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Trigger warning: This chapter contains mentions of mental health.

In the weeks that followed, Helen continued to hurt Chloe in various ways. Chloe found that her chores were the least bad part.

One day, Chloe fell asleep while doing her homework, but when she woke up she found out that it was gone!

Chloe was devastated when she discovered where her book had gone - in the fireplace! But she had no time to cry over it as she had to stay up all night to redo her homework.

Chloe was so sleepy the next day that she could hardly function. The teachers were very annoyed when she didn't pay attention and scolded her and gave her extra homework, almost reducing Chloe to tears.

"Mr Moscow, I won't have time to finish all of this!"

"Then maybe you should have paid attention in my class!" yelled her teacher. "And if it's less than half marks, you will do it all over again three times!"

Chloe's classmates could see how tired Chloe was and was a lot more sympathetic to her. Gwen even offered to do some of the extra homework for her.

"Normally I disapprove of cheating, but it seems really harsh to punish you for being tired. You will never be able to finish it in your current state."

Chloe actually did burst into tears at that. "Oh Gwen, you are an angel. I usually wouldn't allow anyone to share my punishment, but honestly the teachers are mad if they think I can cope."

The only teacher who was lenient on Chloe was Mrs Clark. Although she gave Chloe a light ticking off, she just let her be.

Midway through the lesson, there was an announcement from the speakers. "Gwendolyn Bloom, please report to the principal's office!"

Gwen's eyes went wide open. She whispered to Chloe, "Don't worry. I will give you back your homework tomorrow." Then she went out of the door.

Chloe was so exhausted that she didn't even think of the choice of Gwen's words. She forced her tired eyes to stay open, but they were automatically closing...

"Miss Ella? Miss Ella?"

Chloe opened her eyes to find a very concerned Mrs Clark looking at her.

"School's over. Everyone has gone out already."

Chloe realized that she had fallen asleep in class! "I'm so sorry. This will never happen again."

"Well, I thought that you needed the rest and your class seemed to agree. I can always give you extra classes to help you catch up on anything you have missed. You know, you should have stayed at home and rested."

Chloe turned red. "Sorry. Where's Gwen?"

"Actually, she had a family emergency and had to leave school early," said Mrs Clark. "Do you mind if I drive you home? I don't want you falling asleep on the sidewalk."

Chloe agreed as she was still exhausted. Helen was out shopping, so the chances of her catching her out were slim.

Chloe fell asleep the minute she sat down in Mrs Clark's car. Chloe looked so tired that Mrs Clark didn't wake her up when she arrived at Chloe's house. She carried the sleeping girl to a couch and placed a blanket on her before leaving.

Chloe woke up a few hours later. She was confused on how she had ended up on the couch, but then her mind pieced together what had happened.

Gwen came back to school the next day, and although Chloe asked her questions about why did she have to go to the principal's office, she told her that it wasn't important.

Although Chloe found comfort in people like Gwen and Mrs Clark, her home life was unbearable. Helen continued to abuse her behind her father's back.

Mr Ella had to leave town for a business trip, and he left one early morning. Although he kissed Helen goodbye, he didn't think of going into his daughter's room and kissing her goodbye.

Without her father, Chloe started to fall into depression. Even her mother's fairy tale book didn't make her happy anymore.

Chloe had considered running away, but she knew Gwen and Mrs Clark might get worried if she suddenly disappeared. 

Chloe was so sad that she would cry herself to sleep every night. She felt like Rapunzel, trapped in a tower, only that there was no prince to rescue her.

To be honest, Chloe wasn't even convinced that fairy tales even existed in reality. Her father wasn't the kind soul fairy tale parents should be. Nobody was going to rescue her. And it wasn't as if Chloe could wish for a fairy godmother.

One day, Chloe discovered why Gwen was secretive about her home life. Chloe was going back home carrying a ton of groceries. But then she noticed Gwen going to the hospital.

"Why is Gwen going to the hospital?" asked Chloe. She decided to follow her.

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