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All in third POV

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There occurred a small knock on the door. "Come in." Gajeel said, not bothering to look up at the door. He was signing papers and doing paper work for his real estate business called RedFox.

"Uh, Mr. Redfox- ah!" The maid was pushed out the way by a short bluenette girl Bursting through the door upset. Her coming through the door caused Gajeel to look up from his papers startled.

"Gajeel you sexy ass bastard!" Gajeel was shocked at Levy's outburst.

"L-Levy...?" Gajeel tries to speak but was interrupted by her left hand slamming against his desk. Gajeel jumps a little and glances at the wedding ring that fit her ring finger perfectly.

"You!.... You!..." Gajeel just stares at her confused then at the maid who was dusting off her outfit.

"Ah, Katy I think you're going to want to leave." He said ordering the maid out. She nods and shuts the door. Levy grabs his collar and begins to yank him back and forth crying.

"Don't look at the maid look at me!!! You bastard!" Gajeel's muscular hands grabs hers.

"Levy calm down what's the matter! What are you blaming me for?!" She stops what she's doing. Giving Gajeel a chance to stare his beautiful wife in the eye's.

"Gajeel... I can't get pregnant..." She said. Gajeel was still staring at her, but this time in shock. It was so silent in the room you could hear a bead drop.
Gajeel suddenly stands up.

"WHAT?!" He exclaims. "What do you mean you can't get pregnant?!" 

"Gajeel the doctor came by and told me-" Gajeel cuts her off.

"He has to be wrong." He grabs Levy by the hand. "Come on." He says with an angry tone in his voice.

"Wh-where are we going?" Levy questioned. Gajeel grins.

"Tch, to try again." Levy blushes. They both reach they're huge bedroom that Levy shared with him.

"But Gajeel your work."

"Screw that." He said tossing Levy on the bed like she was a pillow. "Our kid is the main priority." He said unbuckling his belt. Levy smiles and takes off her dress. Gajeel gets on the bed and they both immediately attack each other, kissing and grunting. Gajeel grips below her knee and pulls her in closer. Just then someone knocks on the door.

"Go away!" Gajeel yells.

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The next following week both Levy and Gajeel sat in front of the doctor.

"Uh... This isn't the best news but Mrs. Redfox you have infertility. As for Mr. Redfox you don't. Due to Mrs. Redfox uterus..." The doctor voice fades from Levy's ears.

'How can this be?!' Levy say's through her thought's shocked. Suddenly they both stand which snaps Levy out of her disappointing thoughts. 

"Thank you doctor." Say's Gajeel while he shakes his hand.

"I'm sorry Mr. Redfox I did everything I could. The best thing to do right now is to keep trying." After seeing the doctors Gajeel and Levy were in front of the hospital.

"Gajeel..." Levy said. Her voice sounded as if she were going to cry. Which she was. Gajeel opens his arms.

"Bring it in." He said. Tears from her eyes roll down her cheeks as she walks to him until her forehead hit under his chest. His arms close in on her and he hugs her tight. Levy starts sniffing. Gajeel kisses the top of her head. "Its ok shrimp."

"Gajeel... I really wanted a child... Your child." She said beginning to sob. He squeezes her a little tighter.

"I know, I know. I did too."

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That was the intro! Hope you enjoy the continuous story! Please give your thoughts!

Not Continuing until: April.10.2017

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