Part 3

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I heard muffled yelling.
"Ladybug!" I don't know who it was, but they were hovering right in front of my face, but my eyes were closed. I opened them and was greeted by Adrien, who's face was filled with worry.

"A - Adrien?" I mumbled. I looked down to see that I was still Ladybug, then up to him, to see his shocked face.
"Where am I? And what are you doing here?" I asked staring into his dreamy green eyes. The prettiest green I've ever seen in my life. I think I've seen this green somewhere else though.

"What am I doing here?" He scoffed. "This is my house" Adrien stated.

"Why am I here? And what happened? The last thing I remember is I was with Chat, and then a bright light, then nothing" I said. Adrien looked to ground. He was struggling on what to say.

"Um, get some sleep, I'll be back later" He said looking at the ground instead of me.

"Wait!" I yelled, but he was already out of the room. I can't believe he completely ignored my questions. What was he hiding from me? I tried to move, but it shot pain all through my body. I looked around his huge, basically vacant room while trying to put together a few things about last night and figure out what happened. Then, it hit me, to be specific, a car hit me. The lights where from a car, and that's why Chat was trying to pull me off the road.
Chats pov

I stared at m'ladys' cold, lifeless body as a tears found their way down my face. I saw everyone gather around, murmurs and whispers could be heard. A siren wailed in the background as she sat their, not moving. I couldn't let them take her to the hospital, they would find out her identity, and I know that's not what she wants. Without thinking, I grabbed her body and ran off onto the rooftops towards my house. I don't know why I did this honestly. Sure, her identity would be revealed, but she would be safe at a hospital, they can help her, as where I once took care of my own broken arm because me dad would kill me if he found out I broke something, but that's the only experience I've ever had. I lied her down on my bed, and stared at her lifeless face, for what seemed like hours. My own transformation wore off, however hers did not. I stared at her for hours, ocasionally playing with her dark soft hair. Plagg told me to give up, and she's not coming back, even my own mind was telling me to just let her go, but I could never do that to my lady. I stared for hours more, still playing with her dark hair, until I saw her small chest moving up and down. She was breathing.

"See, I told you she wasn't gone!" I shouted to Plagg.

"Ladybug" I shouted to her face a few times. She opened her eyes.

"A - Adrien?" Ladybug mumbled. My eyes widened with shock as I noticed I was still Adrien. How am I supoesed to explain this.

"Where am I? And what are you doing here?" She asked me.

I stared into her eyes, which were as blue as the ocean, maybe blue-er. "What am I doing her?" I scoffed.

"This is my house" I continued.

"Why am I here? And what happened? The last thing I remember is I was with Chat, and then a bright light, then nothing" she said. I looked to the ground, figuring out what I should say. I need to know what she knows. She obviously doesn't remember being hit with a car, but did she somehow piece it together that I'm Chat, or does she still not know.

Still looking at the ground, I said "Um, get some sleep, I'll be back later" and I ran out, slamming the heavy door behind me.

I heard her scream "wait!" But I kept walking.

"Plagg, claws out!" I yelled.

I decided patrol for a while, get some fresh air, and figure out what I should say to m'lady.
Ladybugs pov

"I need to do something" I declared.
"Tikki, spots off!" I yelled, but nothing happened. "Tikki, spots off" I yelled again, this time sounding very nervous. I tore the ear rings off, and still, nothing happened. I poked the earings back into my ear and pulled out my yoyo. I swiped across its smooth surface to call my partner and tell him my situation. I don't know if he can help, but he's the only person who I can talk to.

"Hello" Chat said.

"Chat, I have a problem" I stated, and I think he detected the worry in my voice.

"What's wrong princess?" He asked as he started to run.

"Is someone chasing you? Why are you running?" I asked.

"Um, not important, what's wrong m'lady?" Chat said while stopping, looking around, and then sitting. Great, more people avoiding my questions.

"Chat, I... I.." I started hesitantly. "I can't transform back into myself." I said.

"You can't... transform?" He asked, looking confused. "Have you tried, using the phrase 'Tikki, spots off'?" He asked, still looking confused.

"Yes! I'm not stupid!" I yelled. "I even tried pulling the earings out, but nothing happened"

"Um, I'll be right there" He said, before running a little, them stopping. "I mean, where are you right now?" He asked.

"I'm at Adrien Agrestes house, I'm assuming he brought me here after the crash." I said. I honstly have no idea what happened with the whole 'car crash' thing. I mean, Chat was there, he obviously saw the car hit me, so did he just leave me there hoping that someone would help me, like Adrien. Unless, maybe... no it can't be. There's no way Chat Noir is Adrien, right?

My thoughts were suddenly interrupted by Chat, jumping through the window next to Adrien's bed. He said a few words, but I wasn't paying attention to anything other then his exotic green eyes, which were exactly like Adrien's. Also, he has the blonde hair, although it's a bit more wild, it's exactly like Adrien's. Before my mind could even think, the words "Chat, are you, Adrien?" Slipped out of my mouth. My brain quickly caught up with my mouth and I realized what I just asked. Before I could say anything else, his transformation wore off, turning him into a very stunned Adrien Agrestes.
Ok so I'm not gonna check this for errors before I post, I'm just gonna post it, so there will probably be a lot of mistakes, you can point them out, but please don't be rude ok
Ilyssm- Lizzy

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