How Can The Past Define You (Flashbacks)

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Three-year-old Chloe was holding on to her mother's hand, not wanting to let go.

That morning, her maternal grandmother had passed away and now she was at her funeral with her parents. Death sounded very scary to her right now.

"Mommy, where is Grandma?" she asked.

"Grandma went to heaven," said Mrs Ella.

"What is heaven?" asked Chloe.

"It's where people go to when they die," said Mrs Ella. "They will become beautiful angels."

"But why did Grandma have to die?" asked Chloe.

"People die every day. That's how life is," said Mrs Ella.


Seven-year-old Chloe stared blankly at a piece of paper. Her class was told to draw a picture of their mothers. But Chloe was unsure of how to draw her mother.

Should she draw her alive? Or should she draw her as an angel, since she was dead? Chloe tried drawing a beautiful angel in a flowery garden. It seemed good enough.

Suddenly, Chloe heard the familiar click of a key in the door. She ran to greet her father.

"Daddy, Daddy! I drew a picture of Mommy! Want to see?"

"Not now, Chloe. Daddy has to work," said Mr Ella.

"But you just came back from work," said Chloe.

"Yes, but I have some work to do at home," said Mr Ella. "I will order pizza later. You like that."

"But Daddy..."

However, Mr Ella had gone to his room, ignoring his daughter as usual as he had done since his wife's death.


Six-year-old Helen was sitting in her room. This was normal for her.

Her parents had always worshipped her beautiful, gorgeous older sister Marybelle. Marybelle was the prettiest girl she knew, with golden curls, wide blue eyes, and a cute smile.

Thanks to her looks, Marybelle could get away with committing murder when it came to her parents. Not that she would do that, of course.

That particular day, Marybelle and Helen were playing together outside, but they accidentally fell into the lake and got wet and dirty. They went home, expecting a big scolding.

However, Helen was punished and Marybelle got off scot-free. Helen had been angered by the injustice.

There was a soft knock on the door. "Sis, are you okay?" came a soft and sweet voice. "I'm sorry that Mom and Dad were very unfair. I brought you some jam tarts."

Helen opened the door and hugged her sister.


Eleven-year-old Helen was sick and tired of her parents' favouritism. They had given Marybelle an expensive looking dress for her birthday, but she only got a hand-me-down sweater for hers. Why did her parents insist on spoiling Marybelle and treat her like a servant?

Helen was very bad-tempered as she did all the housework. It was not only Marybelle who was spared from chores. Her parents thought that they didn't need to do the chores either.

Marybelle returned from school. Helen no longer went to school as her parents decided that her education wasn't important.

"Helen," said Marybelle. "My school is having a Valentine's Day dance, and we are allowed to bring guests."

Helen looked at Marybelle sulkily. "Mom and Dad will never allow me to go. Besides, I don't have a proper dress."

"You can borrow one of mine. Besides, I might be able to convince our parents that..."

Helen snapped. "Why do you get everything and I get nothing? It's not fair."

Marybelle looked hurt. "I know it isn't fair, but that's not my fault."

"Not your fault? You could have tried harder to make our parents treat me better."

"I have tried..."

"I hate you! I really, really hate you. I wish that you will die!"

Marybelle burst into tears and ran outside. However, a few seconds later, Helen heard screams and ran out as well.


Fifteen-year-old Helen still hadn't got over the shock of losing Marybelle to an accident. Marybelle had been hit by a car when she ran outside.

Helen's parents were bitter and angry. Although they didn't know about Helen's last words to Marybelle, they kept telling her that they wished she had died that day instead. Helen was angrier than ever, and she had started taking out her frustration on random neighbourhood kids.

Not just any random neighbourhood kids. The cute ones. The ones obviously loved by their parents. Especially sweet looking girls with blonde hair and blue eyes.

She pinched, she slapped, she even cut off the girls' long blonde hair. She even held a three-year-old girl underwater for a minute.

It wasn't long before the parents of the kids saw her as dangerous and told her parents, who started to hit her as well.

But as time went on, Helen realized that she wasn't doing herself any favours by being so obvious. So she instead instilled fear into those children by threatening them and hurting them where it really hurts.


Now at twenty eight, Helen smashed Chloe's photograph of her mother. Helen couldn't stomach looking at Chloe's face, which reminded her of Marybelle's. She was horribly jealous of the close relationship she had with her mother.

Meanwhile, Chloe sobbed over her mother's memory. She couldn't believe that Helen had destroyed something so precious to her. But she couldn't tell her father as he would ignore her as usual.

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