TCOR Shorts: Overly Protective (Canon)

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~Location; Beacon Academy, Cafeteria~

In the cafeteria, students are eating their food or interacting with their droid companions, varying from B1s, B2s, to BXs Droid, they are either sitting or standing by their owners or masters/mistress.

And amongst the Students and Droids are Team JNPR, Team RWBY, and (CD/N).

Pyrrha took notice of the absence of (D/N) and asked, "Excuse me, wheres (D/N)?"

"Oh, he stayed at our dorm to clean." Yang said.

"We kind of... made a bit of mess..." Blake sheepishly added.

"All I can say, it was not my fault!" Weiss defended.

Ruby sneezes a bit, still getting the remnants of the dust out of her nose.

~Team RWBY's Dorm~

(D/N) is seen cleaning the mess Weiss made, clearly not happy. Apparently she didn't seal the containers of the dust, which resulted to Ruby sneezing at the dust and activated the red Dust and caused a huge explosion with lightning and ice.

"WHY IN THE NAME OF THE MAKER DIDN'T WEISS SEAL IT PROPERLY!?" The modified B1-series Battle Droid exclaims angrily, "For a heiress she is very ignorant of being careful with her fragging stuff!"

He sweeps the floor faster as he wondered, "And why do they name it Dust Crystals? Why not name it name it Power Dust, Energy Crystals, or even Energon or Australium!"

He continues cleaning the room, he just hopes he gets it done soon. He's planning on reading a story in Dustpad called, "Team Prime's Lovable Blue Idiot."

"I wonder if a next chapter is up..." (D/N) thoughts.

~Back with Team JNPR and Team RWBY~

The group sat in silence by what was told before Jaune breaks it.

"So..." Jaune begins, "...Yang and Ruby, since you've been with (D/N) for a long time, what was it like? Was he overprotective of you guys?"

Ruby and Yang pondered as they try to remembers the times (D/N) is overly protective of them before arriving to Beacon.

"Well, having (D/N) is the greatest things to ver happen to us, he is after all our Droither, but he is overly protective of us." Ruby explains to her friends, "...ever since my mother died he has been doing his best to he can to keep us safe and even care for us."

"It's really not because of his programming, he made it clear that he broke out of his old programming years ago before coming to our lives." Yang explained to her teammates, "When I turned 15 and I was still learning how to ride my bike, 'The Bumblebee,' (D/N) is the one that drives me from home to school. Though I could say he is... very overly protective than I am with Ruby."

~Flashback, Patch, 2 year ago~

(D/N) and Yang are seen driving the 'Bumblebee.' (D/N) in the driver seat and Yang in the passenger seat.

"(D/N), you know I can drive right?" Yang asked her Droither, "Dad literally taught me to drive a car, I'm sure I can drive the Bumblebee!"

"Nope! You only know the basic of driving a car not a motorbike, there's a difference!" (D/N) digress, "Ever since your father bought you this bike I've doing a lot of research through the about the dangers of riding a motorbike and shockingly there's more accidents on riding a motorbike than there is cars!"

"But, I have aura! I'm sure I can take a few hit-" Yang tries to argue.

"I will not subject you to be hurt on accident and receive a painful concussion when driving this death machine!" (D/N) said, "Aura or not, you could still be hurt and I don't want that to happen, I'm not doing this because of my programming I'm doing this because I care for you.

(D/N)'s Head slight drops, "...Not after what happened to Summer...."

Yang hears this can't help but understand of where his over-protective behavior came from, mainly from the death of Summer Rose herself.

When Summer died from a task given by Ozpin to get rid of the Grimm in the area, it hit the family hard like a blaster bolt going through your heart. Tai was depress to an extent that he couldn't think straight, Ruby and Yang were depress as well since they lost their mother even when Summer is not Yang's biological mother in her eyes she is Yang's Real Mother. Qrow has become more alcoholic than usual, trying remove the pain in his heart.

The only trying to keep the family in line and sane is (D/N), despite his Droid nature he was able to help Tai move on from Summer's death and even help Yang and Ruby get out of their depress even cheered them up. As for Qrow, (D/N) has troubles trying to get the drunk huntsman out of alcoholism but the stubborn alcoholic is stubborn to listen.

Yang understands why (D/N) is like the way he is, but in the same time he needs understand to let Yang do this on her own soon.

(D/N) hit the brakes by a stop a red light.

"Tell you what Yang, when you reach a certain age, you'll need to do things on your own. I know my overprotective nature can be over the top or annoying, but... I'll give you a chance to drive your bike." (D/N) said to his sister.

Yang beams at this, "Really?"

"Yes, just as long you don't talk to strangers or get pick up by bikers!" (D/N) advices her.

Speak of the devil, a biker stops beside them. He looks over to Yang with perverted grin at the sight of the blonde beauty which (D/N) caught on immediately as the pervert then started catcalling.

"Hey beautiful, how'd you like to take a ride on a real bike?" He catcall to Yang.

Yang rolls her eyes in annoyance while (D/N) isn't amused by this biker before he shouted.

"SHE'S 15!" He pulls out his blaster shoots him on the head.


The biker falls off his bike motionless on the side of the road. Yang looks in horror and looks back at her overly protective Droither.

"(D/N)! D-Did you kill him!?" Yang asked, clearly traumatized.

"No, he's unconscious..." (D/N) reassures her, "...look he's still breathing."

The body still remains motionless, while Yang looks at it skeptically.


"See! He's breathing!" (D/N) said, not so-convincingly.

The light runs green and immediately he starts driving off, while Yang looks at body of the biker as it fades from their view.

"Should we call an ambulance?" Yang said, looking back at (D/N).

"He's fine..."

~Flashback ends~

"...and that's what happened."

Everyone, excluding Yang and Ruby, sat there in silence at the story that was told. Sure it was heartwarming hearing the Droid's commitment to keep everyone in his family safe, but to hear (D/N) might of potentially killed a man scares them or unsettled them.

Nora then breaks the silence, "Aww! That's sweet of (D/N)! Though I wish he broke his legs!"

"Yeah!" (CD/N) agrees with the pink bomber.

"Nora!/(CD/N)!" Ren and Jaune exclaims at their teammates, respectively.

"Are you two insane!?" The heiress looking at the Commando Droid  and Bomber, "(D/N) just potentiality killed a man!"

"You don't have to worry, Yang said in the flashback that (D/N) said he's fine." Nora said, oh so innocently.


"He's fine..."


"He's fine!"

Spoiler, he's not fine... he ded.


The End

Well this short is done. I hope you all enjoy this and stay tuned for Chapter 10!

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