Chapter 24

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Ah this is the best birthday ever!

After the superb island holiday, we're back in our home.

"Maybe I should do something for him too?" I muttered.

Rihito told me about Sam and Ryouma that how they were best of friends, the two brothers but then what the hell happened that they can't tolerate each other now, that he didn't tell me. Well looks like I'll have to find out myself.

*phone rings*

"Nice timing!" I thought picking up Sara's call.

"Happy birthday!!" Sara shouted as soon as I picked up.

"Thank you Sara-chan! But, just now you're calling me? Very bad! " I complained.

After the Hawaii trip, Sara and I have become close friends.

Sara: "I thought you'd be busy with your surprise party."

Teresa: "And you didn't come?"

Sara: "Umm Sam had some work so?"

Teresa: "Sam had some work or that demon didn't invite him?"

Sara: "Demon?"

Teresa: "yeah my almighty demon husband!"

Sara: "haha, you're funny, Teresa."

Teresa: "You didn't come because of that demon right? You should have, it's my b'day not his!"

Sara: "No, it's not his fault. Sam had some work."

Teresa: "Okay then, What about tonight? Does Sam have work?"

Sara: "wait, he's right here. Talk to him yourself."

Sam: "Hey Teresa, Happy birthday!"

Teresa: "Thanks Sam, but I'll not accept your wish like this. Meet me tonight with your wife, my treat and yes no excuses. It's my birthday, brother-in-law."

Sam: "As you wish, birthday girl."

Teresa: "Yay! Then I'll text you the time and location, be there okay. See you tonight then."

Sam: "See you, bye."

"Yes one work is done." I jumped excitedly.

I called my husband next.

"What?" My husband picked up the call.

"Can't you be more polite? Anyways, what are you doing?"

"Working." He replied in a monotonous tone.

"Ah, of course. You're free tonight?"


"It's my birthday. I am taking you out on dinner, my treat." I told him happily.

"No need we've already celebrated your birthday." He refused bluntly.

"You've given me such a wonderful surprise! Now it's my turn. I want to say thank you properly. So, you have work or not, I don't care you have to come. I'll text you the address and time, you're not allowed to say no cause till midnight it's still my birthday."

"Fine. I'll be there."

"Don't you dare ditch me!" I threatened him.

"I won't. Bye."

"Okay, have a nice day, bye."

"Yes!" I jumped.


Teresa: "Oi you got the message right?"

Ryouma: "Yeah."

Teresa: "just to remind you, you have to reach there 8 pm sharp."

Ryouma: "I know."

Teresa: "Good. See you then."

I cut the call.


"Why aren't they here yet?" I muttered looking at my watch.

"Oi? What's wrong?" My husband who was sitting beside me clicked his fingers in front of my eyes.


"Whom are you waiting for?" He questioned.

"Some special guests." I smiled at him.

"Oh! Hi!" I waved at Sara and Sam as soon as they entered the restaurant.

They waved back and walked towards us.

My husband got up but I pulled him back to the seat.

Sam and Ryouma both gave each other a death glare.

"What are they doing here?" He scowled.

"It's my birthday and they're my guest. So shut up and behave." I hold his hands.

"Come sit." I pointed at the chairs opposite us.

They sat hesitantly.

"Then enjoy your company, I'm out of here." My husband stood again.

"You're going no where." I pulled him back.

He glared at me.

"Your glares are useless. It's my birthday, I'll invite whoever i want."

"then i'm not needed here, you can have fun with them." He starts to leave again.

"Stop being rude. They are not complaining then why are you?" I pulled him back.

"I know right, they're so sweet then why don't you leave me alone and enjoy your time with them." He stood up again.

"How can i leave you, my dear husband? You're needed here." I pulled him and hugged his arms tightly.

"Leave me." He got up.

"If you don't want me to create a scene here, shut your mouth, be a good husband and sit down! And i mean it, I'm actually quite an expert in creating scenes!" I glared at him.

"Do whatever you want." He shrugged my hands off him.

"Please, You said you'll do anything i want, remember our deal before going to Hawaii, it's still pending." I hold his hands and stop him.

"Ask for something else."

"No, I want this.It's my birthday! Please! please!" I made puppy dog's eyes and whined like a child.

"Fine." He sat back.

"Oh your so sweet." I hugged him.

"Sorry." I said to the couple in front of us.

They were smiling at us.

"So it's my birthday today and no one is allowed to get angry, create a scene and everyone should smile and have good times together, okay?" I clapped my hands together.

Awkward silence.

"And no one is allowed to be mum, everyone here should talk." I said with my arms crossed.

"Ah! I'm so hungry. Let's order something, hmm?" I said breaking the silence.

"Let's see what we have here?" I looked at the menu.

"oi husband stop sulking and help me with the dishes." I poked him.

"Why do you need me, if you're going to decide everything by yourself, then deal with it too!" He looked other way.

"Aigoo! Stop being a child! He's your big brother and sister-in-law, show some respect, will you?" I pulled his cheeks.

"No one's my brother here." He pouted.

"Please!" I looked at him with puppy dog's eyes.

He sighed.

"This!" He pointed at the menu.

"Okay. One mushroom soup then." I said.

"Aren't you allergic to mushroom?" Said Sara.

"Really?" I looked at my husband.

"That's none of your business!" He yelled.

"Calm down husband, stop creating a scene."

"It's all your fault, who told you to invite them?" He yelled at me.

"No need to yell at her, it's not her mistake. Is this the way to treat your wife?" Scolded Sam.

"She's my wife, I'll do whatever i want. Whether i love her, hate her, yell at her that's none of your damn business." He yelled at Sam.

"Okay, peace. Let's forget about it 'kay? Let's continue with the dinner?" I showed peace sign with my fingers and then they settle back at their place.

They turned away. Oh boy! this is going to be a long night.

"Okay let's forget about mushroom. We'll have something else."

Finally we ordered the food and Sara and i kept on talking about things and our husband were silent.

I have to do something.

I brought up the topic about brothers and sisters and tried to revive their good old memories which Rihito told me about them.

"Would you shut up?" My husband suddenly shouted at me.

I flinched.

"I'm sorry but i was just..."

"Who told you these things? Mom? Rihito?" He yelled standing up.

"Who the hell are you to interfere in my life? Don't forget your just a con-" He stopped.

"You're a nobody! you get that?" He pointed his finger at me.

"Hey Ryouma, she's your wife! You can't talk to her like that." Sara shouted at him.

"You stay out of this." He pointed at her.

"Ryouma!" shouted Sam.

"Do not interfere." He shouted.

"Am I really no one to you? I don't mean anything?" I stood up with tears in my eyes.

"Hell no." He gritted his teeth.

"Really? I'm really just a co- you know what I mean?" I said with trembling voice.

"Yes. You're nothing to me and stop sticking your nose in my business. I just have to tolerate you for next 8 months then i'll kick you out---" I threw a glass of wine at his face.

"What the hell?" He shouted.

"You damn woma--"

I threw another one too.

"Thank you for attending this dinner, I'm sorry for the scene created here." I looked at Sam and Sara who were staring at us with their mouth wide open.

"You wanted to create a scene, I've given the perfect performance to the audience i'm going home and don't you dare to try to talk to me again, jerk!" I glared at my drenched husband and walked away.

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