Chapter 12

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"If nothing in your life revolves around me you know now you have a son and a husband and now your whole damn life is happy and there is of my life eh you just think about you and James' you know I wish I had never come to this stupid year!?!!! Sirius said yelling at T/n very angrily

"Seriously, I am glad because everything that child has suffered everything that has happened to him in his life, and you think in pairs about whether I am with James?!? Sirius he is a child and if life was shit because his parents were not dead sorry for wanting to give a happy life to MY SON AND JAMES" I took my purse and went to the door" You know something you've become your biggest fear... Your father" I left my room angry and almost crying so there was only one place I could go and with one person.

In Dumbledore's office

"You must tell them the more you are here the longer the timeline is ruined," said a mysterious voice.

"I'll decide how much..." someone interrupted Dumbledore

"Professor, although it pains me to accept it, they must leave," said a second mysterious voice.

Dumbledore stays quiet for a few seconds "well bring them here it's time for them to come home," Dumbledore said.

"It's the right thing to do, sir," said the first voice.

Meanwhile with T/n

"Thank you for coming," said T/n.

"What happened now," said the voice of a mysterious boy.

"Sirius... He went crazy thinking that coming here was a mistake and that meeting Harry is a mistake and I (sigh) the truth I don't know what to do anymore" Look into my partner's eyes

"Maybe he feels threatened you know you where the perfect couple were beautiful and suddenly you ignore him and someone else took his place," said my partner.

"You know the first time we were here was when you had a panic attack, and you didn't know where to go you went as far as possible and I followed you I helped you calm down and says "Rem quiet that happens peto always everything will be fine" shit.... how easy was the pura life at that time?

"I know now it's dramas and being with people you barely know, and everyone knows who you are," Remus said.

"Hey guys, Professor Dumbledore doesn't call is life or death," said Peter who had just arrived.

"So, what will we have left, ask

"Come on," the three of us went to Dumbledore's office where they all were.

"What happened," I asked without anyone being in that room but us.

"I don't know, ask James," Sirius replied.

"You know Sirius I don't have humor for your fucking victim game so if I'm spending time with James and what the diary said I didn't write it," I looked down" How did you not write it."

"Bone if I wrote it, but not as part of the diary Harry and I were playing Lara see what letter the I of the future would write if I were in the past with the James of the future"

"And because the fuck you didn't tear it off," Sirius asked.

Because Peter's stole my diary before I could tear it off his what not Sirius was not my intention that you feel threatened by your stupid jealousy

"Shut up now!! I was able to fix the time turner and you're coming home right now," Dumbledore said as she went out with him in hand.


"Come closer" everyone moved to where the least of me was.

"T/n you're fine let's go," Remus asked me.

"We will only come back and live knowing what will happen in a few years," I said with a tear on my face.

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