Chapter Seven

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With a deft flick of her wrist, she swung her lightsaber behind her back, deflecting yet another imprecise shot from the droids. The ease of it all bordered on the mundane as if the challenge posed by the droids fell far short of her capabilities. Their movements were predictable, their aim lacking finesse; the only power they had was in their numbers.

Slicing through the last of the B2 series battle droids, she sighed in momentary relief, only to find herself swiftly cornered by a group of droidekas.

"Of course..." she muttered to herself. "And I had to send Blaze and the whole battalion back to get reinforcements."

Shifting to the right, she adjusted her grip on her lightsaber, skilfully deflecting the shots with calculated precision. However, the energy blasts proved to be largely ineffective against the ray-shields. Devoid of any grenades or droid poppers to aid her, she found herself compelled to retreat, her mind racing as she scanned her surroundings for an alternative solution. Before she could even contemplate evasive manoeuvres or seek refuge in the nearby terrain, a sudden explosion reverberated through the air, engulfing the advancing droids in a shower of debris and smoke, flattening them in an instant.

"HA! I told you that it would work," the voice chimed in from the side, causing her to cough lightly as she turned her gaze toward the source.

"Appreciate it, Wrecker," she acknowledged with a nod, easily recognising the man. His towering stature and distinctive, bulky armour made him unmistakable in any situation.

"Anytime, General!"

As the planets revolved countless times, a span of eleven years unfolded, bringing about profound changes. The war that had become Leilani's reality commenced the very moment Dooku released her, persisting relentlessly. Initially, Serenno, along with several other systems, rejected the Republic's offer, forging a new alliance—the Confederacy. The revelation hit her like a shock-wave when, years later, she witnessed her brother delivering a speech with the very same words and convictions he had shared with her long ago.

And it never stopped.

With one single action and a decisive push, the dominoes began to topple, setting into motion the inexorable march towards war, creation, and the loss of millions of innocent lives. All of it, because of him—and her, who could have intervened to halt the descent. There existed always one pivotal decision that could have altered the course of events, the outcome. Perhaps she had not recognized it initially, but now, she bore the weight of blame upon herself with every passing second.

Having been through numerous battles in the past, she had always managed to balance aiding others while tending to her own duties. This time was no different. Her padawan remained at the temple back on Tython, the very place she had called home for the past eleven years, while she was summoned to recapture the planet Felucia; not much after Anakin and Obi-Wan Kenobi had lost the first battle. Hope was to take back at least two important cities, and then leave, wait and let the Republic forces plan the next moves. Just as much as it sounded easy, however, it was definitely not. Her legion had been trapped on the planet for the past month almost, no tanks, no munition were enough to keep this siege alive, even with one city already captured. Hence, that was when Clone Force 99 came in.

The time for careful planning, structural decisions and standard procedures was long gone.

"Alright, listen up!" she called out, commanding the attention of her troops as they regrouped at the nearest camp. "Sarge, I need you and the Batch to neutralise the compound on the west side of Jiaozi. Intel suggests that the tactical droids are concentrated there, diverted from the city outskirts. Once we eliminate them, we'll have a clear path in," she explained, gesturing to the tower displayed on the holotable. "The rest of the battalion will split into two teams; Captain Blaze will lead one team over the wall here," she indicated the designated area on the holotable once more, "while the other will accompany me and Skimmer along the main route. By drawing their fire, both teams can execute their missions with minimal resistance."

"Anything else, General?" the Sargeant stepped up to her.

"Oh, no. I know better than to give you any direct orders," she smiled sheepishly. "Just destroy them, or the whole compound, you're cleared to do what you do, Hunter."

"Let's blow them up! Yeah!" Wrecker cheered, his enthusiasm infectious as Hunter offered a brief salute before joining his brothers.

She stifled a smile as she turned around, finding herself face-to-face with her Captain. Blaze was undeniably one of the finest and most loyal soldiers under her command, and she felt a deep appreciation for his role as their Captain. As always, the man stood steadfastly by her side, his armour marked with colour to match her lilac dress and the pauldron on his right shoulder.

"You still think that this is a good idea, General?" he asked.

"We both know that your only reservation about this plan is leading the team for the rear attack, keeping you away from the front lines, Blaze," she chides him playfully. "No worries, though, I'll be sure to save you a front-row seat to the fireworks."

"Well, I can't let you have all the fun, now can I," Blaze replied with a sly grin.

"I'm sure you'll be quite occupied," she reflected, laying her hand on his left shoulder, where the dragon symbol was intricately painted. The Tirra'Taka—perhaps the only symbol she retained from her legacy.

Despite the witty remarks and casual jokes, nothing was the same, nor was she. Losing almost everyone, then everything she stood for...wasn't bearable. So the only things that kept her sane were the old tales she had heard from Dooku; and her Padawan. Fighting for her, for her future meant everything on the battlefield.

With a lightning-fast exchange of banter, the team swiftly executed a well-practiced manoeuvre, dispersing into strategic positions. Leilani, leaped onto the nearest tank, her high-heeled boots landing with a resolute thud. "Move out, let's show them what we're made of!" she commanded, her voice cutting through the tension as she gestured for the crew to advance.

The tanks roared to life, treads grinding against the terrain as they surged forward. The landscape blurred as they covered twenty clicks in what felt like mere moments, the machinery's raw power resonating through every inch of metal. The determination was palpable, fuelled by the urgency of reaching the perimeter within hours. Heavy weaponry echoed in the distance as Leilani was still perched atop the tank, scanning the horizon with a keen intensity. Her hand signals directed the convoy through a carefully chosen path, weaving between potential threats with precision.

"If I see something green after this mission, I might be sick," one of the clone troopers quipped through his comm.

"No need to worry, Prophet," she chuckled. "I'll personally request the next mission to be in the desert, just for you."

"He's just preparing his excuse for losing at cards tonight, General," another trooper, Blitz, interjected, his voice carrying a hint of mischief as Leilani caught him whizzing past on a speeder-bike.

"Well, at least we'll have plenty of sand to sift through," Leilani retorted with a smirk.

Prophet couldn't resist firing back, "Just make sure there are no sandworms, General. I'd take the green over those any day."

Laughter erupted over the comms, creating a brief moment of levity amidst the tense mission. Leilani shook her head with an amused sigh. "Sandworms, Prophet? You're starting to get a bit imaginative there. Save that creativity for the battlefield, not our hypothetical desert vacation."

Blitz, who had circled back on his speeder-bike, joined the banter once again. "I hear sandworms make excellent card players, though. Maybe they can give you some pointers, Prophet."

"If they're dealing a fair hand, I might consider it. Can't be worse than my luck."

Blitz, ever the instigator, threw in, "Maybe they'll appreciate your 'sand-swept' strategy. It's all about bluffing, right?"

"Well, we'll add 'sandworm poker' to our list of potential team-building activities. But for now, be alert, we are within range," she remarked, glancing at her navigator for confirmation. "We've got a mission to complete, and distractions won't cut it. Keep your senses sharp and weapons ready."

"Sir, yes sir!"

She ignited her lightsaber with a swift motion, the blade humming to life in front of her. It was a signal of readiness, a silent declaration of intent. Time hung in the balance as she waited, her nerves taut with anticipation. The city gates groaned open, yielding to the relentless advance of the droid army. With mechanical precision, they marched forth, an unyielding tide against the Republic's defences.

In response, the tanks thundered to a halt, forming a formidable barrier while troopers scrambled into position behind them. Blasters raised, they prepared to meet the enemy onslaught head-on. Meanwhile, others swiftly positioned cannons, aiming to strike from a distance.

"We need to hold this position!" she shouted once more, her voice cutting through the chaos as the first shot rang out, deflected by her swift manoeuvre with the lightsaber. "Hunter, Blaze, are you in position?" she then asked them through the comms.

"Yes, General," came the synchronised response from both of them.

"Excellent. With their focus on us, you're clear to advance," she instructed, her lightsaber poised to deflect incoming fire and aiming it back towards the droids as she spoke.

"Concentrate your fire!"

"Five battalions incoming!"

The droids pressed on toward her position, their numbers dwindling as the cannons found their mark. Blitz and the troopers on speeders dove into the fray, flanking them from the sides or hurtling through the enemy lines before swiftly retreating, their manoeuvres keeping the droids off-balance. Meanwhile, she stayed among the tanks and the soldiers positioned behind the defensive lines, her presence a bulwark against the relentless tide of advancing droids. The magnitude of the enemy forces surpassed her expectations, their numbers swelling as they marched through the city gates. The sight was daunting; a seemingly endless sea of mechanical soldiers, predominantly composed of the rudimentary B-series battle droids. These expendable foot soldiers advanced in unison, their movements synchronised in a chilling display of mechanical precision. Yet, interspersed among their ranks were the figures of ultra battle droids, towering over their counterparts to serve as protections or last lines if needed to.

"Octuptarras in range!" With the trooper's cry, she also spotted them: the towering, spider-like automatons with their oversized balloon-heads looming over the jungle.

"Aim for their eyes!" she commanded, leaping off the tank to take charge of the assault. "Elevation 3-6-7, pick your targets!" She dashed through the droids, slicing down some and hurdling over the others, intent on reaching the octuparras, while the troopers managed the remaining foes.

She surged ahead, springing into the air with a swift leap, her blade slicing through one of the droid's legs. The severed limb sent the mechanical spider careening backward, crashing into a small battalion and flattening them in its wake. Nonetheless, it wasn't enough, she could cut one down and hundreds would pop up in its place; they were sure to use the one advantage they ever had in their sheer numbers, come and never leave a single chance.

"General, we are getting cornered!" A trooper, Xeno, shouted through the comm.

"Looks like they're throwing everything they've got at us. Must be scared of our charming personalities!"

"They are attempting to overrun us, you moron!"

She fell back to the tank lines, taking a moment to reflect on the situation. It became evident that they lacked the sufficient power and opportunity to emerge victorious in a direct confrontation with the overwhelming enemy forces.

"Hunter, Blaze! What's happening?" They were her only hope now, the key to witnessing the successful execution of her plan by the other teams — but the silence proved discouraging.

"They are jamming us!"

"We need to retreat!"

Despite the numerous exclamations echoing across the battlefield, she remained unresponsive and silent. Fatigue gripped her with each passing minute and swing. Perhaps she had even been shot in the arm, the bullet leaving a bruise on her skin, yet the surge of adrenaline rendered the pain and made it impossible to feel it. Troopers' bodies littered the greenery, sprawled in the dust, unmoving; some were struck by bullets, others wounded, while some simply lay unconscious.

And just maybe, she entertained the notion of failure, of surrendering, only for an airstrike to pierce through the droids' ranks, with her Captain not far behind.

Thank the Force.

Such was the 405th battalion. Always having the most perfect and perhaps the most dramatic entrance and timing. They had served the Republic Army since the Battle of Genonosis and continued doing so, with Captain Blaze proudly leading them through blood, injuries and time. They made the battles out to be their playtime, the way they relaxed; completed with witty remarks and not-so-perfect aiming at the droids; and all that rewarded with their General's customary poker night once they were back on their planet.

The HoloNet often reflected at them as Wyrm legion, as they had shown a formidable presence and cunning strategies in their very first battle; in the Battle of Dantooine, alongside their own General and Mace Windu, where they defeated the enemy by employing hit-and-run tactics and strategic ambushes. The battalion would strike swiftly and retreat into the natural cover, disappearing like shadows in the landscape. This elusive and unpredictable method not only confused the enemy forces but also created an illusion of a larger and more formidable presence, just as they intended to do now.

"Hold onto your helmets, troopers. The show's about to begin!" Her Captain exclaimed as the comm channels came to life again, making Leilani sigh while deflecting another shot.

"You couldn't resist the spotlight, could you?" she quipped playfully.

"Wouldn't be a show without a little flair, General," Captain Blaze retorted with a chuckle, his voice brimming with playful confidence. "Besides, where's the fun in saving the galaxy if you can't do it in style?"

"More action, less sarcasm, Blaze," she chided quickly, as she waited for them to advance from behind, and meet her in the middle.

Leilani observed the flurry of laser shots emanating from Blaze's direction as he led his team through the battalion, his Z-6 blaster roaring defiantly against the droid onslaught. His team advanced fairly quickly, leaving a droid only here and there, separating them into two fronts, yet it didn't appear to be enough.

"They are behind us!"

"Hunter," she pressed once more, urging for a response through her commlink.

"The tactical droids are neutralised, General," he replied at last.

"More accurately, the communication centre ceased functioning due to Wrecker's inadvertent button manipulation," Tech chimed in, providing further clarification.

"He means that it blew up," added another trooper rather bitterly.

"Well, as long as they are destroyed—" she said. "Come and help us clean up, then."

As a result, with the absence of tactical droid guidance, the battle droids descended into chaos mere minutes later. Their shots scattered erratically, their once-coordinated tactics shattered. Amidst the disarray, the enemy lines faltered, creating openings that allowed the troops to slice through them with newfound ease, the heavy cannons obliterated the remnants of the enemy forces, their thunderous roar echoing across the battlefield. Meanwhile, Leilani swiftly commanded the stolen airstrike to rain down missiles upon the droids advancing from behind, scattering them in a fiery display of destruction. Amid the chaos, the Bad Batch sprang into action, flawlessly executing two of their strategies, causing the remaining droids to crumble under the relentless assault.

Hours later, it appeared to be near the end; with the final droids vanquished and the city reclaimed once more. After months of relentless struggle, victory was finally theirs. The time had come to return home.

Shortly thereafter, gunships descended, retrieving the remaining tanks and weary soldiers along with the reinforcements tasked with safeguarding the cities of Jiaozi and Akira until further strategic plans could be devised. Leilani, too, embarked on one of the gunships, where she received medical attention for her injured arm from the clone medic, Connix.

As they soared back to her Venator cruiser, the steady thrum of the engines echoed the weary yet triumphant spirits of the soldiers. Leilani cast a final salute to the Bad Batch, a silent acknowledgement of their invaluable assistance amidst the turmoil of battle. With a sense of accomplishment mingled with fatigue, she made her way to the bridge to join her admiral.

Meanwhile, Blaze took charge, guiding the 99s and his own team to the mess hall, where they could unwind and recuperate after the relentless siege. Amidst the clatter of armour and the hum of conversation, they found solace in the shared experiences and soon, in the dinner as well.

"General on bridge!" the announcement echoed through the command centre, as she stepped through the hydraulic door.

"At ease," she responded swiftly, her gaze turning towards Admiral Tallon.

"Where to, General?" the silver-haired man inquired, his tone expectant, while his gaze softened in relief to see his General once again and without significant injuries.


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