< 1 - "The Cords Of Vitality." >

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[Erokana City Apartments • 12:30 P.M.]

Aggressive tapping echoed through someone's apartment, as they typed on their keyboard anonymously.

This someone was a Hacker by the name of 'Ruin'. Famous for hacking into a research hospital and stealing their funds from a recent fundraiser.

He snickered as he talked to his friends in a chatroom. Unaware that someone was in his computer.

Just then, his screen began to glitch, and his computer turned off on its own, including the monitor.

Confused, he looked around, as if someone had unplugged his software. His monitor then turned back on, to reveal a girl with neon green and purple hair, along with bright pink eyes.

She grinned, as she began to exit the monitor, grabbing him by the neck, and pulling him into his screen.

"Surpriiiise." I smirked, throwing him onto the floor as he entered the monitor.

"You really thought that you were safe, Ruin?" I laughed, as he growled. He began to pixelate, and transform into a cyborg.

"Huh. You've made a bad choice... Diving into my data just to pull me into the TechnoZone to fight me face to face." Ruin grumbled, as a gun appeared on his back. He grabbed it, as it began to glow, signaling that it was loaded.

"Full Dive, the ability that all hackers acquire that lets them fight in their technology... It is a useful ability, so why not put it to use and kick someone's ass?" I smiled, taunting him.

I slid my hands into my gauntlets, and readied for battle. "You're using your fists in a fight like this?" He laughed, as I shrugged.

"So? Either way, you're going to end up dead. My comrades and already leaked info about who you are and what you did." I giggled, twirling the broken cord of my wireless headphones that floated over my ears.

"Oh, and before you even say anything more, don't worry. We've already taken care of your friends who helped you, too." I said, as my gauntlets began to glow green. T

"How?!--", "DOWN YOU GO!" I shouted, punching him in the gut before he could even finish his sentence. "It was quite simple. We just so happen to have the same number of people in our hacking teams. My friends are just a lot more skilled." I said, letting him fall to the ground after I punched him in the throat.

He fired his gun, only for me to move my head to the side, avoiding the shot. "Pfft." I laughed. Without realizing it, I had felt someone pull me away. I saw a bullet flew by where I stood before.

"Try paying attention sometimes, would you, Rise?" I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I turned around to see Truth, Gaze, and Vivi. "You guys finished your work already?" I asked, as Truth nodded, letting go of my shoulder.

"You just have to quit talking to Ruin and tear him a new one." Gaze laughed. "So... Where'd he go?" Veevee skated past us, looking around.

"..." We all stood silent, realizing that we got distracted. "Let's get him next time, our time in the TechnoZone is wearing thin." Truth said, adjusting his headphones.

"How about we all meet up at the mall for lunch?" Veevee asked, skating up to us. "Sounds like a plan." I laughed, as Veevee grinned. "See you there." Veevee winked, as she logged off. "Same here." Gaze waved, dissapearing.

"I'll have to call a cab again..." I groaned. "What's so bad about taking a taxi somewhere?" Truth laughed. "I have to pay money..." I pouted.

"I could come and pick you up if you want." He suggested. "Wait, you have a car?!" I gasped. "No, a motorcycle." He grinned. "Edgy. Nice." I snickered. "Hey, my brother gave it to me, soo..." He shrugged. "I'll see you in a bit." He said, disappearing. I logged off.

[<Reality> Downtown Erokana • 1:25 P.M.]

I slowly opened my eyes with a yawn. "Ugh..." I sat up in my computer chair, stretching. I decided to get out of my chair and throw a new change of clothes on, cause why not?

I stared at myself in the mirror. I looked so much different in the real world than in the TechnoZone...

My avatar had bright green and purple hair, with a really cool matching outfit. Meanwhile, in reality, I just had light brown hair, tied into two low ponytails that fell over my shoulders.

We, Are Hackers.

Hated by many around the world, they are the top source of crime since 2025.

But, we aren't criminals. Me, Truth, Veevee, and Gaze are 'The Cords Of Vitality', a group of hackers who fight for the sake of society anonymously.

It's a really fun job.

I grabbed my bag, and slung it over my shoulder as I walked out of my apartment, locking the door behind me.

I sat down on a bench outside of my apartment, and swung my legs back and forth as I waited. "Meow!" A black cat trotted over to me and began to purr and nuzzle against my leg. "Hey, Shade." I smiled, rubbing the cats cheek as it meowed happily.

I loved animals, and apparently all animals loved me, too.

Strays always find me when I'm taking a walk.

It's sad that they don't have a place to call home...

I heard revving of an engine as a motorbike parked across from the bench I was relaxing on. The boy driving it pulled off his helmet. "Yo." He waved.

This, is Seth. A.K.A.: "Truth". He's a huge goofball, and is a proud member of The 'The Cords Of Vitality.' He's probably the most responsible out of our four person group, despite being immature at some points. He and I have been good friends for what seems like years now, as well as everyone else.

When in the TechnoZone, he wields many different kinds of guns. He usually sticks with his sniper rifle, though.

His avatar actually looks very similar to how he does in reality. He has black hair, and wears a fluffy jacket...

I could go on forever listing the similarities.

"You ready?" He handed me a helmet, as I put it on. I nodded, as I hopped onto his bike. "Hang on." He said, as I did as told.

Erokana is a HUUUUGE city. By Huge, I mean in size, and in technological development. Everywhere you look on the streets, there are holographic signs, ads, and everything.

It was really cool city to live in.

Before I could realize, we had arrived at our destination. I took off my helmet, and handed it to Seth, as he locked them onto the motorbike.

"Dude, I can feel the edgy vibes emanating from you." I joked, as he laughed. We walked into the mall, heading towards the restaurants. "HEEEEEY!" I saw a familiar blue haired girl waving to us.

"Hey Vivi." I smiled. "You're Late, Haru, Seth." Aaron leaned his head back and stared at us, his blonde hair hanging down. "I honestly hope your blood rushes to your head because your staring at us upside down." Seth said, flicking Aaron's forehead. "Ow!" Aaron pouted, lifting his head up, and sitting up in his chair.

Aaron, A.K.A.: "Gaze", is the one who came up with the idea of fighting other hackers for a good cause. He's basically the founder of our group... In a sense.

He's pretty reckless, and likes to act before he thinks. He also likes to goof off all the time and hit on Vivi. He kind of hits on me, too, but I dunno why he's so hesitant to do it. I don't like him in that way, I just find it to be funny as hell because he looks like an idiot.

In the TechnoZone, his avatar wields a giant broadsword. In an RPG, he would most definitely be the tank of the group.

"Hey Haru, you should totally dye your hair bright green and purple!" He said, as I sat down. "Why?" I laughed. "So you can be as breathtaking as your TechnoZone Avatar." He winked, as I laughed. "What's wrong with me in reality?" I raised an eyebrow. "I dunno. You look kinda... Average... no offense." He grinned sheepishly.

"I think she's fine as she is." Seth said, leaning back in his chair. "I mean, yeah... I don't have good looks and all, but I don't dwell on it and obsess about how I look." I smiled shyly.

"NU-UH! You take that back right now you adorable girl!" Vivi skated over to me and tried to squish my face. "Hey!" I laughed.

Vivi, A.K.A.: "VeeVee", was my best friend. Even though she's somewhat of a rich girl, she loves spending time with us more than anything. She's like the sister I never had. She's also really pretty. When I found out she was a hacker like us, I was honestly surprised that a girl like her was into videogames and such.

There's one thing about Vivi that will never change. And that's her habit of wearing roller skates everywhere. Her TechnoZone avatar even has ice skates.

Her Avatar wields two sharp daggers. Her ice skates give her mobility and speed so she can damage enemies quickly, and efficiently.

Vivi finally decided to give up on trying to squish my face, as she skated back to her seat. "Compared to her avatar, she is the complete opposite!" Aaron took a drink of his soda. Seth yawned, closing his eyes.

"Crap, I forgot my wallet." I facepalmed. "Haha! I've got you covered!" Vivi grinned, handing me a bag from one of the many restaurants in the food court. "Is it what I think it is...?" I asked, sniffing inside of the bag.

She nodded with a childish grin. I gasped as I grabbed the cookies out of my bag. "YES!" I shouted, as I gave Vivi a high five. "I want one." Aaron pouted.

"Well, maybe if you'd stop calling people plain and non-breathtaking like yourself, then it wouldn't be a problem, now would it?" Vivi grinned at Aaron, as he nearly fell out of his chair in shock.

"HA!" Seth laughed. "I'm sorry." Aaron pouted. "It's okay!" I patted his arm. "Your still not getting my food." I smiled, handing Vivi a cookie. "DUDE SERIOUSLY?!" He shouted, as we all laughed.

[<Timeskip!> Downtown Erokana • 6:10 P.M.]

"Thanks for the ride." I said, struggling to get my helmet off. "Here." Seth pulled it off of my head almost too easily. "Your hair is a mess." He laughed, as I tried to fix it. "Wait, I've got this." He ruffled my hair. "Hey!" I laughed. "So I'll talk to you tomorrow, then?" I asked, as he nodded, driving away as he waved.

I unlocked the door to my apartment, and shut it behind me. I was worn out, and tired even though it was 6 o' clock in the evening.

I walked into my bedroom, and looked at my poster covered walls, and my various figurines lined up on stands and shelves. I instantly plopped into my bed, and fell asleep.

HEYO peeps! It's me, Wafflecakes!

Guess what? I figured out how to actually draw using Paint on my laptop.

And holy cow am I hyped for this book. XD

Anyways, I wrote a big long first chapter that I hope you all have enjoyed, cause DAYUM.

Around 1800 words for the chapter itself XD


So, I will try to keep this book updated unlike my other original works XD


That being said, thanks for your support! I'll see you all in the next chapter!~

See ya! (=゚ω゚)

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