Final chapter

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"Hey, we'll get over it," James comforted me.

"Shut up James I have to say that" Sirius said.

"Guys don't fight" I try to calm us Down Remus

While we were fighting, we heard the door of Dumbledore's office where two men entered one had tears in his eyes and another was alone was surprised and next to them entered Harry and his two friends Ron and Hermione

"It was true," said one of the men specifically the one who was almost crying.

"Someone tells me it's happening," I commented.

"T/n so long," said the other man.

"Who are they," Sirius asked.

"It's you," replied the same man who had spoken to me.

"We," said the boys.

"I'm Remus," said the man with tears in his eyes.

"I'm Sirius," said the other man.

"Wow I'm still handsome," I add our Sirius

"It can't be I have a mustache," said my Remus as he watched the Remus of the future.

"This is definitely a dream," I said.

"It's all so confusing no," Harry said.

"Well, being honest I don't care if they do here, but I know this is a farewell or not Dumbledore."

"Guys fix the Time Tour and you'll go back to your time," Dumbledore said as he grabbed a box from a shelf.

"Okey," Peter said as he approached Dumbledore.

"That's it, we'll leave without saying goodbye," James asked.

Harry came out of the middle of the two men and approached us.

"Hello..." Harry looked sad and had tears in his eyes.

"Hey it's okay, yes?" We will always be in your memory," I said, and then hugged each other.

My heart was broken after so long we would leave, and everything that happened will only remain as if it had never existed as if it were a dream.

"Come here," James hugged him as I wiped the tears out of my eyes.

"You know I don't like you (laughs) but goodbye" Sirius I still hug him that did surprise me to see how everything was being composed

"I will miss them," Harry replied.

"Okay I don't think Dumbledore let us have these memories right," I said as I turned to see Dumbledore.

"If you have the memories, you could ruin the timeline," Dumbledore replied.

"Q-that," Harry said.

"I'm so sorry Harry, but that's what we need to do," Dumbledore said often to get the door opened and Snape in.

"What does the here do," said the Sirius of the future or present, the truth is confusing.

"He's here because he was still a friend of T/n and he has the right," Dumbledore replied.

"Well let's do it," I commented.

"We won't remember anything that really happened," James asked.

"Exactly Mr. Potter"

"Well, if I'll regret it being big," James pounced on me and kissed me.

The truth is that I reciprocated at first, but then I took off everyone in the room laughed except our Sirius who was about to explode and hit James.

"Professor we can leave before Sirius kills me, please," James said nervously.

James quickly approached, followed by Remus and Peter.

"Well let's go, goodbye," I hugged Harry again and went with them.

"Well, if we won't remember anything," Sirius came to where we were, specifically James, and punched him, but very strong.

"For kissing my girlfriend," Sirius said.

Everyone laughed the truth was a beautiful moment pity that we will forget, and this would only be remembered by those who saw us at Hogwarts at this time no one else would know about this

"Well let's go before Sirius hits James again," I added.

Dumbledore approached us and put us in a circle he placed the time turntable and gave it to us to turn without first making a movement on his wand where you could see a thought of each one, he placed it in a bottle and then told us

"Give it 3 laps and you'll get to where they were"

I didn't know where I was, I didn't recognize anyone but Sirius, James, Peter, Remus, and Dumbledore I didn't know what we were doing and who the other people were.

"Where are we," I asked in confusion about what was going on.

"Do what I told you," Dumbledore said.

"Good," James and Remus said.

Peter turned the timer 3 times as Dumbledore had said and suddenly, we showed up at Hogwarts, but outside where my only thought was and then everyone was black as if we remembered nothing.

"Well, it didn't just happen, but let's go to class," I said and then removed the time turntable from me and put it away.

"Come on" Sirius took me by the hand, and we walked with everyone to class.........

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