Chapter Four: Reflection

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It has been a couple of hours since several of her family members were taken away and Lily was already in the local orphanage. She knew that they moved fast so she wouldn't be stuck in the Loud House with child abusers living there. But that didn't mean that the rest of the family were going to take it laying down. She remembered the shouting, pleading and fighting that occurred before Lola was tased. A sight that made her sister's stop and try to help her..while making sure that Lily knew that they will get her back soon.

Lily had to hold back a scoff. They couldn't get her back after all why would anyone leave her alone with them. They threw her brother out like trash and used him like some kind of object. It was a disgusting display and showed that her family was truly beyond redemption. The aftermath of this will surely destroy whatever bonds they had and would make it difficult to work. Luckily, she wasn't in any danger seeing that she was the only one who helped her brother out.

Slowly, Lily turned to face the moon and wished her brother well since her sisters would most likely try to drag him back. However, it wouldn't do them any favors for the hard months ahead for them.

"I hope that you stay safe Lincoln." She uttered to herself as she started to get ready for bed. Unaware that for a quick second...a light shone brightly in the sky before disappearing completely. 

At the same, Leni was staring at her hands as she waited for her siblings and parents to get finished getting processed. She knew that the police would have their hands full since Lori and Lynn wouldn't do anything quietly. The same could be said for her father who would gravel and beg for some way to get out of this.

"Leni? You're already done?" A voice said behind her. Leni turned around and saw her sister's Luan and Luna looking at her with puzzled expressions on their faces.

"Yep. I wouldn't count on Lori and Lynn to get finished anytime soon though." Leni said as she spotted two wheelchairs being taken to their processing area. She also noted that there were also spit masks on hand too...which could only make her cringe imagining how much complaining they would both do once they were removed.

"Why would I be surprised? Anyway...Do you think that the others would get us out of here soon?" Luna said.

"It depends on how much our bonds are and if we stay out of trouble." Leni stated as she remembered all of those crimes shows before everything went downhill. She knew where it all went wrong, but kept it to herself. Her sisters would never listen to her since she was known as the ditzy sister of the family and her parents.....

They wouldn't understand either and continue their blissful ignorance of the real world. Allowing their daughters to run amok and pushing Lincoln to the side.....which made Leni sick to her stomach. How long has things been like this? They were stuck in an endless cycle of ignorance which ultimately ended in their present situation. 

"Dang it. I had hoped to get out of here in order to avoid answering Sam's questions when she hears about this." Luna stated.

"You're not the only one who has to worry about that. Benny will be furious when he finds out what I did." Luan said.

"Can you stop talking about your relationships following apart? If you haven't noticed...that isn't helping us avoid heading off to jail." Leni said.

"Surely they would have to agree that Lincoln was..." Luna started to say before Leni started to softly chuckle.

"Do you seriously believe that any judge or jury would find us not guilty for such a ridiculous reason? Wake up Luna....We're screwed." Leni said. Luna opened her mouth to say something only to be stopped by Luan who shook her head.

"You have to agree that what Leni said makes sense. No court would back us up for what we did on the notion of Lincoln being bad luck. Besides we don't have evidence of any mishaps that happen around him when he was still with us." Luan said.

"Sure we do..." Luna said before noticing that both of her sisters were staring at her with deadpan looks on their faces.

"Then tell us. What evidence would you give to make the judge not throw us into jail." Leni said.

"Well...there was the time that he ruined Lynn's game..." Luna started until Luan spoke.

"A game in which...she played the same way that she always did. A fact that any team would notice if they watched odd gameplays from the past. Not to mention that she wasted energy on doing those ridiculous good luck rituals which added nothing to the game. Plus...they would ask the coach to offer his experiences with Lynn which would be a serious strike against us." Luan said.

"What about our broken stuff?" Luna said.

"Stuff that could've been broken by anyone." Leni said which made Luna huff and sit down with her arms cross. Leni could only sigh and wonder if her parents would also be in denial of the wrongness of what they did. 

Who was she kidding? Her parents were already in denial of their actions which would ultimately make their fight to avoid jail that much tougher.

Hope you enjoy the chapter...Bye 👋

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