Chapter One

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The city of Sabardos was a beautiful city. It thrived with thousands of people. One may think that this city would be a wonderful place to live one day, but that thought is a terrible one indeed. For just outside the city lives a powerful giant known as Akako.
Akako has lived outside the city for years and each week she demands a sacrifice. A human sacrifice. Those who are sacrificed to her are devoured by the giant.
Once she has been given the sacrifice, Akako leaves the city alone for the week. But all this is about to change.

About 10 miles outside the city in the forest was Serene's new house. Chase, Bailey and Paradox had stopped by for a visit, but today would not be like any visit. The four of them had noticed something strange about the city of Sabardos and were planning to visit it that day.
"Are you guys sure this is a good idea? What if something bad happens while we are there." Chase stated, obviously worried about the trip.
"Relax Chase, we will be fine." Bailey replied.
"How can I relax?! I've heard terrible rumors about that city!" He replied.
Serene and Paradox were in the other room as the two continued their conversation.
"And you are sure you want to go into the city Serene?" Paradox asked softly.
He was concerned for her safety. Lately, a lot of people weren't being to kind to any keys since a past incident with one key in particular. Ever since then the keys have been looked at differently and Paradox did not want his key to get hurt.
"I am positive about going into the city, Paradox. Everything will be fine. What Jade did is in the past and people should let it go. Just because one key did something bad, doesn't mean we are all bad." She replied from the closet where she was changing clothes.
Paradox sighed. "I know that. I just worry for your safety."
Serene smiled and walked over to Paradox once she finished getting dressed. "Just relax."
He nodded and the two walked out to meet up with Bailey and Chase.
Soon the four friends were ready to head out to the city. None knew what truly lay ahead for them, but they were about to find out.

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