❁ 2

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It's been a few weeks sense Gajeel and Levy received the bad news. Not only that they wanted a child, they needed a heir to the business. Levy hasn't been taking it very good lately and Gajeel needed a back up plan. Eventually He came up with a plan but it was hard for him to except it. His dear little sister Juvia. He didn't want her to marry cause he thought no man was good enough to marry his precious sister, until he was left with no choice. The least he could do was pick a groom for his innocent sister. This is where the real story begins.

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"No...no...no...no..." Gajeel said as he looked at the pictures of his house hold staff sons. Another slide on the screen appears. "Damn! Who is that?! He look fucked-" Gajeel catches himself. "Um who's son is this?" He said looking around the room.

"He was mine." A man said with water in his eyes. Suddenly Gajeel felt guilty. The man runs out the room crying while running like a girl. Gajeel smacks his forehead.
"Next slide please." Natsu hits the next button.

Gajeel looking for the perfect guy for Juvia went on for about another hour.

"Maybe we should take a brake." Natsu suggested. Gajeel begins to nod agreeing to Natsu's suggestion.

"Ok. Everyone we will meet back here tomorrow. You may go." Evryone groans as they stood up leaving through the double doors. Gajeel leans back in his chair and lets out a frustrating sigh. Natsu puts his hand on his shoulder.

"It's ok, you'll find someone soon." He walks out the door after the last person leaves. He finally gets a moment of silence until someone knocks on the door again.
"Who is it?" He said. A man with black hair pops his head through the door and speaks in a girly tone.
"It's your favorite person silly." He comes in and walks as if he was on a run way. Gajeel cringed. The man laughs.
"Well if it isn't Silver Fullbuster. How is the business going in China?"
"Very good sir," Silver said acting himself again. "I came here for an approval of- uh... Gajeel?" Gajeel was falling asleep but suddenly snaps out of it.

"Yea I was listening."
"What has you so beat?" Silver asks.
"Finding a suitable husband for my little sister."
"It can't be that hard."
"I just don't want anyone with her. It has to be someone I trust and you know, who can provide for her and be a good person. Especially if he might take over the business when I'm long gone."
"Oh! What about my son?!"
"You have a son?"
"Yes I have a son." He said smiling. Gajeel stares long and hard at Silver.
"Mmmm..." Gajeel responds. There was a moment of pause. "Nope I don't trust your son already."
"What?! You haven't even met him."
"Yes that is true, but I've known you sense you worked for my dad Silver, your a player. That could mean your son is a player."
"Honestly I don't know what my son is ever sense he got to the age where he can get his own house he's been avoiding me. But I do believe my son will be able to make your daughter happy." Silver said trying to convince him to give his son a chance.
"Mmmm..." Gajeel said deciding. "What's his name?"

"Gray Fullbuster."

"Gray? Why would you name your child that?"

"I don't know ask his mother."

"Fine I'll give him a chance, if you can somehow get him to meet with me next week Friday at the company's party I'm hosting."

"Done. He won't let you down. Nor your sister Juvia."

"Let's hope so. Have him dress formal by the way... Now what where you saying you want permission of?"

"Oh yea I wanted to know- Gajeel wake up!" Silver said to the man who was falling asleep in his chair.

"I wasn't falling asleep I was... freaking um..." Gajeel begins to snap his fingers. "What's the word?" Silver begins to laugh.

❁ ❁ ❁

Gray phone buzzes as he stares outside the school window sitting in his desk. His eyes look down on the phone only to see an unfamiliar number. He answers.

"Hey." The voice said. Gray immediately recognized it and move the phone away from his ear to hang up but his dad begins to yell.

"Wait wait!! Don't hang up yet I have something to tell you!" Gray stares at the screen wondering if he should hang up anyway but instead he puts the phone back to his ear. His father continues.

"I haven't heard from you in 10 years what do you want?" Gray says aggravated.

"I need you to dress formally because I need you to meet my boss."

"Why would you have me do that?"

"Because there is a pretty girl involved and rich people."  His dad replied instantly. Gray rolled his eyes.

"What's in it for me?" Gray asked irritated. "Why should I do what you say after what you did to me and my mother?" Gray begins to clinch his fist on top of the desk, but still maintains his emotions.

"Look, Gray I want to be in your life and I'm sorry I did those things but I'm a changed man I swear. I even let you go when you didn't want to stay with me, the year you started college. Just please do this for me. You see I'm trying to help and make sure you have a better future." Said Silver with regret and slight frustration.

"I don't need a rich good-for-nothing, unloving father who is never around to help me." Gray hangs up. Sliver looks at his phone as the screen went black.

"Your not getting out of this one Gray. Your going to meet her rather you like it or not." He says to himself.

❁ ❁ ❁

"Are you ready yet Juvia?" Gajeel said knocking on her room door. Its been a week since the talk Gajeel and silver had.
"Hold on just a minute!" Juvia said from the other side of the door. Juvia finally zipped the back of her vanilla white, just right fitting dress she's been trying to zip for the past 3 minutes. Her blue hair moves gracefully around her shoulders, wavy, long passed her collarbone. As she glances at the mirror and takes one more good look at herself. She hears another knock. "Ok, I'm coming." She opens the door and Gajeel gives smiles.

"Ah, my beautiful sister. So innocent and precious."
"Gajeel I'm only 20." Juvia starts to walk passed him but Gajeel stops her with his left hand.
"Your not going anywhere not with those shoes." Juvia looks down.
"Whats wrong with my shoes? White flats go with everything." She replies.
"Yes but not to the company's party. Go back and get your heels."
"No my feet will hurt." She argues back.
"That's why there are chairs now go." Juvia sighs and goes back into her room. Seconds later she comes back out with the click of her six inch heels to the ground.

"Good. Now I have to talk to you about something." Juvia puts her hands on her hips.

"I'm listening." Her voice was elegant, almost as if an angle lived inside of her. "You know about the arranged marriage..." Juvia interrupts,

"Oh Gajeel. I'm sorry you and Levy couldn't make a hier to the company. But I dont think I'm ready for this." Juvia tries to get him to understand.

"I know but you know were running out of time Juvia. I actually have someone offering their son to you. Silver."
"Silver has a child?!" Juvia said shocked.
"I know I said the same thing. He's coming to the party today so play nice ok?" Said Gajeel. Juvia says in a country accent,
"Why Gajeel... I'm as smitten when any boy lays their eyes on me." Gajeel laughs.
"Ha! Your not that cute." Juvia looks at him surprised. Gajeel smiles.
"I'm kidding Juvia. Now stop taking in that country accent, I hate when you do that to be sarcastic about your looks." Juvia sighs. Gajeel sticks his bending arm out. Juvia stick her arm through the hole. They begin to walk down the hall, arms linked, towards the party.

Once they reached the party doors Juvia and Gajeel could already hear the music playing and people chattering. "Ready?" Gajeel asks. Juvia nods. The doors open and everyone falls silent.

Lucy announced them as they walk in. The whole ballroom applauded for their entrance. Once that was done Juvia and Gajeel brakes apart greeting people. Close to an half hour passes and Silver appears with Levy approaching Gajeel. "Have you met my son yet?" Gajeel shakes his head.

Gray was stuffing his face at the buffet table eating carelessly. 'Stupid dad... he tricked me to coming here, I hate his guts!' He thought as he ate angrily, numbing on a drum stick. Juvia approaches the table and sighs. She grabs a plastic fork and doesn't bother to even grab a plate. She sticks her fork in the fruit bowl eating the sweet watermelon. The sweet taste roams around Juvia's mouth each time she took a bite and swallowed.  With a hint of blush on her face she lets out a small moan. "This is so good!" She nearly yells to herself. She takes the whole bowl as if it was made just for her. Gray stares at her thinking, 'Wow she's pretty as hell.'
The bowl looked a little heavy to carry but she managed. Gray looks at the watermelon mixed with other fruit. Juvia made him want to try some. He grabs a fork. He was going to stick a fork in the bowl but Juvia moves the bowl.

"Um... excuse me?" She said looking at him.
"I want some." Gray said.
"um... No it's mine. Sorry." Juvia said politely.
"Hey you can't hog it all."
"Actually Yes I can... Its my house."
"No you can't. And I'm your guest so share." Gray tries to get a watermelon again but misses because she moves.
"Hey what's your deal?"
"Well, I'm hungry. The fruit is good so I'm taking the whole bowl with me."
"Wouldn't you get your nice dress messed up?" Gray said.
"I have many other dresses its really no big deal. There is another bowl on the table take that one." Gray looks at the table then back at her.
"No, I want this one." Gray said pointing at the bowl with the fork he held.
"No. Its mine." She said winning.
"Well can you at least give me a damn taste?" Gray complaines.
"Quit being so damn stingy."
"I'm not stingy your just not letting it go." Juvia replies. Gray looks over her and gives a dramatic gasp.
"Hey what's that over there!?" Juvia looks to the side. Gray tries to go for one again. Juvia moves her bowl with The quickness.
"Ha! Nice try." Gray groans.

Lucy come over and pulls Juvia away. "Come on there is someone who wants to meet you!" Lucy said. Juvia leaves Gray standing there at the table. 

❁ ❁ ❁

Once the party was over Juvia and Gray was called into the after party room. Juvia walks down the hall on her way there, wearing the flats she's been longing to wear. She mumbles to herself,
"Gajeel never said anything about an after party. And I still haven't met that boy yet. What's going on?" She walks through the door only to see Lucy and Levy first. "What's going on?" Juvia asks.
"It's about your arrangement to marriage remember?" Lucy answers. Juvia stomach turns. "Oh no." She said.
"Oh yes." Levy said. Levy takes Juvia by the arm and enters through another door. Gajeel and Silver were chatting while Gray sat on a sofa slouching to a point where he minds well lay down. His legs were spread apart as he moves them Side to side looking up at the ceiling. As Juvia entered the room all talking stops.
"Juvia, this is my son Gray." Silver said. He walks over to Gray only to see him slouching. He doesn't make eye contact to the girl he was supposed to meet. Silver slaps the back of his head.
"Gray get your ass up and meet her properly."
"Owwwww." He said as he looks at Juvia.
"The stengy girl?!" Gray said.
"Uh oh." Juvia said of embarrassment.
"Looks like they already met before." Gajeel comment. Juvia looks at Gajeel.
"Don't tell me..." Juvia begins to stutter.
Gajeel nods. Gray looks back and forth between them.
"What... what tell me what's going on." Gray demanded. Juvia begins to blush.
"Your getting engaged to this young lady." Silver says. Gray says,
"Wait what?!" He then begins to get red on his face as if it began to spread from me to him like a virus.
Juvia grabs the hem of her white creamy dress and grips it hard as if she were struggling to get the words out.
"I'm Juvia Lockser... nice to meet you." She fixed her gaze to Gray. "But... But I'm not rich I'm just a regular person." Gray said trying to make up an excuse.

"A commoner?" Juvia say's confused.

❁ ❁ ❁

A/N: Hello! I decided to update this book very 2 months so I have to to write an effective chapter. If I finish my chapters early then it will be out early, bottom line is I'm almost out of high school and I'm dealing with college things so please be patient guys! Oh and when I said I would update in April it got delayed because of my editor but that's ok! I hope this chapter is good... no I'm serious I really hope it's interesting.

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