< 2 - "Vivi." >

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[Downtown Erokana • 10:12 A.M.]

I was leaning back in my computer chair when I heard a familiar ding echo through my headset, signaling that someone had entered the voice chat.

"You're up awfully early." Seth joked, as another ding sounded in my headset. "Good morning. And I'm sorry about yesterday." Aaron whined, as I laughed. "It's fine... But where's Vivi?" I asked. "Probably sleeping." Aaron replied, yawning.

Another ding sounded in my headset. "Good morning guys." I heard Vivi speak. "Hey, Vivi." I said with a smile. "Alright, now that everyone is here, let's discuss how we're going to deal with hacker 'Ruin' who escaped yesterday." Aaron said, initiating a meeting.

"Since he escaped, we need a new plan of action to track him down and defeat him." He continued. "I think I scared him enough yesterday." I snickered, remembering how I surprised him.

"Even so, we don't know if he genuinely learned his lesson or not." Seth spoke. He was right, there was no way to tell. "Good point." I replied, thinking.

"He was quite surprised when I told him that you guys took out his accomplices. After all, once you get beaten in the ." I told them. "Knowing how desperate one can be, he could possibly have other buddies by now that will help him." Vivi said, as I nodded. "Well, shall we launch another attack again?" Aaron asked.

"That wouldn't be a good idea. After all, he's probably prepared and expecting another surprise attack." Seth informed. "Then what do we do?" I asked. Everyone went silent, probably thinking of a new plan.

"We could hack the funds that he stole and return them to the research facility." Vivi said, hoping for approval. "I dunno If that'll work, but we can try." Aaron replied. "It'll be dangerous. But we can do this." Seth said, as I smiled. "Sweet. When will we strike?" I asked.

"How about... Tomorrow morning? I can't do it tonight." Vivi replied. "Why not?" I asked again. "My dad is arranging a feast for another rich person who's coming to visit..." I heard her sigh. "Oof." Aaron said, as I frowned. "Yeah, that's the problem about being rich. You're expected to be super fancy 24/7." She laughed.

"Alright. I have to go, see you guys tomorrow." Vivi said, as we heard a lower pitched ding, signaling that she left the voice chat.

[Uptown Erokana • 11:57 a.m.]

"Vi." I heard my father call. "I'm coming!" I shouted, as I finished doing my hair. I had put my hair up in a messy bun, and I wore my black and orange sundress. With coral pink earrings to match. "I looked at myself once more in the mirror on my wall. I looked at myself from head to toe, and sighed. 'Is this who I truly want to be?' I thought, as I left my bedroom. 'No...

It's what my parents want me to be.'

I walked down the hall to arrive at the large staircase that led downstairs. 'I like dressing up, but arranged stuff isn't my thing.' I thought, sitting on the railing of the stairs, and sliding down. I continued to walk towards the dining room. And finally, I had arrived at the large double doors.

The butler gave me a kind smile. "Miss Vivi, the Lord's guests have already arrived. They are in there waiting for you." He bowed. I went to open the door, but hesitated. He opened the door for me. "Thank you." I said politely, walking inside.

The large dining table could seat 15 people, and it was lined with all sorts of foods that the cooks had prepared. Since it was more of a lunch than a dinner, the table was lined with various fruits and sandwiches.

"Ah, Vivi." My father said, as I sat down in my chair. "Good afternoon." The guests greeted. "Vivi, this is Mr. and Mrs. Fouster." My father told me. "It's a pleasure to meet you both." I stood up, bowed, and sat back down.

I enjoy the positive parts of being rich, like being able to eat all sorts of foods...

But I hate being rich. People are jealous of us, and they hate me.

But I'm a human, too.

My father loves and cares the money. Sometimes I think that he sees me as a mere object that gets in the way...

I hate it.

I want to be able to spend my time freely.

I want to be able to hang out with Seth and Aaron, and Haru most of all.

[Haru's POV • Downtown Erokana • 2:00 p.m.]

"So... It's just us three today, huh?" Aaron said, crossing his arms. "Yep, the usual weekday." I yawned. We were at the park, sitting down in the grass.

It's sad, really.

Vivi can only hang out with us on weekends. If on a weekday, she's in voice chat for about an hour at max.

"Why does she listen to her d-bag dad anyways?" Aaron grumbled. "It is what it is. People may think she's lucky to have been born rich, but she's actually suffering the most." Seth replied, as Aaron grumbled louder. "She needs to talk to her dad." I said, lying back onto the sun bathed grass. "Easier said than done." I looked up to see a familiar girl with blue hair. "Vivi!" The three of us shouted. "Did you sneak out or something?" I joked, sitting up, as she sat to my left.

"Nah, the lunch negotiation went quickly, thank god." She laughed. "Have you guys eaten lunch yet?" Vivi asked, as we all shook our heads no. "Then lunch is on me!" She grinned. "VIVI YOU'RE A GODDESS!" Aaron sighed in relief. "Thanks." Seth said, as she laughed. "No problem!" She said, as I stood up. "Well, let's go get some food!" She lead the way.

The mall hadn't been far from the park, so it was a pretty short walk. We all got our usual, and found an open table in the food court. "Hey Haru? Can I have that?" He pointed to my bag of chips. "Wha- NO!" I exclaimed, as Vivi laughed. "Uh... Hey guys? Check this out." Seth said, setting his phone on the table. "Breaking news... Government hacked by 'Ruin'... Blah blah... What do we know about the mystery hacker 'Ruin'?... Blah blah..." Vivi read. "He tapped into government funds now?!" I shouted, before gasping and covering my mouth. "Shh, keep it down!" Vivi mumbled, looking around.

"Yeah, apparently." Seth crossed his arms and sighed. "Hey lil' bro. What are the odds that I'd see you here too?" Seth's eyes widened as someone ruffled his hair. "Blake, what do you want?" Seth rolled his eyes and looked up at his brother with a groan. It was seth's brother, Blake, along with Blake's Girlfriend, Marie.

Blake is Seth's older brother by 3 years. He's pretty cool... Sometimes. Other than that he can be a total asshat. But he usually isn't around us. He has Snow White hair, the complete opposite of Seth's black hair. Seth doesn't really care much for his brother, though.

Blake's girlfriend Marie(Mah-Ri) was gorgeous. She had nice ginger hair that was always styled differently every day, paired with a nice outfit. She's SUUUPER nice!

"Chill out, I'm just teasing." He snickered. "And how are the girls doing?" Marie grinned, ruffling me and Vivi's hair. "Heya Marie!" Vivi smiled. "Hi." I waved. "Marie, you are gorgeous, as per usual." Aaron gave her a flirtatious smile. "You seem to forget that I'm in a relationship already, Aaron." She laughed. "Besides, about how many girls do you flirt with each day? Now that's a poor quality that'll get you nowhere." Marie smiled. "HAHAHA!" Vivi nearly spat out her soda as her and I laughed. "Need something?" Seth looked over at his brother while taking a sip of soda.

"I was sent here by dad. Mom is back from her trip." Blake spoke, a slight smile on his face. "Y-You're kidding, right?" Seth asked, stuttering slightly. "Does it look like I'm kidding?" Blake grinned. "Your mother is very nice, Seth." Marie giggled as she untied my low ponytails and began to play with my hair. "Let's go see her then." Blake said to Seth, as he got up. "Alright, I'll see you guys later." Seth waved. We all waved back. "You coming Marie?" Blake asked, as she shook her head no. "Nah, I'm gonna take these two out shopping. Haru could use another outfit or two!" She grinned. "Wait-- WHAAAA...?" I asked, concerned about the money. "Just how much money do you think you'll spend on me?" I asked, not wanting Marie to spend her paycheck on me. "I've got us covered!" Vivi smiled. "See you later!" Blake waved. "Bye!" Marie smiled.

Hello my dudes.

I am back,....

My dudes.

XD Heya guys! It's me, WaffleCake!

I've been so hyped for this book! X3

Well, the next chapter should be out soon! So keep an eye out!

See ya in the next chapter! o7

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