Chapter Nine

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Bailey opened her eyes to find herself surrounded by darkness. She couldn't see her hand and she couldn't feel a thing around her. All she felt was cold. The wolf curled up into a tight ball as she tried to keep herself warm. 

"Bailey..." a voice whispered to her.

Her head jerked up quickly as she glanced about the darkness. "W-Who's there?" She stuttered. 

"Hush little wolfie." A pair of red eyes and pearly white grin appeared a few feet away from her. "You have nothing to fear. Didn't you miss?" 

"Ch-Chase? No! Akako killed you! You aren't here! This isn't real!" Bailey yelled as she covered her ears and her eyes filled with tears. 

"But it is me. Do you know anyone else with my type of power?" the darkness grinned. 

"Well, no...but Akako crushed you! You can't be alive!" She stated. 

"I never said I was alive. Shadows are part demon, wolfie. And right now you are my captive." 

Bailey's wolf ears had appeared as they flattened against her head. She didn't know what to do. All she knew was that this was not her sweet Chase that she had fallen in love with. It was a troublesome demon who wanted to use her for his own dark reason.

"So let me get this straight: you, Serene, Chase and Bailey all came to this city to find out what was going on, but Serene ended up getting sacrificed in order to save these ungrateful people and was later on turned into part dragon. Then the giantess took control of the city completely, captured everyone of the citizens, killed Chase and then had something to do with these shadow arms taking Bailey?" The winged scientist asked as he looked at Paradox and his dragon-like daughter. 

"That is exactly what happened." Paradox nodded as he gently stroked Serene's head. 

"And you are wanting us to help stop this giantess before she can finish off whoever is left of the citizens and get your wolf friend back?" a man walked out from behind the man with dragon wings as he glanced over his shoulder at the cyborg. 

Paradox growled slightly as he glared at the man. "Council, why did Z-One have to come with you? He will only cause more trouble." 

"Who me?" Z-One smirked slightly before hugging Council from behind. "I only wanted to spend more time with my favorite brother." 

Council's face turned a faint color of red as his wings fluttered a little bit. "B-Brother, we are here to help. Must you act like this now?"

"Act like what, brother?" the man smiled as he nuzzled his face into the side of Council's neck, making the man with dragon wings blush even more.

Paradox rolled his eyes as he continued to stroke Serene's head. "Can we please come up with a plan to stop Akako? I did not pay to watch the Z-One and Council show while the city is brought to its knees." He mumbled, receiving a glare from Z-One. 

"Right, yes. We need to find a way to stop-" before Council could continue, Z-One began scratching his wings, making him purr loudly and almost making the scientist collapse onto the ground. 

"Z-One! Stop messing around!" Paradox spoke sternly, but was only ignored. "Who is a good brother? You are. Yes you are!" Z-One chuckled as he continued scratching Council's wings. 

Paradox crossed his arms and glared at the two, knowing it would be a while before Z-One would take the situation seriously and start paying attention. He was just glad Serene hadn't tried attacking Z-One for what happened the last time the two were together.

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