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Vixen was something that was never supposed to happen. They we making hybrid animals. For medical and mass production for farming. They had checked and evacuated their samples.
Before checking their developing embryos. When the main scientist
Vivian noticed. The one she was growing wasn't right. It didn't look like any animal she seen. It was like a human. As soon as she noticed this. She luckily had made a parable artificial womb. Which she made sure it was working. Before carefully transporting her embryo the travel one. She slipped it carefully in her duffle bag that she used whe transfering experiments. Or to sneak out the embryos that didn't. Come out right or the way they wanted. So instead of killing them. She's secretly kept them and raised the one she managed to keep alive. She lives in her grandparents guest house. They lived on a large farm. With not only plenty of places to bury the ones. That didn't survive and plenty of places. For her to hide the live ones if needed. Both houses were pretty big decent sizes and she had the guest house. All to herself. It got quite lonely so she filled it with the creatives she brought home. But in the past used to bring home a guys cut that off. Three years ago when a guy. Henery the love of her life. She caught him cheating on her in her home. While she wasn't home. Cuz they were living together and she had. The late shift and had to work late but she finished early. So I'm going home early. She didn't call him to tell him. Because she wanted to surprise him and she caught. Him literally in bed with her cousin. Who she grew up with. She was her best friend and practically her sister. But while trying to retreat. She accidentally fell down the steps. She was pregnant. She lost the baby and was told. That she would never be able to have children again. Which is why she moved into her grandparents guest house. Cuz she actually lived in the city when that happened. And she also working in different lab. But she transferred to this one was removed. He broke it off with her. When you found out that her cousin. Was pregnant with his kid right after. She found out they lost theirs. She was so heartbroken by both of them that she literally cut every single part of them out of her life and literally started a whole new life and she's totally different. Town halfway across the country. She still refuses to let people get close to her. She only allows creatures in her home comfort her. Because she can't be entirely alone because she get so depressed by herself that she become suicidal. Or goes into such a deep depression. Where she won't eat for several days. Or sleep and she'll try to harm herself. That's why she decided to move into her grandparents get so so she can house animals to keep her company and use as a coping mechanism. So Chris when she seen the number with human in it. She couldn't help but take it. Especially if she knew that if they'd find it they're just killing anyways and it was. A perfectly healthy baby girl. And since she wasn't completely human. She felt like she was perfect. So needless to say she was very excited when she only able to put her in one of the big artificial wombs. That she had brought home. In case you brought any projects home that we're still developing. She plugged in everything for the big one. To make sure it was working properly before she even put her in there but when she went to put her and she realizes she was almost three times the size. She was only three hours ago. So she had to quickly transfer her luckily the big one was. Big enough to put a full grown human in. Which was perfectly since this was part human. But she was developing a day very rapid and accelerated rate. Which she thought that her life span would be much shorter. So she decided that she was going. To try spend every single second she got with her. When she wasn't at work or taking care of her the other creatures in her home. He was in front of that class raining to her talking to her she would tell her about her day. Have pretty much full-on conversations with her. She'd read bedtime story every night watch movies with her. Unless you got in technically watch but she could listen and she was she would. Move her head to tell her she was listening. When she was like in a toddler stage. But she still wasn't being birthed. She just kept on growing. But the older she got how does she know she was looking more and more like her. So she did a DNA test turns out human DNA in our was from her chair cut her hand on the sample glass. So when they were putting the samples in to make the embryo. Her blood was accidentally mixed in and was used. As the main base DNA. That all the other samples mixed with combining all the sample DNA into the base DNA making. Things that I'm spending quality time with her. When she finally decided a name. She put her hand up to the glass. She was practically a full grown adult now. And she was breathtaking she looked very normal fire red hair, and reptilian golden eyes. A nice perfect mature physique for a woman. And her face was absolutely gorgeous and she had pointed ears like an elf. But she was somewhat taller, way more flexible, and athletic then any normal human. She could tell by the tests she took. She was perfect healthy.

"What would you say. If I told you I was your biological mother?" She asked, and her daughter. Put her hand on the glass smiling through her breather tube.

"I'm glad you're happy. Because I am your biological mother. You're my miracle because you would have had your big sister. I was told I will never be able to have a child of my own. So you are my only biological child that is blood related to me. I want us to be a family. What do you say. I want to be your mother. I couldn't be for your sister. But I will definitely be there for you and I will definitely raise you right. I love you and I have a name picked out for you? Want to hear it?" She asked, as tears of joy ran down her cheeks. Her daughter nodded eagerly smiling putting her other hand up to the glass.

"Thank you Vixen that's all. I want to do is be a mother to my children. You gave me that opportunity and I will never let you down. You are the most important and precious thing in the world to me. I will make sure to give you all the love, affection, and care you need. I'll make sure to work extra hard for the both of us." She said, not realizing Vixen had opened her eyes. Till she looked up and seen her hitting the glass. Trying to get her attention. Vixen then pointing up. At the lid, Meranda nodded walking to the other side where her. Small ladder since she wasn't tall enough to reach the lid. Vixen watched carefully as she climbed up it. Finally getting to the lid. She typed in the password. Since it had a pad lock on it. So not just anyone from being able to access it. As soon as it confirmed the passcode. The lid popped open. But the lid was so heavy. She was barely able to move it. Luckily Vixen swam up pushing it open with no problem. Her mother went to grab her arm to pull her out. When Vixen raised her hand politely in front of her.

"It's mom I got the rest but can you get me a blanket. So I can dry off and don't freeze. Since I've been in here for so long." She asked, her mother nodded and climbed down. When she brought one back in. She climbed out. Falling in her mother's are. As she awaited with arms open wide stretching the blacket out. So as soon as she jumped at the blacket. Her mother wrapped it around her took up stairs. To the main floor where the fire place was. But when she was about to light it. Vixen blew out fire out to her mouth lighting it. Which caused poor Meranda to jump.

"Okay didn't know you could do that." Her mother said, till Vixen. Just turned to her and smiled innocently. Making her chuckle ruffling her hair.

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