Rosh Hashanah?

Or D: Yom kippur?

7: Which of the following is the primary lesson of the Parable of the Good Samaritan?

A: Prepare for the second coming of Christ? 

B: Only care for yourself and not others?

C: Love only Christians?

Or D: Love everyone including your enemy? 

8: Which of the following is the correct order of creation as recorded in Genesis?

A: Light; sky; earth and plants; heavenly lights; birds and fish; animals and man?

B: Light; heavenly lights; sky; birds and fish; earth and plants; animals and man?

C: Light; sky; birds and fish; animals and man; earth and plants; heavenly lights?

Or D: Light; sky; birds and fish; earth and plants; heavenly lights; animals and man? 

9: What is the message of the story of Jonah?

A:  God punishes evil people?

B: The superiority of the Israelites as God's chosen people?

C: God's love and compassion for all His people, pagans and Gentiles as well as His Chosen People?

Or D: The wicked and despicable ways of pagan and Gentile peoples and of Assyrians in particular? 

10: Which book of the gospels was written first?

A: Matthew?

B: Mark?

C: Luke?

Or D: No one knows?

Okay that is the ten Bible Triva questions of the week. If you're like me who has ADHD and has a hard time remembering things from the Bible, I find Bible trivia not only fun! But also, it helps me learn new things and remember things better. So, I pray this will also help you and I pray you'll have fun!:)

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