Part Three

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Zoya looked down at the food infront of her

"Halal" she asked, eyeing the meat

Adi nodded, she smiled, thanking him before she began to eat

She paused "Aren't you going to eat" she gulped "Is there poison in this, is this how you're going to kill me"?

He shook his head, "No, I said, you have to be in Pakistan first"

"Oh, sorry, I, my ammi always says I talk first without thinking sorry" she shook her head, her smile returning again

Adi sighed "I spoke to Mahi"

She froze, looking up "And"

"Shes sticking to her story"

Zoya laughed sadly "There was me thinking maybe I would be free" she looked away

Adi huffed, why did it bother him so much when she stopped smiling? She wasnt anything important to him, so why?

" Just eat your damn food, we leave for Pakistan tomorrow" he stood up, about to walk out when he heard her voice

"Can we visit the Dargah, while we are there please"

He gripped the door tightly, his jaw clenched "Allah cant save you now" he muttered bitterly

"No, but maybe Allah can save you"

"Again, this crap, what the hell is" he turned around quickly, stopping as she stood right infront of him

He stiffened as she wrapped her arms around his waist "What the hell do you think you're doing"

"Reminding you that you're not alone"

He shoved her away "Stop trying to get in my good books"

She raised her hand, slapping him across the face

His head swung to the side, he looked back up, glaring, his hand on his cheek

"Mosquito" she smiled

He scowled, walked out of the room and pulled the door shut


Adi pulled Zoya out of the lorry, she fell forwards, bashing into him, biting into her tounge


The driver jumped out, holding his hand out "Payment"

Adi reached for his wallet but the man shook his head, he eyed Zoya maliciously

"An hour with her" he grinned

"Tauba, tauba" Zoya said, standing behind Adi, she gripped his arm

"No, it isnt happening"

The man smiled, pulling out a gun "Thought you'd say that, give me the girl, ill return her in one piece" he wiggled his brows "Well more or less"

Zoya wretched "Please dont, ill do anything Adi"

Adi pushed Zoya infront of him, she screamed as he grabbed her

"No, Adi, please" she begged "Please, ill do anything, please"

Adi kicked the gun from the man's hand, grabbing Zoya back quickly he held her hand "Run"


Adi pushed Zoya against a wall, his hand covering her mouth as he leant back looking for the driver

He turned back to look at her as he felt tears hit his hand

"Shh, main hoon na" (I am here) he soothed

She sobbed into his hand, squeezing her eyes shut

He moved his hand, putting his finger on his lips "Shh, shh Zoya, I wont let him hurt you"

She nodded, holding his shirt tightly, her eyes wandering the street

She gasped as her eyes fell over a shadow "Im scared" she whispered

"No one can touch you while im here, its okay"

He slid her across the wall, stepping back with her slowly "Run Zoya" he shoved her behind him as the driver faced them

"What about you" she asked worriedly

"Ill be fine, go" he ordered

She went to run, then stopped, he had saved her, though this was her chance to get away, to have another chance at life, she couldn't leave him now, she could try and escape another time

She picked up the rock from the floor, threw it at the man, he groaned, falling back

They both turned and ran away


Adi's POV-

She saved my life. She knows I am going to kill her but she saved my life

Was she crazy?

Or maybe, she was just human, innocent and kind

Once upon a time I had believed people like that had existed, but eventually I lost faith

But now, now, I was starting to believe again

I waited by the Dargah as Zoya took off her shoes, pulling her scarf over her head

"Aren't you coming in" she turned to face me

I shook my head "No, not my"

"What harm would it do, maybe this is what you need, maybe this was Allah's way to get you to come here"

I sighed "Fine" I slipped my shoes off, stepping inside

She smiled as she observed me from the opposite end as she knelt down to pray

I kept my eyes on her, telling myself it was for safefy precautions only

But I couldn't help the ghost of a smile on my lips, she wasnt to bad


Adi placed the juice before Zoya, he watched as she thanked him, then looked up at the dark blue sky

"Why do you have to kill me here" she asked

He flinched, as if he had completley forgotten she was to be his next victim

"Because Mahi wants me to"

"I hope the money is worth this life of loneliness"

She had no idea why she had said it, angering him wouldnt be helpful right now if she wanted to stay alive for long enough to escape

But, she was tired, tired of pretending like this situation she had found herself in was anywhere near okay

"It isnt enough by far, but it keeps me busy"

She stifled a laugh "Cant you find better hobbies, one where people dont die at the end of it"

She jumped as he laughed, "You know Zoya, you're not to bad, not to bad at all"

Hey! This was written in a rush along with several others, just because I wanted to get the update up quickly as I have revision to do, so from now on updates may be a lot later

Apologies for the cliffhanger!

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