Chapter Four

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The four friends hurried into the abandoned buildings. Once they were inside, the four ran to the second floor to the top and hid. Akako began looking through the windows.
"Come out, come out where ever you are~" she sung. "I'll make your death less painful if you do."
Bailey's body shook as Akako spoke. Chase gently pulled her closer and gently rubbed her back. He tried his best to calm her down, while staying as quiet as he possibly could. The two feared what would happen if they were to be found.

Meanwhile, Serene and Paradox were quietly heading up the stairwell, dodging every window that came their way. The two arrived at the top floor before Akako let out a furious roar.

"I will break down this building if you do not give me that hybrid of yours this instant!" she yelled into the small building. She could easily tear down the building if she wanted to. If she did so, the four of them would be crushed and killed in a matter of seconds.

"We have to do something. We can't let her have Bailey." Serene whispered to Paradox.

"Well what do you suggest?" He whispered back to her.

The key thought for a moment before getting an idea. "Get Bailey and Chase to the lower level of the building. I will buy us some time." She replied before running up the stairs.

"Serene! Get back here!" the cyborg yelled in a whisper, but the key was already gone. "Crap, why does she have to be so stubborn sometimes?" He sighs before going to find Bailey and Chase.

Paradox ran to the next upper floor to see the hybrid huddled close against Chase. "Chase, we need to get to the lower floors. Now." the cyborg says sternly. The teenager looks at him and nods in agreement before picking up Bailey. 

"Lets get going then." He replies. Paradox then quickly leads them down the stairwell to the entrance they entered the building. 

"Paradox, where is Serene?" the wolf hybrid asked as she looked at him with worried eyes. The cyborg looked at her. He couldn't lie to the key's best friend. He had to tell her the truth.

"She jumped out one of the windows." He joked.

"That's not funny!" Bailey yelled at him as the cyborg laughed a bit. "I am sorry! I had to lighten up the mood a little bit." He laughed more as Chase joined in. Bailey crossed her arms and glared at the two boys, who immediately stopped laughing. She was about to say something before they heard a familiar voice yelling at the giantess outside. The three ran outside and looked up to the roof of the building to see the key of portals. People backed away in fear as they saw the key's bright purple hair and her imprint glowing bright red. 

"It's another key! She is going to side with the giant and destroy us all!" One of the citizens yelled. 

Women began screaming, children began crying, and men started shouting insults at the key of portals. Akako looked at the people then at the key as a wicked grin spread across her face. "Seems everyone here fears you just as much as they fear me. That makes me wonder why your little friends aren't afraid of you as well."

Bailey and Chase looked at the people in horror. They knew many people feared the keys after what the key of pain had done, but they never imagined they would start throwing such awful insults at Serene.

"Monster!" One yelled.

"Freak!" yelled another.



Paradox gritted his teeth and clenched his fists before yelling at the people. "What is wrong with all of you?! You judge another creature just because of what one of their species has done? Have you ever heard to never  judge a book by its cover?"

"That key is our friend and she is trying to help save you all from this monster that has been terrorizing this city." Bailey yelled as her eyes filled with tears.

"She has done nothing wrong! All she has done is try to help save you people!" Chase yells.

Akako started to laugh. "I think the only way this key can redeem herself is if she stops me." The giantess smirks before grabbing Serene in a fist. Serene screamed out as Akako began to squeeze her. "Which would be impossible. Now then, I will give you a choice, key. Join me and bring me sacrifices daily and I will spare you, or be my sacrifice and I leave these people who have insulted you alone."

Blood trickled out of the corner of the key's mouth as she glared up at the giantess. "I would rather die than join you!" This made the giantess grin. "Then say goodbye, key." Akako then tossed the key up into the air and opened wide. Serene yelped as she was tossed up into the air and fell back down into the giantess' mouth. Akako quickly snapped her jaws shut before looking at the people then down at Bailey, Chase and Paradox. She then swallowed grinned as the key disappeared deep within her. 

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