Part Four

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Zoya looked over at the man sat a few tables away "These sleeping tablets are something else, I swear I had insomnia but these just knock me out"

Zoya stood up, her eyes on a sleeping Aditya, she walked slowly over to the man, "Excuse me Sir, I hate to be rude but I overheard your conversation and I am so tired, ive been travelling all day and I have insomnia, could I please have one of your tablets"

"Oh, of course, its horrible isnt it" he passed her a tablet and she smiled greatfully, slipping it into Aditya's drink, she grabbed the pen from his pocket and a napkin and began to write.


Aditya woke up, looking around for Zoya when he saw the napkin on the table

Hi Aditya,
Its me, the girl you think isnt that bad, I suppose now you think the opposite. You have to understand that as much as I understand you have a job to do, I want to live, this is my time, its my chance, I apologise for spiking your drink when you woke up earlier but I had to get away. I am young and I have so much life left, I am innocent no matter what you think, dont worry I wont be calling the police, you saved my life, all I hope is that Allah saves yours. You are good, you are kind, there is still time to change, I hope one day you see the light in the darkness, until then may Allah be merciful.

Aditya crumpled up the napkin, shoving it in his pocket and stormed off. He would find her and he would find her soon.

Zoya stood up from behind the truck, "Bye Aditya" she smiled, before turning away and walking to the bus


One Month Later-

Zoya grumbled as she bumped into someone, "Cant you watch where you're going" she heard, the voice making her blood turn cold she turned around slowly to see Aditya, his eyes narrowed and he went to grab her arm

Zoya fell back onto the floor, she needed to make a scene now or he would take her away "I am innocent please, I didnt kill your dog" she sobbed loudly

Aditya's brows furrowed "What the fuck"

She glared up at him "Dont swear" then sobbed loudly again, kicking her feet "Bhai saab, help me, he's crazy"

The man just shrugged and walked away, Zoya huffed "Na-insafi" she stood up, dusting her hands "Oh come on then, you're going to take me anyway" she followed him along the road

Aditya turned around to her "If you ever pull something like that again, then ill"

"You'll what, kill me" she interrupted throwing her hands up in defeat "Oh how surprising, the contract killer would kill me, is that all you've got, men like you dont scare me"

Aditya raised a brow, what had gotten into her, he stepped forward, making her step back

"Another inch and ill slap you" she raised her hand, glowering as he wrapped his fingers around her wrist, pushing her against his car "You wanna try that again" he asked, his voice low and husky making chills run down her spine

"No" she squeaked "Aaj meri birthday hai" she pouted "I was hoping I could maybe not get kidnapped today"

His face softened "Happy Birthday Zoya"

She smiled "Thank you, aap ko bhi" then shook her head "I mean, you know what, never mind, im so tired, can we do those things like in the movie where you pick me up and take me somewhere, its not that I wont come with you, its just im so tired"

Aditya smiled "My car is behind you"

Zoya laughed "Oh, I knew that" she raised her hand for a high five, but he furrowed his brows, shrugging

"Aree, I made you smile, dont I get a high five" she lifted his hand, slapping it against her own, then turned and sat in his car


"Areee, this is my faviourate song" she turned it up, bopping her head

"Okay, okay, im not killing you today, but youre going to kill me with that singing, baksh do" he groaned

Zoya pouted "Fineee, cant even have a good day on my birthday"

"Okay, fine, just dont sing so loud"

And obviously, Zoya being Zoya sang as loudly as she could


"Ohh fancy, I've never stayed in a hotel before" Zoya announced

"Do, you, ever, stop, talking" Aditya squeezed the brim of his nose

"No, Allah gave me a mouth, im going to use it, he didnt give me one to be quiet did he"

"But my head hurts"

"Oh, I can make you a herbal remedy"

"Zoya, we're in a hotel, there's no herbs here"

"Oh" she slammed her foot into his leg making him fall back onto the bed, pulling her with him "What was that for" he growled

"My ammi always said you forget the first pain if you have pain elsewhere, I was only trying to help"

"Zoya, you're crazy" he rolled her over "I dont know why I dont just kill you now"

Zoya shuffled back on the bed "Please dont, my birthday isnt even over yet" her eyes filled with tears

"Look Zoya, listen to me, I have a job to do, I have to do that job"

She crept forward, grabbing his hands "Why cant you just give the money back and let me go, please, I dont want to die, I have so much I want to do, i have so many dreams"

"Because its my job, its not as easy as handing over a contract to someone else, and if someone else gets the contract Zoya, youll be dead in a very nasty way"

"Dead is dead isnt it" she shouted "So, what does it matter how I die, please just let me go, I am innocent"

He sighed "I am meant to kill you at midnight"

"Thats in three hours, I" she jumped at the knock on the door "Thats Mahi isnt it" she gulped "You're not a contract killer are you, that's why you havent killed me, you were just keeping me until Mahi got here"

Aditya stood up, but Zoya grabbed his hand "Please Aditya, dont do this to me, all ive ever been was your friend"

His body stiffened, but he opened the door anyway, Mahi smiled and closed it behind her "Hello Zoya"

Zoya stood up, her head spinning "Why are you doing this Mahi"

"Because you killed my brother, now im going to kill you" she spat, raising her hand to slap Zoya, but Aditya grabbed it

Zoya moved, standing behind him "Please dont let her do this"

"Miss Mahi Arora, you are under arrest for attempted murder, you do not have to say anything but it may harm your defence if you do not mention when questioned something which you later rely on in court. Anything you do say may be given in evidence" he pulled handcuffs out of his pocket, slapping it onto her wrists

"What, what the, I didnt even touch her" Mahi screamed

"You tried to pay me to kill her, payed me to kidnap her, threatned to kill her and went to slap her, you're going away for a very long time" he turned to Zoya, "I apologise Miss for all the problems youve had to go through, happy birthday again, may you live a happier life" then he was walking away with Mahi leaving Zoya confused and awestruck


Two weeks had passed since Zoya had seen Aditya. She smiled at the memory of him, such a lonely man with the purest heart, she just hoped Allah would give him all the happiness he truly deserved.

Zoya stepped out of the Dargah, pulling her headscarf down, a car pulled up before her "Fancy coming down to the station, we have some questions for you"

Sorry this is late! So many surprises, do let me know your thoughts

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