Chapter Seven

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The giantess grinned down at the two teenagers. Chase quickly got in front of Bailey in order to protect her from the giantess. Akako laughed a bit before flicking the shadow into the side of a building.

"Chase!" The wolf yelled as she ran over to the teenage boy. He began coughing up a bit of blood as he sat up shakily. Several bones had been broken from the blow and he was struggling to stay conscious. "I-I am alright, Bails. Y-You need to get out of here right now." He stuttered.

"No! I am not leaving you here to die." Her eyes filled with tears as she tried to get the boy to stand up. Chase just simply pushed her away as the giantess quickly grabbed him in her hand.

"G-Go Bails...please. Y-You have to survive this...for them...for me." He said as he gave the girl one last smile as tears fell down his cheeks. Bailey's lip quivered as she quickly ran off to get back up from Paradox. "Good girl, wolfie...good girl." Chase smiled weakly as he spoke his last words before the giantess crushed every bone in his body. The boy yelled out in agony as he felt a pain like no other rush throughout his body. His organs gave out. Every bone shattered. Blood dripped out of his eye sockets as more of it trickled out of the corners of his mouth. Akako grinned in pleasure as she watched him suffer. "Only two little heroes left."

No matter how much screaming.

No matter how much blood.

No matter how much she loved him, Bailey kept running. She would do it for him. She would survive for her sweet shadow. Tears flowed down her cheeks as she ran back to the last place she had seen Paradox. 'Please, please, please let him be alright. I can't be alone in this.' Bailey thought to herself as she finally approached the dark street corner. She spotted the blonde cyborg and smiled as she continued to cry.

"P-Paradox?" She sniffed as she slowly approached him. The cyborg glanced over his shoulder at the girl with puffy red eyes. He had been crying as well.

"P-Paradox? W-Why have you been-" She stopped mid-sentence. She couldn't believe her eyes. Paradox tried to cover it, but to no avail the wolf still saw. Laying in the cyborgs lap was a key's imprint covered in blood. "W-What happened?" Bailey stuttered.

"After you left, I had gotten Serene to calm down a bit. She recognized my voice, but not me. She was trying to fight against Akako's control over her. Before I could grab ahold of her she clawed off her imprint and flew off." He said as he held the imprint close to his chest. Bailey stared at him in shock. She couldn't believe what she had just heard. Serene had got away and they were the only two left able to save the city.

"Where is Chase?" The cyborg asked as he looked back at her. Bailey looked down with a heavy heart. "A-Akako killed him. He sacrificed himself so I could escape."

Paradox looked at her sadly before walking over and hugging her. "I am so sorry, Bailey...we will avenge him. I promise you that. That giantess will suffer for all this pain and suffering she has caused." He said as his eyes filled with anger. Bailey cried softly as he hugged her. "H-How are we going to do this on our own? S-She is too powerful for only us two to handle without Chase or Serene."

He sighed and glanced around for a place that they could spend the night and come up with a new plan. "We will come up with something. For now we need to find a safe place to take shelter for the night." Bailey nodded in agreement as the two searched for a place to stay.

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