Chapter 8: The Badge, the Burden, and the Clanker. PT 2

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A few minutes later, Weiss came back dressed in her usual outfit, she pulled out rapier and gets in a battle stance.

"Gooo Weiss!" Yang cheered with her fist in the air.

"Fight well!" Blake said while waving a small flag which had RWBY on it. Wait where the scrap did she get that?

"Yeah, represent Team RWBY!" Ruby cheers at their teammate.

Weiss shifted her attention to the red reaper and snapped, "Ruby, I'm trying to focus!"

"Oh, sorry." Ruby sheepishly apologize.

Hermes then walks to the cage and aims his blaster at the lock, waiting for his master's signal.

"Alright.... Let the match, begin!" Port announced before Hermes fires his blaster at the lock of the cage, releasing the breast within.

It was a Boarbatusk. Or the Grimm version of a Boar. The Boarbatusk is a quadruped with many features associated with a real-world boar, including cloven-feet, a line of hair sprouting from its spine, snub snout and tusks. The Boarbatusk has four eyes and a bone-like mask that seems to be strapped to its face by a black vein-like organic tether. It has a series of plates along its back and on its thighs, and two extra sets of tusks, including two large curving tusks. However, their underside is comparatively under-protected and vulnerable, with little to no body armor or shielding, it's only weakness.

I wonder why Rooster Teeth never made a Grimm Armadillo.

When the cage open, the Boarbatusk immediately charges at the heiress. Weiss uses the Myrtenaster to deflect its attack and roll to the side, readying herself for its next move. The Grimm stands a distance away from its enemy, studying her.

"Ha-ha, wasn't expecting that were you?" Port laughed.

"Roger Roger!" Hermes agreeing with his master.

"Hang in there Weiss!" Ruby cheered.

Then unexpectedly, the entrance door of opens revealing (D/N) as he enters the classroom and closes the door, but no one seems to notice his presence as their focus is glued on the fight between the heiress and the Grimm.

"Finally, I found it! This Academy is huge!" (D/N) comments as he then looks at the fight before him. "...What the scrap?"

The boar charged forward at her while Weiss sped towards the oncoming Boarbatusk, sticking her blade straight at its skull until they meet and Myrtenaster is trapped in the beast's tusks. Weiss is still hanging on to the hilt, and is tossed around as she struggles to get the rapier back.

"Bold, new approach. I like it!" Port complimented

"Come on, Weiss, show it who's boss!" Ruby cheers.

Weiss turns to glare at Ruby, only for the Boarbatusk to turn its head and rip the sword from her grip. Myrtenaster lands far away from Weiss, who is knocked back by the creature's tusks.

"Now what will you do without your weapon?" Port asked.

Weiss got up to crouch only to dodge the boar charge by a few seconds before rushing over to grab her weapon.

"Weiss, go for the belly! There's no armor underneath-"

"Stop telling me what to do!" the Heir snapped at Ruby causing her to go silent at the sudden outburst, also looking hurt.

(D/N) glared at his Mistress' teammate for shouting at her. (D/N) knows his mistress is giving her helpful advise yet the heiress ignores them, and she out of everyone has the audacity to shout at his master!? That's outrageous!

'That little glitch! NO ONE SHOUTS AT MISTRESS RUBY! ONLY I CAN DO THAT!' (D/N) thought angrily at the heiress as his observe the fight.

The Boarbatusk leaps into the air and rolls into a ball, spinning rapidly in the air and landing on the ground, consistently gaining speed until it launches itself at Weiss, but she simply casted a light blue glyph to shield herself and having another one behind her. The impact forced the boar to land on its back exposing its main weakness, its stomach.

Unfortunately this sudden impact also causes her stumble and stagger as she lose her grip on her weapon again as it flew across the side of the room.

'Uh oh!' (D/N) thought in worry, seeing his Mistress' teammate is now left without a weapon and is dazed.

Weiss quickly recovers as she shifted her attention back to the Grimm, who recovers and, is back on its hooves and it growls at the Heiress as it prepares to charge.

Weiss sees this and immediately quickly gets in a defensive stance, only for to realize that she lost weapon her weapon. She frantically looks around where her weapon went until the Boarbatusk charges at her, which shifted the Heiress attention back to the Boar-like Grimm.

She closes eyes and raise her arms to brace for the impact, as the Grimm comes closer. Port and Hermes were about to intervene into the battle but stops when they see what happened next.

By some miracle, Weiss felt no impact from the Grimm, but heard the squeals of pain from boar.

Weiss quickly opens her eyes and was surprise to see what's on top of the Boarbatusk. It's revealed to be (D/N), he stood on top of the Boarbatusk as he grab hold on the Grimm's Armor bone plating, while the Boarbatusk tries to shake him off.

Like a cowboy riding a rampaging bull in a rodeo.

"(D/N)!!??!" Weiss hears Ruby, Blake, Yang, and the members of Team JNPR to exclaim in surprise by his sudden appearance and intervention of Team RWBY's B1 Battle Droid.

(D/N) paid no mind to them as he grips hard on the bone armor plating of the Boarbatusk, as it desperately tries to shake the Modified-Battle Droid off.

The Veteran B1-series Battle Droid then proceed to pull out his blaster fire at the Grimm Boar's Head from point blank range as he declares.














Each shot was not wasted as a gaping hole was created through the Boar-like beast, the Boar Grimm was already dead and its body then dissipate into black smoke or mist as (D/N) stood on where the Boar Grimm once stood.

Everyone was silent, until everyone cheers at the finishing move from the B1-Series Droid, excluding Weiss who looks peeve by what transpired. She felt as if her pride was unintentionally bruise by the B1 Battle Droid's sudden intervention.

And her Teammate's cheering the Droid on doesn't help at all, mainly on her.

"Yay (D/N)!" Ruby cheers.

"Good Job, Bro!" Yang added as she claps.

"Good Job..." Blake said as she waves a flag... but instead of RWBY, it's (D/N)'s face... seriously where the heck is she getting these flags?!

Port then congratulated the B1-Battle Droid, "Bravo! Bravo! Amazing work on saving, Ms Schnee! It appears Ms. Schnee needs some more training to be a true huntress-in-training. Plus it goes stops show, that a Huntsman or Huntress should never fight alone, despite your abilities, you should always fight and work together as a team! I'm afraid that's all we have for today. Be sure to cover the assigned readings and, stay vigilant. Class dismissed."

All students start packing up, (D/N) sees the Weiss' rapier on the floor as he picks it and walks towards Weiss and hands it over.

"...Weiss, you drop this." (D/N) said, handing over the rapier to Weiss.

Weiss roughly grabs the Rapier away from (D/N) as she glares at the B1 Droid.

"...Don't talk to me..." Weiss sneers coldly to (D/N), who is confuse on why the heiress is being cold towards him, he just saved her from getting hurt for crying out loud!

"...excuse me?" (D/N) questioned.

Weiss ignores him, she stormed out of the room causing a few people to wonder what was wrong with her.

Jaune watches her leave as he ask, "...Sheesh, what's with her?"

The remaining members of Team RWBY look at each other with the same question.

"I'll go talk to her." Ruby states as she chase after her leaving her team behind.

It wasn't long until (D/N) decides to follow her. He looks at his Yang and Blake as he stated, "I'm going to follow her, just to be sure Incase something happens, alright?"

"Alright, see ya (D/N)!" Yang said as (D/N) quickly gives chase and follows Ruby.

(D/N) continued down the hall until he heard Ruby's voice.


Weiss turned around and asked harshly "What?"

(D/N) leans behind a corner and eavesdrop.

"What's wrong with you? Why are you being-?" Ruby was then cut-off

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?!" Weiss exclaims, "...You're supposed to be a leader, and all you've been so far is a nuisance!"

"What did I do?" Ruby asked confused.

"That's just it - you've done nothing to earn your position! Back in the forest, you acted like a child, and you've only continued to do so!" Weiss said angrily.

Having enough to hear his Mistress being talked down negatively, (D/N) decides to reveal himself.

"Alright, that's enough!" (D/N) announces, making his presence known as he walks towards them.

They quickly turned their attention to the Droid as it stood beside Ruby. The Red Reaper is pleased to see her Droither, but for Weiss? Well, lets say the Heiress is not so please to see the B1-Droid, even when he saved her ass.

"AND YOU! Don't think I have not forgotten about you!" Weiss pointed accusingly at the Droid.

"Me!? What did I do?" (D/N) asked confused.

"You intervene in my fight against the Boarbatuks! It was my fight and my time for prove myself! AND YOU RUINED IT, YOU STUPID PIECE OF SCRAP METAL!" Weiss yelled at the B1-Series Battle Droid.

"Alright! Weiss, where is this coming from?! I save your organic ass from being hurt!" (D/N) retorted.

"Weiss, (D/N) is right he is right, he protected you. What happened to all the talk about 'working together'? I thought you believed in acting as a team."

"Yeah... what she said." (D/N) added.

Weiss scowls, "...Not a team led by you. I've studied and trained. And quite frankly, I deserve better!"

"Hey! I Atleast protected you from that Boar!" (D/N) retorted, " lost your weapon and you were about to get hurt-"

"I don't need any protection or get a lecture from a fucking, useless CLANKER!!!" Weiss insulted, ending with it a hard 'R.'

(D/N) recoils slightly at the sudden insult from the Schnee. He clenches his servo in anger at the sudden insult.

She turns her back to Ruby, trying to reach out but Weiss turns around and said, "...Ozpin made mistake."

Ruby drops her hand, feeling hurt by her words.

(D/N) takes a step forward and stated coldly in a hostile emotionless tone at the heiress;

"...The only mistake Ozpin has made, is to have you in this school... you disgusting, waste of oxygen..."

Weiss temporarily stops on her tracks and glares over her shoulder at (D/N) for that insult before walking away.

(D/N) watches Weiss walk away until she's out of sight. He then mutters, "...little glitch..."

"(D/N)..." He looks at Ruby, who is in the verge of crying, " she right? Did Ozpin really made a mistake?"

Instantly, with (D/N)'s big brother protocols activated, he frantically went to comfort the 'lil Rose.

"...what!? Ofcourse not! There's always a reason behind Headmaster Ozpin's decision. After all, he didn't make you a leader for no reason!" (D/N) said, trying to cheer his mistress up.

"But... what if she's right?" Ruby asked.

"Well, she's wrong! Remember the initiation in Emerald Forest, you were the one leading and strategizing in destroying the Nevermore, Weiss didn't do anything that relates to leading, other than fighting!" (D/N) remarked.

Still doubtful, before Ruby could answer back, a voice is heard behind them.

"Well... (D/N) has a point after all..."

"Roger Roger!"

They turn to see Ozpin and Latte standing there.

~Meanwhile with Weiss~

Weiss is still walking around the halls until she comes across a balcony where Professor Port is talking to Hermes at Beacon Academy's rooftops, basically about Hermes' time in the Clone Wars.

"...I would like to hear more of your Stories, Hermes! Since you're a war veteran from the war called the Clone Wars! What was it like?"

"Well.... let's see... Oh! I know! One of my memorable Battles was the Battle of Annex! Me and my troops were ordered to defend the sector from any republic attack! Then-"

Just before Hermes could continue, Weiss approaching them and calls out, "Professor Port!"

Both turning to look at her, Port said "...Ah, Miss Schnee! And to what do I owe this fine pleasure?"

Weiss then said, "... I... I enjoyed your lecture!"

Pleased by the response, Hermes then said, "... Of course you did, Young girl; you have the blood of a true Huntress in you! And your were inspired by the great and mighty words of my Master; Professor Port!"

"Thank you for the praise!" Port appreciates the compliment.

"You think so?" Weiss asked, with smile at this.

"Absolutely... even though you were nearly hurt by a that Boarbatusk and thankfully (D/N) has intervene in order to protect you!" Hermes added.

"Oh that's true!" Port nods agreement.

Weiss' smile faded upon hearing the Droid's name. Her pride still bruised by the Battle Droid's intervention since it was suppose to be her time to shine.

Port and Hermes then notices Weiss' small frown and lack of eye contact.

"Hmm... is there something bothering you." Hermes asked.

"Yes, sir..." Weiss said.

"Dear girl, confess to me your strife!" Port said dramatically.

Weiss was silent before speaking, "... Well... I-I think I should have been the leader of Team RWBY!"

Both Port and Hermes stayed silent for a moment before they took a glance at each other, as if asking 'Is she fucking serious?' before looking back at her until both Port and Hermes speaks.

"That's preposterous!" Port exclaims.

"Yeah... agree... it's kind of ridiculous..." Hermes said, much to Weiss shock on how the two think of her being a leader is preposterous and ridiculous.

~Back with Ruby and (D/N)~

"What do you mean?" Ruby asked, while (D/N) listened.

"I mean, it's only been one day. Ruby... I've made more mistakes than any man, woman, and child on this planet or Galaxy. But at this moment, I would not consider your appointment to leader to be one of them." Opzin said before he the leans in so he can look more directly at Ruby, "Do you?"

"...see! I told you he has reason!" (D/N) said.

~Back with Weiss~

"Excuse me?!" Weiss exclaims angrily at the two.

Both unfazed, Professor Port then stated, "...I've believed in Professor Ozpin for many years, and the man's never once led me astray!"

"...I may not know him long, but I'll agree to what my master just stated." Hermes supported.

"So you would just blindly accept his decision even after seeing how exceptional I am?" Weiss exclaims.

"With all due respect, your exceptional skill on the battlefield is matched only by your poor attitude." Port critiques.

"Yeah, I agree... your entitlement and attitude is actually your downfall, not willing accept help from others, even though they protected or saved you." Hermes added.

"How dare you!" Weiss seethes.

"Yup... entitled attitude." Hermes said.

"Our My point exactly. I see a girl before me who has spent her entire life getting exactly what she wanted." Port said,

" Wat Tambor or Viceroy Gunray!" Hermes remarks, remembering the dead Separatist Council members.

"I don't know who they are, but with names like sounds like good comparison!" Port agrees with his Droid's agreement.

Weiss crosses her arms, looking defiant, "That's not even remotely true!" However under the teacher and droid's gaze of skepticism, she reluctantly relents, "...Well... not entirely true."

~Back with Ruby and (D/N)~

Ozpin continue to his speech,

"Being a team leader isn't just a title you carry into battle, but a badge you wear constantly. If you're not always performing at your absolute best, then what reason do you give others to follow you?" Ozpin lectured.

Ruby looks thoughtful with Ozpin's words, then smiles at him. (D/N) gives him a thumbs up for cheering Ruby up.

~Back with Weiss~

Back at the Balcony on the rooftop. Port continues to lecture Weiss.

"...So the outcome did not fall in your favor. Do you really believe that acting in such a manner would cause those in power to reconsider their decision?" Weiss finally calms down and looks at him again "So instead of fretting about what you don't have, savor what you do. Hone your skills, perfect every technique, and be not the best leader, but the best person you can be." Port finish.

"And be the best organic there is!" Hermes added.

Weiss smiles a little at the words of wisdom.

~Back with Ruby and (D/N)~

Ozpin turns his back on Ruby, while still talking to her, "You've been burdened with a daunting responsibility, Ruby. I advise you take some time, to think about how you will uphold it."

Ruby, with a last look of consideration, (D/N) would smiled if not for the fact he has no face to express such, but he is indeed happy. They turn and walks away.

"Want more Coffee sir?" Latte asked his master.


~Timeskip, Nighttime~

The full moon shines over the green lights of Beacon, and in the room of Team RWBY, the door opens and Weiss' shadow is seen against the hall's light. Blake is sleeping under the covers, Yang is spread out on her bed and snoring, and when Weiss lifts the blanket of Ruby's tent, she finds the occupant with her head resting on notes, a pencil in her hand, and open books all around her.

Weiss, looking amazed at Ruby's determination, clears her throat and gently shakes the other girl awake, who takes a second to regain consciousness and start flailing in surprise.'

"Weiss, I-I was studying, and then I fell asleep! I'm sorry..." Weiss places a hand over Ruby's mouth and puts a finger to her own so Ruby understands the need for lowering her voice. Weiss looks near Ruby's pillow and spots an empty Beacon coffee mug.

Lowering her hand, Weiss asked, "..How do you take your coffee?"

"I... I don't..." Ruby stammered.

"...Answer the question!" Weiss said irritated.

"Uhh, cream and five sugars!" The Red reaper stammered.

Weiss sighs, "Don't move." she ducks under to her own bed and comes up a moment later with a fresh cup, offering it to Ruby "...Here."

"Um... Thanks, Weiss." Ruby said,

Weiss smiles, then looks apologetic, "... Ruby, I think you have what it takes to be a good leader." Ruby smiles appreciatively by this, "...Just know that I am going to be the best teammate you'll ever have!"

They share a smile, "Good luck studying!" She ducks under, only to come up and point at one of Ruby's papers, "...That's wrong, by the way." ducks under again, and her voice comes from the doorway this time, "...Hey, Ruby?"


Weiss stands in the door with her hand on the knob, "I always wanted bunk beds as a kid."

Ruby, grinning at the progress with her friend, goes back to her notes.

Just as Weiss was about to close the door to the bathroom, the door from the common room opens revealing (D/N), catching Weiss and Ruby's attention.

"Good evening Mistress!" (D/N) greeted to Ruby.

"Hi (D/N)!"

" you're studying?"

"Yup!" Ruby confirms.

"Well Mistress Ruby, if you have any problems with your studies just ask me for help alright?" (D/N) stayed, to which Ruby nods in understanding, "Good! Now, I'll be in living room cleaning or inspecting your weapons! Just in case there won't be any issue of jamming or such!" (D/N) said.

"Okay (D/N)! Thank you!" Ruby nods in understanding.

"Good..." (D/N) then shifted his attention to the heiress, who also looks at the B1 Droid.

Even though (D/N) doesn't have the ability to express his emotions in facial features, the Heiress can feel (D/N)'s glare directly at her.

(D/N) then turns his back on her and before he closes the door, Weiss hears (D/N) say, "...disgusting meatbag..."

Ruby hears this and looks at (D/N), who left the bedroom to the Common room to clean their weapons.

Ruby is well aware that (D/N)'s insult directly referring to Weiss, and Weiss can tell the insult is directed to her since she just called (D/N) a 'Clanker.'

Never in in the heiress' life would she ever see a machine show much emotions and sentience, it makes her rethink her thoughts on the B1 Droid when they first met. She was wrong to think he's just mindless machine, but more so a real sentient being.

Weiss looks at Ruby, who gestures her to apologize to (D/N). Weiss then looks at the door where (D/N) left. She knows she need to make it up with B1 Droid. She lets out a sigh as she walks out of the Bedroom and into the common room.

She sees (D/N) sitting on a couch cleaning the Crescent Rose with his back turned. (D/N) doesn't seem to be aware of her presences or (D/N) is just flat out ignoring her.

Probably the latter.

Weiss takes a deep breath before letting out a sigh and walks towards the B1 Droid and stops behind him.


(D/N) didn't say anything as he continues to clean the Crescent Rose, trying to ignore her.


(D/N)'s pace on cleaning on the Crescent Rose increases.


(D/N) turns to her and snaps, "WHAT!? WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU WANT!?!"

Weiss flinches at the outburst, but it was to be expected since she insulted him. She recomposes herself as she said.

"I-I wanted to... I just want to talk to you..." Weiss asked nervously..

(D/N) obviously dislikes Weiss for obvious reason; calling him a Clanker.

"No..." (D/N) said coldly as he turns his attention back to cleaning the Crescent Rose.

"Please, (D/N)! Just hear me out, okay?" Weiss pleads.

(D/N) stops cleaning and looks back at Weiss again, just as he was about to deny her request, he felt in his motherboard that he should at least hear her out. Even though (D/N) doesn't like her.

"Fine, but make it quick!" (D/N) replies, as turns attention back to cleaning the Crescent Rose.

"I... I... I wanted to apologize to you..." Weiss admitted, sounding really sincere.

He snaps his attention back to Weiss. This surprises (D/N) to hear it coming from Weiss, considering how she acted to Ruby and him.

"For what?" (D/N) asked curiously.

"...for acting so rudely and insulting Ruby..." Weiss said, she sounding very sorry.


"...and I'm... sorry for being rude, arrogant and calling you a... a Clanker..." Weiss said with her head bowed in shame, "...I was wrong to think you're just a mindless drone... and I can see, that are really... sentient... will you forgive me?"

Weiss looks at (D/N), who is thoughtful on her apology. She does sound sincere, and she admitted her mistakes. She hopes that (D/N) accepts her apology.

Then unexpectedly, (D/N) reach out his servo to Weiss for a handshake. She was surprise by this, but she recomposes herself and shook his hand. If she knows any better, she could feel as if the B1 Battle Droid is giving her a small smile.

"Apology accepted... Weiss." (D/N) said as he shook her hand.

"Thank you, (D/N)..."

(D/N) nods, before saying, "...Well, I want to apologize for what I said earlier, and for calling you a... disgusting meatbag and such..."

"I kind of deserve it, in all honesty..." Weiss said sheepishly.

(D/N) chuckles in return before he continues cleaning Crescent Rose.

Weiss then asked, "...can I help cleaning our weapons?"

(D/N) looks surprise and said, "Are you sure? Shouldn't you sleeping?"

"'s alright." Weiss said.

"Hm... very well, there's an extra cleaning rag on the locker."

Weiss nods as she walks to the Locker and grabs the rag walks back to (D/N) and sits down on the couch as she starts helping cleaning the weapon.

There's a silence in the common room, other than the sound of weapons being cleaned. Weiss looks at (D/N) and asked, "So... (D/N)."


"...Do you have any stories to share, relating your time in the Clone Wars?" Weiss asked in interest.

(D/N) stops cleaning the blade of the Crescent Rose, "Hm... lets see... there was the Battle of Jabiim, a recent planet that joined the Separatist Alliance not too long ago during the first months of the Clone Wars..."

As (D/N) tells his tales as a War Veteran of his time in the Clone Wars to Weiss, unknown to them Ruby is peeking her head out of the bedroom door, smiling at their interaction seeing that their conflict has been resolved.

She slowly close door as the Droid and Heiress both have a friendly chat with one another while cleaning the weapons.


To be continued

Well this chapter is done. I hope you all enjoy this and stay tuned for Chapter 9!

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