Chapter Ten

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After nearly an hour of Z-One had been making the man with dragon wings purr, he was finally willing to take the situation seriously. Almost...

"I do not see the point in trying to save these people." Z-One yawned, seeming a bit bored with everything, but Council. 

"And why do you say that?" Paradox glared at him angrily. 

"Well, and this is just my opinion from the facts you have given us, it seems to me that these people had this coming. You stated that before you and your friends even met Akako, the people were giving Serene terrible looks. They were judging her for being a key because of another's actions." Z-One said as he walked over to Serene and gently patted her on the head. 

"Your point being?" The cyborg asked as he raised an eyebrow. 

"My point is, these people don't seem to accept anyone different from them. There is always a second side to the story, perhaps we need to hear Akako's side." 

Paradox sighed and looked down at his sweet key. He had not considered that maybe they hadn't heard the whole story. However, he still needed to find a way to fix Serene and he also needed Council and Z-One's help to rescue Bailey. "Maybe you are right. But we still need to fix Serene and save my friend." 

"That is why we are here. Isn't that right, brother?" Council smiled before looking towards his lover. "I am only here because you are, my sweet dragon hybrid." Z-One smirked as he trailed his fingers down his brother's back. Council shuddered slightly at the feeling and purred softly. 

"Ahem!" Paradox coughed, trying to regain their attention. However, Z-One continued to keep the winged mans attention. Serene started growling at the two. Council jumped and glanced over at his daughter. 

"I believe Serene would like us to pay attention." Council chuckles a bit.

"Oh does she now?" the man asked as he looked over at the winged key. "Hush little dragon, the adults are busy. If you can't talk, you won't be listened to."

Serene growled angrily before pouncing on Z-One and pinning him to the ground. She roared at him, trying to get words out instead of just noise. Z-One smirked up at the key and simply shoved her off of him and stood back up. "Sorry, sweetie. I can't seem to understand you." He snickered.

"Brother, you promised to play nice." Council said sternly. The man sighed and walked over to Council. "I know. I was just having a bit of fun."

"Can we please just get back to the situation at hand?" Paradox asked as he rolled his eyes at the two. "In a little bit." Z-One smirked over at Paradox as he grabbed ahold of Council's wings. 

"N-Now!" Serene managed to yell out. 

The three looked at her in shock. It was the first time they had actually heard the key say something other than roar. 

"Well, alright then. I suppose we can go over the plan." Z-One said, still in shock.

Bailey had been wandering aimlessly throughout the darkness for what seemed like hours. She had gotten no where and hadn't heard a word from "Chase" since their conversation they had earlier. 

'I never said I was dead.'

Those words echoed through her mind. She knew that this wasn't the same Chase she met only a few years ago. Sure it was his power, but it wasn't all the same. Chase had never been one to use his power in this way. In fact, she had only seen him use his powers a few times. She did miss him. Bailey hated herself for leaving him to die like that, but Chase wanted her to escape for a reason. She had to help Paradox save the city from that giantess. 

"Chase...I will find out what truly happened to you and I will avenge you. No one kills my lover and gets away with it. No one." She said to herself before she transformed into a wolf. Bailey growled then lifted up her head and howled. This battle was far from over. But she knew one thing and one thing for sure; they were going to win this battle, no matter the cost.

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