Part 5

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Knock knock knock.

"Nathalie?" I asked.

"Can I come in Adrien?" Nathalie asked from the other side of the door.
I was about to reply yes, when I realized who was next to me. "Adrien, I'm coming in!" She yelled.

I was about to protest but the door was already swinging open so I quickly moved over and onto the girl so that I was laying on her. Ladybug squealed underneath me.

"What was that?" Nathalie asked.

"Oh, uh, nothing. What did you need?" I replied.

"I have your schedule for today" she stated.

"Ok, set it on my table" I answered. Nathalie set the stack of papers on my desk and gave me a weird look as she walked away.

I quickly got off of the heroine who was blushing deeply. "Sorry, I had to make sure Nathalie didn't see you." I apologized.

"I-It's ok." She stuttered in response. I saw pain spread across her delicate features as she tried to move into a comfortable position.

"How are you doing? Are you in a lot of pain?" I asked worriedly.

"I, uh, it hurts, really badly." She replied. "But we need to get to school." She stated. I gave her a confused look.

"We?" I asked.

"Yeah," She answered. "I can't miss school."

"I, uh think it would be kinda weird if Ladybug showed up to our school." I replied with a smirk. She looked down, suddenly remembering why she was even there.

"Oh, yeah." She said embarrassingly. "Well then I need to go look for my other earing, it should be somewhere by where the crash happened."

"Your not going anywhere." I said.

"You can't tell me what to do." She protested.

"Oh, but I can princess, and this is for your own good." I said.

"How is it for 'my own good'?" She asked.

"Can you walk?" I questioned her. She stood up and attempted to walk, but fell. Luckily I was there to catch her and put her back onto the bed. "No, you can't, so stay here."

"But what about the akuma that hit me with its car, someone needs to catch it." She said.

"We don't know if that was an akuma," I replied. "And if it is, your not the one who will be fighting it. End of argument, bye." I said before placing a kiss on Ladybugs forehead - who was pouting in protest - and running out the door.

And now off to school to worry about Mari all day.
As soon as I entered the school, Alya came rushing towards me.

"Have you seen Marinette?" Alya asked. She looked really sad and worried.

"Um, she's sick today." I replied.

Alya sighed. "Did you hear about what happened to Ladybug?" She asked. I winced at tbe thought of what happened yesterday.

"Uh, yeah." I replied.

"I wonder if she's ok." Alya said.

"She hopefully is." I said before walking away from the red head to meet Nino.

"Hey dude!" He greeted me.

"Hey!" I greeted him back.

"Did you hear about Ladybug?" Nino asked. I guess that's all I'm gonna hear about today.

"Yeah." I replied. "We should get to class." I said, trying to change the subject. I walked to class without even giving him a chance to respond.

Once in the classroom, I sat in my seat and listened to Chloe's conversation once I heard Ladybug involved.

"I hope she died from the crash. Paris could use a better superhero and Chat Noir could use a better love interest, like maybe me. I'm way better than her." Chloe bragged. I've had enough of her crap.

"Chloe, Ladybug is the best superhero Paris has ever and will ever have!" I yelled as I stood from my chair. "Your just jealous that you could never even be close to as amazing or beautiful as she is!" I scolded her. Chloé - and the rest of the class - stared at me in complete shock. No one ever expected me to be the type to tell at anyone - especially at Chloe.

"I have a photoshoot." I lied as I ran out of the classroom. I was to scared to see what people would say after my outburst in class. Also I really wanted to see m'lady.
I know this is super short, but I just noticed that I haven't updated in a long time, so here's something I wrote a long time ago before I forgot about this story.

Also I promise I will have another chapter out either tomorrow or really really soon

If I don't post one before wed. Then someone dm me to remind me.

Ilysssssm- Lizzy

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