Part 6

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Ladybugs pov
I stared at the ceiling having nothing else to do. Who is he to tell me what to do? I'm sure he wouldn't notice if I left for a few minuetes.

I pulled myself off his bed - completely forgetting the fact that I can't even stand - and instantly flopped onto the floor.

"Ahh!" I cried out in pain once I hit the floor. I felt a burning pain in my left side that I landed on.

Despite the terrible pain I pulled myself up with the help of his bed. After trying to walk for a few minuetes, I eventually got it down. The pain was agonizing, but I could live with it. I hoped out of the window and into the Paris streets to find my earing and stop being such a burden to Adrien.

I tried to get the thought out of my head, but I kept swirling around in the darkest parts of my mind. What if I died in the crash? Would anyone miss me? I know Adrien would be grateful to not have to worry about me and have me bothering him all the time. Who would really miss me? My parents, Alya, and that's all. The one person I really care about - Adrien/Chat - wouldn't miss me. He doesn't care for me like I do for him.

(A.N.// this is painful to write because Mari so being so stupid. Dammit Mari it's so obvious he loves you)

Another thought ran through my mind that I couldn't stop. When Chat tried to pull me out of the way, I didn't bulge. I've tried to tell myself that I didn't move because of shock, or fear but now I'm questioning that theory. What if I didn't want to be saved.

The horrible thought wouldn't go away. It kept painfully running through my my mind and it was killing me. Yet as much as I wanted to rid the thought from my head, I also wanted answers. So here I am now, asking myself the same question over and over. What if I didn't want to be saved.
Adrien's pov

I cautiously opened the front door and snuck into my room. I knew I wouldn't see my father, but there was a chance I would see Nathalie.

"Princess?" I called. No reply. "Mari where are you?" I asked. No reply. I started to become worried. Where did she go? I told her to stay.

"Plagg, claws out!" I yelled. I transformed into Chat Noir and hopped out the window in search of my princess.
Marinette's pov

I took a deep breath as I stepped onto the road right where it happened. Memories rushed through my mind. I closed my eyes and played the scene again and again in my mind. Suddenly my eyes shot open as I felt a pair of strong, muscular arms wrap around my waist.

"What are you doing out here?" Chat asked.

"I, uh," I mumbled. "Looking for my earing." I answered, staring to my feet.

"Well, honestly, I wanted to find the earing so that I don't have to be such a bother to you." I admitted.

"Princess, you are not a bother, you are a blessing to me. Best thing that's happened to me." Chat said with a genuine smile.

"What are you doing?" I protested as he picked me up bridal style.

"Taking you home."

"You know I can get home myself, right?"

"Yes, but it's better this way." He replied with a smirk. "Closer you are to me the better." I sighed and wrapped my arms around his neck as he brought me home."
"So what are you doing home?" I asked as I layed on his bed and turned on the tv.

"People got really annoying" He sighed. With a smirk he said "and I wanted to see you."

"And by people, you mean Chloe?" I asked, switching through channels.

"Who else?" Adrien replied as I put on the news.

"Teenager Marinette Dupain-Cheng has been missing for 3 days-" the lady from the news channel said before Adrien changed the chanel.

"You'll be home soon." He reassured me.

"I hope."I mumbled

"You will." He said standing in front of me with his strong hands on my shoulders.

"You don't know that, you don't know how to fix this so you don't know" I cried. I tried not to, but a few tears streamed down my face. Chat pulled me into a hug. His warmth wrapped around my body and it felt very good. This is a feeling I never want to be without.
Sorry for the short and sucky chapter but this is all I've got for now since I haven't updated in forever

Ilysssssssm- Lizzy

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