Chapter Five

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Bailey, Chase, and Paradox stared at the giantess in complete shock. Akako grinned down at the three little heroes. Bailey's eyes filled with tears as her ears flattened against her head. 

"S-She's gone." The wolf hybrid stuttered as she began to cry. Chase pulled Bailey close to his chest as she cried harder. Paradox's eyes fell to the ground. The one he loved, his sweet key, was gone.

"Well, I suppose a deal is a deal." Akako sighs before smirking. "But who said I ever had to keep my word. You all must still bring me a sacrifice each week, except for this week since I already got one." She giggles. 

The giantess then sunk back into her watery home and disappeared. Paradox clenched his fists before glaring at the people. 

"Do you all honestly still believe that all keys are bad?! If so then my friends and I should just leave you all at the mercy of that giantess! Our friend, my lover, just sacrificed herself to save you all and all you people did was yell at Serene and call her horrible names! You can't just judge a person like that! Not everyone is just like their species! Some actually fight to protect those who can't protect themselves!" He yelled furiously at the people.

The people mumbled to each other, while some looked down with a sad expression on their face. One person then stepped forward. It was the young girl who the people were planning to sacrifice to the giantess. 

"I-I don't think your friend was any of those mean things these people called her. She was brave and she helped you three save me." The child smiled up at them. Chase smiled softly back at the child. "No one at your age should be put through something like this. You deserve the chance to grow up and be happy. Have a family who loves you, one that you grow closer to every day." He smiles as he kneels down to the girls height and gently pats her head.

The young girl giggles a little and hugs Chase. "Thank you, all of you. I will forever be in your debt."

Bailey and Paradox smile softly at the young child as she hugs the shadow. She then went and hugged them both before running off to go find her parents. Bailey looked towards the people. "That is one person who believed in our friend. Seems a child is more forgiving and understanding than you all."

Meanwhile, down below the surface of the emerald green water. Akako had spit out the purple-haired key and was looking over her new sacrifice. She sealed the key in an air bubble so she would not drown as she looked closely at the keys imprint. The keys imprint glowed a soft purple as she remained unconscious within the air bubble. 

"Hmm...perhaps I can use this sacrifice for something more interesting." She grinned wickedly as she chuckled to herself. "No one will see what I have planned coming. That city will be a ghost town by tomorrow and all those people will be mine!"

The giantess grinned as she began making changes to the key of portals. No one was going to stop her, not even those three friends of the key. For the key would be their very undoing.

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