Chapter 23

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Yesterday night was really spooky but I guess I really was imagining things.

"Okay then, What are we going to do today?"

"Right there." He pointed at bicycles.

"Ooo we're racing again?"

"Yes if you want to. We're going to the other side."

"Yay!! I wanted to go there." I jumped excitedly.

"So, let's go?" He hopped on the bike.


Wah! There's a fun park too.

We tried the coasters and different rides. He shot the balloons and won a teddy bear for me. We had cotton candies.

I went to washroom for a while, when I returned back he was talking to a lady, I guess they were fighting?

"Before she comes out get out of here." He yelled at her.

I couldn't see her face but as soon as she saw me approaching them she ran away.

"Who was she?" I asked him.

"None of your business." He yelled.

"No need to be angry, I was just asking!" I pouted.

He sighed.

"She was an old friend." He replied.

"Then why did she go like that?"

"Why do you want? She's here for her holiday we're here for ours." He again lost his temper.

"Okay sorry, Don't be angry." I hold my ears.

After that he went back to normal.
We entered the photo booth and clicked some funny photos. We cosplayed as pirates, sailors, cats, and witches. The evil horns suited him the most. Hehe.
Oh my god! It feels like a dream.

I didn't know my husband has this sweet side. I'm in clouds nine.

After the whole exciting day, we returned back to the villa at night.

It was already 9 pm.

I came out of the bathroom and found a black dress on the bed with a note.

"What's with him? He's really being weird. But the dress is pretty." I hugged the dress and got changed.

I heard some footsteps out of the room. I opened the room and checked there was no one.

"Ryouma?" I called his name but came no answer, I felt someone's presence behind my back but when I turned around no one was there.

I better get out of this house, it's too spooky.

I came out of the villa and looked around, a small gazebo was set up and there lay my husband watching the night sky.

"If he's there who was that?" I ran to him out of fear.

"Someone was there inside the house." I told him panting.

"Of course you were." He gave an obvious look.

"No, someone else. it's so scary." I looked at the villa then back at him.

"Yeah go on watch more horror movies." He mocked me.

"I'm serious."

"It's all your imagination. Come lay down." He pulled me and made me sit.

"You're looking good." He smiled at me.

"Okay, tell me already what's going on?" I asked him with a serious face.

"What?" He just raised his brows.

"I mean you're treating me very good and these past few days, I had lots of fun and now you're even complimenting me? Tell me you're okay right? you didn't hit your head somewhere?" I asked him checking his head.

"How rude!" He slapped my hands away.

"It's not my fault. Anyone will be suspicious. You're not planning to murder me after this? Like this was your last week on earth and now bye?" I waved my hand.

He laughed out loud.

"Murder, Teresa? Seriously? You and your imaginations." He flicked on my forehead.

"But it's true someone was there." I pointed at the house.

"Yah right! Now stop your horror story and stop spoiling our date." He got up and pouted.

"Date?" I raised my brows.

"Why? Can't I take my wife on a date?" He crossed his arms.

"Who said you couldn't?" I smiled.

"Then remove that frown off your face and just enjoy the date." He knocked my forehead with his finger.


"Lay down, you're missing the perfect view." He laid back and patted the sheet beside him.

I lay down beside him.

"wah! The sky's so beautiful. Full of stars." I said happily.

"By the way what do normal couples do on a date?" He asked looking up.

"You've never dated?" I looked at him.

"Nope, I just got engaged and married." he answered.

"Of course which sane girl would date you? Every sane girl will run away from you." I teased him.

"Yeah you're no.1 insane." He looked at me and smiled.

"I'll hit you on your face. I'm an exception." I gave him an angry look.

"Yeah, yeah of course."

"This guy, getting on my nerves, now who's the one spoiling the date?" I scold him.

Ryouma: "Okay, okay my bad. Bad joke."

Teresa: "So normally people talk about their likes and dislikes, maybe?"

Ryouma: "You've never dated? Boys must have avoided you, I understand."

Teresa: "It's not like I didn't have any opportunities, I just preferred not to."

Ryouma: "And you're the one to talk."

"Why you?" I raised my hand to hit him.

"Peace." He showed peace sign with his fingers.

"okay then let's talk about likes and dislikes then." He said looking back at the sky.

"Then your favorite color? I hope not pink." He teased me again.

"You want to get hit that badly? Tell me I'll hit you right away don't look for excuse." I made a fist.

"Just tell me." He looked at me.

Teresa: "White, red and mostly all bright colors and yours? I bet its black or grey."

Ryouma: "Black."

Teresa: "haha I was right. Okay my turn, favorite food?"

Ryouma: "Mom's cooking."

"You really are a mama's boy, huh?" I poked him with my elbow.

Ryouma: "I'll tell yours. It's chocolates."

Teresa: "haha actually as long as it tastes good I'll have anything. Okay my question. What do you do on your free time? You're not allowed to say work."

Ryouma: "Umm... I read books."

Teresa: "As expected of Ma-kun is. I do many things like singing, dancing, listening to music and books too."

"I knew that too. You always have headphone in your ears and sing loudly enough to disturb me and your dancing skills I've already seen in Hawaii." He laughed.

"Fine, fine. Go ahead and make fun of me." I pouted.

We talked and talked. After this I now know that there's nothing similar between us. We're complete opposite to each other. North pole and south pole.

"Let's play a game." He suddenly stood up.

"What? Now?" I looked at him widening my eyes.

"You're not allowed to say no. Come here." He pulled me up.

"What are you doing?" He blindfolded me and spinned me around.

"I'll clap and you have to hear the sound and catch me." He instructed.

"And you call me a kid? What, trying to play conjuring?" I said touching the blindfold.

"What? Scared?" He whispered in my ear.
"I'm not. Fine I'll catch you." I accepted the challenge.

I went towards the sound.

"Clap." I told him.


Why am I playing this stupid game? I'm sleepy.




No reply.


No reply.

What the hell?

I took my blindfolds off and my eyes slowly adjusted to the surrounding.
What the hell? I entered the spooky forest!

"Ryouma." I called out to him, but there's no reply.

"Okay cut this stupid joke and come out, would you?" I moved forward.

I'm getting scared now.

I entered deep into the forest. I reached at an open space. Why is it so dark? I'm really scared.

"Boo." he appeared out of nowhere.

"Oh my god! you idiot!" I hit him.

"Happy Birthday." He whispered in my ears and pointed ahead.

"huh?" I looked at the direction and suddenly the lights turned on and everyone jumped out from their hiding place and shouted "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!"

"Mom, dad, papa, Rina, Rihito, Ai-chan." Everyone was there.

"It's my birthday today?" I murmured.

He gave me my phone which wasn't with me because when I woke up I was in the boat. I looked at the date its 21st August.

Mom came running to me and hugged me.

"Did we surprise you?" She asked excitedly.


"She would have spoilt it, in the kitchen, running around the house and following us everywhere in the park, she even saw you but thankfully didn't see your face." He pointed at his mother accusing.

"I was thirsty, you were responsible for her to not find us and what did you expect, my son smiling and having fun and you expect me sit quietly? It's my Teresa's b'day I wanted to click surprise photographs." she pointed at her camera which was hanging down her neck.

Teresa: "It was you? And I was thinking of ghosts."

"How did you guys came up with this idea?"

Ryouma: "Planning was theirs and my responsibility was to distract you from your birthday. By the way did you like your birthday week?"

"It was amazing." Tears sprung out of my eyes.

"There she goes cry baby, we didn't do this to make you cry." He wiped my tears.

Teresa: "I'm not crying it's just that I'm so happy, tears are flowing from my eyes."

Ryouma: "What's the difference between crying and flowing of tears from eyes?"

"Shut up stupid son. Don't make my daughter cry." Mom hit him.

"Stop hitting me mom. I didn't make her cry, she's just a cry baby, doesn't need a reason to cry." He pulled my cheeks.

"Come now let's cut the cake." Mom pulled me.

"1st make a wish! Make a wish!"
I closed my eyes for a minute and opened them.

I blew the candles and cut the cake while everyone sang "Happy birthday song."

"Thank you everyone for making my birthday so special!" I thanked them with tears in my eyes.

After that everyone danced around me and I literally felt as a princess from a fairytale.

After we returned to our room, I asked my husband.

"When did you manage to plan all this?"

"Well, mom wanted to surprise you but Rina informed us that you're a surprise spoiler who walks around to spoil every surprise if there is one. It was my responsibility to take your mind off your birthday. So, I suggested them to have your surprise party over here. You didn't have a cell phone to check upon the date and you were far too excited for the events of the day you didn't bother to know the day!"

"Wah! My husband is really intelligent!!"

"Turn around."


"Turn around", he grabbed my shoulders and turned me back.

"What are you up to?"

I felt something on my neck.

"Oh! It's so beautiful." I held the gold and diamond butterfly necklace looking at the mirror in front of me.

"You didn't have to, you already gave me best birthday week." I turned to look at him.

I then felt something on my wrist and it was a beautiful diamond butterfly bracelet.

"I..." I didn't know what to say I just kept staring at him with my mouth open.

"A birthday girl should just accept the gifts and not complain." He pinched my nose.

"I am speechless."

"Wow, chatterbox is speechless, I think I am successful in my plans then." He smiled and winked at me.

And just how can I not fall for this devil?

So basically it's Teresa chan's b'day today! Happy birthday Teresa chan!! 😘❤

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