Chapter Six

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Two days had passed and the city had seemed all but quiet. The people were in a panic, most taking shelter while others searched for any food they could get their hands on. Chaos had broke out in the city after Paradox, Bailey and Chase had left. The giantess, Akako, had sent a winged creature upon the people. Any person who was touched by the creature instantly lost control of their mind and was sent straight to the giantess.

The three teenagers had gone back to Serene's house. The house seemed empty and dull. Although all of Serene's possessions were still there, the place was not the same without the key of portals. Bailey had gone to Serene's room and curled up on the bed. Paradox walked around the house, looking at all the pictures of the memories they had made. Chase, however, had walked to the living room and turned on the t.v. to check on the city of Sabardos. He stared at the t.v. in shock.

"Guys! You need to come see this!" The shadow yelled from his seat on the couch. Bailey and Paradox walked over and looked at the t.v.

"I-Is that-" Bailey began.

"I-It couldn't be." Paradox stuttered.

The t.v. showed the winged creature flying around touching people and sending them to their doom. The creature landed on a building giving the camera a better view of her. The creature folded in her dragon-like wings as her tail twitched back and forth. Her key imprint glowing a dark gray.

"Serene, what has that giantess done to you." Paradox looks at her image sadly. The creature screeched and flew down towards the camera man as he yelled. The t.v. went fuzzy as the camera was knocked over by Serene's tail.

"We have to go back for her." Bailey says as tears fill her eyes.

"We will, but how are we going to fix her without getting touched by her?" Chase sighs.

"I'm not sure, but there must be a way to fix her. We can't just leave her like that." Paradox sighed as he began pacing back and forth.

Hours passed and the three friends had snuck back into the once beautiful city of Sabardos. It had only taken Serene a short amount of time to destroy over half of the city. Anyone who had managed to escape the key's wrath was lucky enough to find a safe hiding spot. Cars were on fire, buildings abandoned, streets empty as trash blew across the empty streets. The three friends were in complete shock.

"If they were scared of Serene when she was not a flying bat, then they must be truly terrified of her." Chase said as he looked around the almost empty city.

"If we get her back I don't think she will ever be able to set foot in this city again." Bailey sighed as she picked up a doll laying on the sidewalk. Paradox glanced around the empty street before growling. "She is here."

Bailey gulped and got closer to Chase as a shadow of the winged key flew above them. "Serene! Come down here this instant!" The cyborg yelled sternly.

The key obeyed and landed on the ground in front of them. She looked at Paradox with big, sad gray eyes and whimpered a bit. He didn't break. "You have been a very naughty key. Look at all the trouble you have caused." He said, keeping a straight face.

This gave Bailey and Chase a chance to sneak away without the key noticing. Their plan was while Paradox handled Serene, the two lovers would take care of Akako. 

Paradox noticed that his two friends had managed to get away. He sighed and smiled a bit. "Good luck you two. Now then, come here Serene." The key looked at him before slowly walking towards him on all fours. The cyborg smiled and reached out his hand before petting the keys head. "Good girl." Serene purred softly as he pet her head. 

"We will fix you, Serene. Somehow..." He sighed as he picked the winged key up. Serene continued to purr as her tail swayed back and forth. This made the cyborg chuckle. "You have always enjoyed attention from me, haven't you?"

Meanwhile, Bailey and Chase had come across the people who had been captured by Akako. They all had colorless eyes as they just stood in their cages, staring at the ground. 

"These poor people," Bailey looked at them all sadly. If her and Chase didn't act soon, Akako would have a feast of sacrifices and Serene may be stuck under her control forever. Chase glanced around for the giantess. "Strange... She isn't in the water." He said as he looked to Bailey. "I-If she isn't in the water, then where could she be?" The wolf hybrid stuttered. 

As the two glanced around to find the giantess' location, a pearly white wicked grin appeared behind the shadow and the wolf. 

"Hello, little morsels." A snicker spoke from behind them, making the two lovers freeze up in fear. "F-Found her." Bailey stuttered.

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