Bonus chapter

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With Harry in his time

"That's all you can go," Dumbledore said.

Everyone left the room except Harry who was going through a kind of trance he was so angry and sad again he had lost his parents.

"You're fine Harry," Dumbledore asked.

"Again, he had a family and left again........", Harry replied.

"You know it was the right thing to do," Dumbledore added.

"Yes, but I had recovered them and now they are gone.... My family vanished again," Harry said with tears in his eyes.

"Harry that wasn't real it was a fantasy you know your parents will never come back," Dumbledore said.

"But for a moment in my life I felt happy and loved, I was able to be with my parents I could talk to them to live with them" Harry began to fall tears all over his face.

"They were great (laughs) and mom his Sirius girlfriend.... I never had anything happy in my life and this is how close I lived happily," Harry said.

"My life was the same again and my parents will never remember meeting me I'll just be a baby to them"Harry was crying he couldn't bear that pain of losing his parents again.

"You know Harry I know it's hard, but it's the right thing to do" Dumbledore left the office leaving him alone when he saw on the floor, he saw something lying down.

"What is that" she came to him and took him.

"Diary of T/n Evans" read aloud

He didn't know whether to open it or not, so I just took him to his common room where all his friends were waiting for him with lots of food, sweets etc.

"What is this," Harry said with a smile.

"We know what you've been through these last few days, so we decided to throw you a party," said Ron with his mouth full of gummies.

"What are you bringing there," Asked Hermione, looking at the diary harry was holding in her hand.

"It's my mother's diary I leave here," Harry said.

"You'll read it," Ginny asked.

"I don't know," Harry replied.

"Let's read it," Hermione said.

"Okay" Harry handed the diary to Hermione who opened it on the last page which was dedicated to Harry.

"Hello honey I know that you found my diary here I write all my life I know that you never met me I leave it so that you know everything I lived in my good life as far as I have lived it, I hope that this serves as something and remembers I will always love you, although I do not remember anything that happened

Atte: T/n Evans"

Harry grabbed the diary and read it causing a tear to come out of his right eye and fall into the diary.

"Guys let's leave him alone," Neville said, making everyone go to their rooms.

"Dear diary today I met some weird guys call themselves marauders I like them I think they will be my friends for a long time"

"Dear diary today James and Sirius went to arrest for blowing up the Gryffindor common room, I had to insult a teacher next to Peter, so they were not alone it was the best day"

"Dear diary I think I'm starting to like Sirius I don't know what can happen between us"

"Dear diary today I realized that James is an expert to blow things up we were in potions class and almost flew the room to stir everything stupid was the best day of my life."

"Dear James diary and his occurrences we travel to the future for his stupidities I do not know what will happen here, but we will live it all together"

"Dear diary I don't know what happens to Sirius is very strange because I'm spending a lot of time with Harry and James tomorrow, I'll talk to him."

"Harry is the best he looks so much like me, and James I hope if life is good"

"Dear diary today I discovered that Harry's life has been a horror and I will try to make sure I had a good time as we return to our time."

Harry read the whole diary stayed up late reading the adventures of T/n Evans and the marauders, Harry was so happy to have that diary he discovered more to all the friends of his parents and his parents Harry in some parts I cry and wondered why me? Why my parents and not others? although I don't wish it on anyone

That afternoon Harry cried until he fell asleep Dumbledore justified all his faults so that he could read the diary was a very beautiful diary his mother knew how to express herself so well and so beautiful

Harry would use that diary so that his future children knew their grandmother without knowing her would use it as a legacy and the same from that day bought a diary identical to that of his mother and from that day, he told his whole life and so if one day his children died you could know him or if he was not to see his grandchildren they would know them very well.

And his was like a story ended and raised a legacy for the Potter family and his eldest son James Sirius Potter would make one and his sons another and so would be the chain, that would be the legacy of the Potter a diary.


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