Chapter Two

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The four friends had arrived at the beautiful city of Sabardos. The city was bright and big. The four were shocked to see the city. It was amazing, but the people seemed miserable.
"Everyone seems so miserable," Chase said.
Bailey nodded in agreement. "This is terrible. These poor people are suffering."
As the four walked through the city Bailey, Chase and Paradox noticed that people were staring and backing away from Serene as she passed by.
"We should go somewhere else," Paradox stated as he grabbed ahold of Serene's arm.
The key pulled her arm away and continued to walk. She pulled her hair up into a ponytail so all could see her glowing key mark.
"I'm not leaving." Serene simply replied. "I told you I don't care what they think."
Bailey and Chase exchanged looks before walking up to the key and grabbing her by both arms. "Yea well we care and we are getting out of plain sight!" The two said at the same time as they rushed into a restaurant. Paradox followed behind quickly as he covered Serene's mark.
"Guys!!!" Serene shouted as she struggled against their tight grip.
Bailey then dragged Serene into a bathroom in the back of the restaurant while the boy's got a table for them to sit down at. After about ten minutes of screams coming from the bathroom, Bailey walked out and sat down at the table. "She is very violent!"
Paradox laughed. "She can be like that from time to time."
"So what did you do to her?" Chase asked curiously.
"I changed her appearance and she is not happy about it." Bailey simply replied.
At that moment Serene walked out of the bathroom and over to the table. She was furious. Bailey had changed her hair color from purple to brown and had covered her mark with makeup so no one would see it.
"Bailey I am going to kill you!!" She yelled. Paradox quickly covered her mouth as Chase pulled Bailey closer to him. The boys couldn't help but snicker at the keys reaction.
"Well at least now no one knows you are a key." Bailey smirked slightly.
Serene glared at her, embarrassed at having to hide what she truly was.
"Serene, please try to understand we are only trying to help you. People don't trust any key right now and this is for your safety." Paradox spoke softly before removing his hand from her mouth.
Serene sighed and looked down sadly before sitting down. "I guess..."
The three looked at each other. They knew that they had hurt her feelings, but things would be better this way.

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