Chapter Eight

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"We are initiating the landing sequence."

"Good," said Leilani. "Bring all three cruisers down to the ground to refuel — and they can join the blockade after."

Tython had been a fixture in the old legends, its tales woven through the pages of books gifted to her by Madam Jocasta many moons ago. She had always envisioned it as a bastion of serenity, a sanctuary nestled amidst the tumult of the galaxy and the ebb and flow of the Force. It was, after all, the hallowed ground where the Jedi Order had taken root millennia ago, and where the elusive Martryium of Frozen Tears lay concealed within its core. To her, Tython epitomised the essence of the Force—a profound connection that permeated the very atmosphere, binding together its inhabitants, be they citizens, Jedi, or the myriad creatures that roamed its lands. The planet itself seemed to pulse with the living energy of the Force, a harmonious symphony of life and nature.

Tython remained shrouded in mystery, its secrets guarded fiercely by the Jedi Order and veiled from those beyond its hallowed halls. Hyperlanes shifted, diverting travellers away from its cities and the temple, rendering them abandoned—or so the myths said. So they wanted the people to believe.

Yet, upon her return from Serenno, when she requested Master Yoda's permission to travel to Tython, he readily agreed, willingly providing the coordinates. He expressed joy in enabling her journey—not only for her to acquire knowledge and guidance but ultimately to safeguard the sanctity of the temple.

Every time she set foot on the ground or passed through the gates, a profound sense of safety enveloped her, as if she were cocooned in a vast, uncontrollable yet inviting energy. It was a sensation she experienced anew with each return, just as now—a warm embrace that welcomed her back to the familiar shore.

She walked down the ramp while taking a taking a deep breath, letting the breeze dance over her form and play with her hair.

"General Serenno," the exclamation came immediately after, with the Commander of the Tython Guard approaching her.

"Commander Raze."

"A small ship just jumped out of the hyperspace and is approaching the upper landing zone as we speak," he informed her while falling in step beside her.

"Do we know who it is?" she inquired.

"It's General Skywalker, sir."

"Very well, I'll go and greet him."

Anakin Skywalker...the same little boy who cuddled up to her after a nightmare in Naboo, the one who witnessed her make her new lightsaber and almost be consumed by the dark side of the Force. He, who had stayed in touch with Leilani in those 11 years, asking for advice, guidance, or just taking the time to fly out to Tython for a tea — sometimes even bringing his wife, Padmé. He, who was viewed and described by the HoloNet as the most powerful, most fearless Jedi in the galaxy — yet for Leilani, he would always be that blonde mop of a hair who begged her to eat and take care of herself whenever she needed it. Almost like mother and son. Although not one of them would dare to say...let alone acknowledge it.

She takes the elevator and meets Anakin halfway down the path in the hangar bay, pulling him into a hasty embrace; tending to forget about her healing arm, the tiredness of the past months and the pain of the siege.



They pulled apart, to avoid questioning eyes, but gazes lingered at each other. How glad he was to see her hear on the cruiser about how she won the first part of the battle on Felucia.

"Is there something wrong, or are you just here to visit?" she asked him finally, sensing that there was indeed something more.

He shrugged, feigning nonchalance. "Can't I visit you without a specific reason?"

"Normally, that wouldn't be an issue," she replied, arms crossed. "But I sense there's more to it this time." Her intuition sharpened as she detected another presence in the hangar bay, hidden yet failing to conceal herself completely. "Or you are just attempting to help my Padawan sneak back without me noticing."

"Well...uh," he stammered, scratching the back of his head as his face flushed.

Emerging from the shadows, the Pantoran girl kept her head bowed low, fully aware that there was little to no way of escaping her Master's reprimand, even if she desired it. The unfortunate timing, coupled with her Master's profound connection to the living Force and to her, only compounded her predicament.

"Busted," the girl mocked while walking over to Leilani and Anakin.

Dressing as a clone trooper might have provided her with a better chance of blending in, but despite her attempts, she stood out distinctly amidst the uniformity of the soldiers. Her striking appearance, characterized by vibrant blue skin, cascading violet hair, and flowing white robes, drew immediate attention to her.

Such was Nia Rhayme, an impeccable fighter, despite her seventeen years of age who had a habit of drawing attention to herself when she never wanted it. She was assigned to Leilani six years ago; when she decided it was also her calling to teach the next generation — and Nia became a worthy Padawan, in every way. Leilani was peace, Nia was the chaos; Leilani attempted to be a pacifist, and swore to never kill or cut anything other than a droid or door, while Nia didn't fear brutality in the war.

The one strong with the force, and the one strong in combat.

Her other half.

"It was all my fault," Anakin interjected. "I allowed Ahsoka to accompany Senator Chuchi in the investigation of Chairman Papanoida's daughters' disappearance, and I called Nia to assist. Given the involvement of the Separatists, it seemed...right."

"And while I appreciate you assuming responsibility for once in a millennium," Leilani sighed, casting a glance between Anakin and Nia, "it wasn't solely your doing this time."

"I apologise, Master," Nia spoke up, her voice tinged with remorse.

"Your orders were to stay and protect the temple, Nia," Leilani shook her head ruefully. "While I don't necessarily mind when you or anyone else deviates from orders, you must understand the importance of at least one of us remaining here. Nothing happened this time, but if—just if—there is an attack, everything could spiral out of control. And the responsibility will rest squarely on our shoulders."

"I'm sure that Commander Raze is perfectly capable—"

"It's not up for debate," Leilani asserted firmly, cutting off any further discussion.

"Yes, Master," Nia sighed, casting a brief glance at her Master before turning and making her way inside the temple. She had no intention of stirring up any more trouble.

Perhaps, if it wasn't for the war, she wouldn't have to be strict, or make her listen; perhaps, she desired the amity of being the keeper of the peace, not a soldier — awaiting threat every minute. And then, she wouldn't have to scold Nia or make her understand how important the temple her, not just to the Order.

"That was harsh for you," Anakin said.

"She's headstrong and always finding trouble... much like you," Leilani replied with a wry smile, acknowledging the similarities between Anakin and her Padawan. "Perhaps I shouldn't have let you be so close to each other all the time — as now both of you will be scripted as the cause of my greying hair."

" love us."

"That's...also true," she smiled.

Jedi weren't supposed to form attachments, of course. It was strictly forbidden to acknowledge feelings of affection, let alone love. But she couldn't deny it. She loved them. Both of them.

"Is there something else on your mind?" she inquired once more, their steps echoing on the durasteel as they walked inside.

"Yes," he confirmed. "Master Yoda and Master Windu requested to see you."

"Well, well," she mused. "No rest for the wicked. I'll take it from the briefing room. Come."

Another mission didn't concern her; it had become the norm over the past two years to transition swiftly from one location to another. As one conflict concluded, the next emerged without warning.

They walked through the corridors, navigating through the large halls -- as they were both used to the place; they took an elevator down to the first floor and took a right after the library's hall; arriving into the briefing chamber. Leilani pushed the door aside and glanced towards the holotable and two holograms already waiting next to it. Master Yoda and Master Windu were deep in conversation next to each other, while both having a stoic expression on their faces.

"Masters," greeted Leilani, assuming their attention, as she walked down a few steps to stand on the other side of the holotable, with Anakin in her heels.

"Leilani," Master Windu acknowledged as both of them looked towards her.

"Joy, it brings me, to see you being well, Young Serenno," Master Yoda smiled at her.

"Indeed," added Mace. "But that is not why we have asked you here."

"I'd assume that you'd want to hear a report on the Felucian siege?" Leilani ventured, though a sense of foreboding lingered within her. She knew deep down that they hadn't summoned her privately for something as routine as a battle report.

Yoda shook his head. "Wait, that conversation can."

"We await a report on that from Captain Blaze. However, what we called you for was a message, coming through one of the old comm channels, directed to you. We barely caught it," Mace explained.

"Do we know from whom?"

Mace and Master Yoda exchanged a glance before the holotable flickered to life, revealing nothing but a recorded voice. Leilani strained to discern its significance, her curiosity piqued.

"It is under a code name, which we believe is Serennian, '*Vetranth'. They have used your and Dooku's old comm frequency."

Leilani nodded, her expression guarded as they played the recording—a distorted voice echoed through the chamber, transmitting nothing but a chain of coordinates. D'Astan sector, 7-2-9-0-3-1-8.

"Was there anything else?" she inquired.

"No, that is all that we've intercepted from the message."

"I'll go there," Leilani declared resolutely. It wasn't a question or a volunteering—it was a simple acknowledgment of duty. Though it could be a trap, she couldn't ignore such a cryptic message.

"Cautious, you need to be," cautioned Yoda.

"We can't be sure if it's not just a simple trap to lure you in or an actual distress signal," Mace emphasised. "And hence why we have dispatched Obi-Wan to travel there with you."

"Of course, thank you, Masters," Leilani nodded respectfully, bowing slightly as the holographic transmission came to a close.

Leilani released a weary sigh, feeling the weight of uncertainty settle upon her shoulders. Anakin observed her from the side, sensing her turmoil but choosing not to intrude. It seemed she possessed a clarity he lacked, knowing exactly where she needed to go and who lay behind the mysterious name they'd been given. Unlike him, she seemed prepared for the mission, yet beneath her facade, she harboured unspoken trepidation.

It wasn't physical exhaustion or her lingering injury that left her unprepared, but the mental uncertainty that loomed ahead — while the prospect of facing Obi-Wan again only amplified her apprehension. It had been eleven years since she last laid eyes on him, eleven years since their last conversation -- nothing, not even a brief holo ever since; and she had never extended an apology or explanation. Just disappeared into the hollow of tomorrow and never looked back. Perhaps it all began on that mission they undertook fifteen years ago with Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon—the mission that marked the first time she lost control of her emotions and suffered the consequences thereafter. Or perhaps it was the pervasive worry that had plagued her mind, compelling her to flee and evade reality. She ran...and she has been running ever since.


She blinked slowly, turning to the side to face Anakin, attempting to close off her mind, discipline her emotions.

"Sorry," she simply said.

"I've never seen you...this lost or worried before. It is just the message or...?"


And he knew exactly what she meant.

They walked out of the chamber, and soon Nia joined them as well; asking eagerly about her Master's new mission -- and perhaps, hoping that she would stay a little longer. But neither of them could. Anakin took the time for a conversation beside a tea, and went on his way, returning to Coruscant before he was dispatched as well, to another mission, war or siege.

Perhaps, that was just right, a mindful reminder of their duties.

"Did you work with General Kenobi before?" Nia asked as they sat in the hall, just taking a moment to relax, to talk, to breath -- after Anakin departed.

"Long ago, yes," she smiled. "His Master, him and I were dispatched to a mission on Corellia to negotiate access to some of the Trading Routes -- but it went terribly. The locals shot down our ship and we were trapped there and on the run for months, living hand-to-mouth; never knowing what was about to come," she explained. "We hid in the forests, slept under the open sky—like scavengers. We tried to send messages, but they jammed our comms, leaving us no choice but to wait and evade the locals and the bounty hunters they sent after us."

"How did you escape?" Nia's curiosity was piqued.

"Master Yaddle tracked us down in the end, and by some miracle, we managed to reach her ship in time. Only Obi-Wan suffered a grave injury..." Leilani trailed off with a sigh, the memory tinged with regret. It was a part of the story she'd prefer to omit—the less noble, less likeable aspect.

Nia sensed her Master's hesitation and wisely chose not to delve further, shrugging off her curiosity.

"General Serenno, there is a ship approaching; it appears to be General Kenobi," Commander Raze's voice resonated through the comm channel.

"Clear it for landing and direct him to hangar two," she instructed, lifting her arm to ensure the soldier could hear her words clearly.

Despite receiving clearance, Obi-Wan remained cautious. This planet was unfamiliar territory to him, and he had only learned of the temple's existence a few standard hours ago. While he might have stumbled upon mentions of it in ancient legends, he had never explored it further or simply dismissed them as myths. However, this mission felt distinct from any other. Just days earlier, he had reconnected with Quinlan Vos, one of his oldest friends, during a journey to Nal Hutta. And now, he found himself descending onto a foreign planet, preparing to reunite with the woman who had once held an even greater significance in his life.

He had trailed her from a distance, attentively tuning in whenever the HoloNet featured the 405th or her specifically, or catching wind of the missions she undertook. However, by some stroke of fate, he always seemed to miss the precise briefings she attended. Perhaps he had even considered questioning Anakin about his occasional disappearances and how he seemed to possess so much knowledge about Leilani. Yet, he never mustered the courage to do so, apprehensive of the potential judgment and his own lack of restraint.

Shutting down the engines, he stepped onto the opening ramp and was immediately greeted by the sight of Nia and Leilani next to her. The unmistakable sophistication radiated as she stood there, clad in a long lilac dress, her blonde hair cascading down to her shoulders; while waiting...for him.

Leilani stepped forward with confidence, her gaze meeting his directly. "Well, Master Kenobi, my shining Jedi Knight, to the rescue once again," she mocked. Her tone made it clear that she didn't want him there. Yet, she wasn't going to make a scene in front of her Padawan and the troopers on their side, and he had no intention of doing so either.

With his usual trace of smile, he pushed his emotions aside. "After all these years, you are even more beautiful than ever," he complimented, genuine but also meant as a distraction.

Her expression remained stoic as she brushed past him, showing no intention of reacting. "Let's get going," she said, her tone brisk.

With a swift goodbye from Nia, Leilani left out the instructions and gestured for Obi-Wan to follow her. They hurried towards her solar sailor, its sleek form gleaming under the sun. Leilani activated the controls with practised ease, the hum of the engines filling the air as the vessel came to life. She motioned for Obi-Wan to board, her movements swift and purposeful. Time was of the essence, and they had a mission to attend to.

"Do we know where we are going exactly?" he asked, allowing himself a disparaging cough, while taking the seat of the co-pilot.

Leilani sighed softly, her fingers dancing over the controls as she spoke. "The coordinates from the message lead to Mantero, a distant moon of my home planet — it was used as a space for our family's mausoleum for decades," she explains. "It wasn't very precise, but we can start in the cemetery spaceport and work our way from there."

Obi-Wan furrowed his brow in thought. "How heavily guarded is it?"

Glancing back at him over her right shoulder, Leilani considered her response before answering. "In theory, it shouldn't be guarded. It's mostly abandoned, with perhaps a few people at the spaceport and the occasional scavengers — but there is nothing of worth on that moon," she stopped while entering the coordinates into the navicomputer as they ascended through the atmosphere. "My only concern is the blockade over Serenno, but it shouldn't reach that far."

Obi-Wan nodded, processing the information. "So, we're essentially flying and going in blind...Wonderful."

Their conversation remained subdued, factual at best, as they both grappled with the emotions swirling beneath the surface. They danced around the opportunity for a deeper discussion, a chance to address the lingering tensions that hung between them like a dense fog. There were countless questions, numerous uncertainties—not born out of hatred, but rather stemming from a sense of unease, a lack of connection forged by years of separation and silence. It was a void that needed to be bridged, but neither was quite ready to take that leap.

Vetranth  - "Old helper" in ancient serennian language

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