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Vixen laughed. After she dried off. She sat on her mothers lap and they watched a movie. Turns out Vixen really likes horror and comedies. She got hugest crack out of hangover, Ted, Paul, and Pineapple Express. She loved it. But she also really liked Amityville Horror, poltergeist, and Slasher films. Meranda wrote down anything she seemed interested in. When she found Game Of Thrones. She was absolutely obsessed with any thing with dragons.

"So darling do you like dragons?" Her mother asked.

"Is that what they're called? Dragon's I like it but I love them. So beautiful yet absolutely terrifying." She smiled, searching for anything with a dragon. As her mother pulled out a cellphone. Text a contact that was listed as Stick and texted it.

'Do you still want to buy the hybrids off me. I have no time to take care of them now.' She sent. To immediately get a message back.

'Everything okay. I know how much you love. Please tell me your going to hurt yourself again. Last time you sold me just one. I found you in the bathroom with your wrists slit.' She read.

'No I promise it's not like that. I found happiness again. I adopted a child and I want to dedicate all my spare time to my daughter. She's a little older but I absolutely love and adore her. Which will mean I no longer have the spare time to by taking care of the hybrids. She only like Gamora the tiger one. So he's the only one I'm keep.' She replied.

'You just made me tear up. But in a good way. I know personally how hard its been on you. Since you lost Henery and the baby. I've been preying for you to finally find true happiness. Since then and it finally happened. Somebody is listening. I'll be down tomorrow.' She read smiled sending him a thumbs up. When she looked to see Vixen cuddling Gamora. Which was pretty weird. Because she normally hated strangers and only liked her mother. But even when she first met her. She loved her instantly. Gamora was a hybrid made of DNA from any type of big wild cat. So she had many different patterns. Was the size of a cougar or Jaguar, and with the coat structure like a tiger. And her base coat color was white. And her eyes blue. She was stunning. But the other hybrids all seemed very afraid of Vixen. But she didn't seem to care. She was content. She fascinated her mother with how human she was. But at the same time wasn't. She could never figure her out. But that just made her all the more fascinated.

"Ahh its getting late love. You want me to read you? Your favorite book." Her mother asked she nodded. They walked up to her mothers bedroom. Vixen climbed up in bed. Her mother grabbed Vixens favorite book. Brothers Grimm walked over, got in bed with her Vixen laid her head on her mothers chest. As her mother started reading. The chapter she had book marked. Which was the little mermaid of brothers Grimm. She used one hand to hold the book and the other. To pet her head and run her fingers through Vixen's hair. It litterally took twenty minutes of. Just that to make her fall right asleep. So her mother carefully and quietly. Put the book on the night stand beside the bed. Before quietly checking her phone see that mail box was full. When she opened seeing alot of new email. But they were from Henry. She opened one.

'Unblock my number on your cell. I need to talk to you. Asap.' She read.

'Why should I your just use it to invade my life. Which I still don't understand why even both. You ruined my life three years ago. Broke my heart. So bad it took me till recently to start opening my heart again or trust anyone. Do you have any idea how many times I tried to end my miserable existence. Because of what you did. And it doesn't help that even after that. I found out the real reason you left me was. Because you got my ex best friend who was blood related practically my sister pregnant. Right after I lost our baby.' She sent. Moment later

'You didn't tell me you lost our baby I just thought you weren't letting me see them. Oh God. I was actually calling to ask you how our child was doing. No wonder you always got hamster

'I lost our baby. The night I walked in on you and my cousin. You didn't know I seen you. I went to run and I fell down the stairs case. Thanks to that. I can no longer have kids at all. I was almost eight months pregnant. And it was a baby girl. Which I only know because when they took me to the hospital. The fall had already killed her. Which made me go into labor. Can you imagine give birth to something you've wanted and loved for so long. Only to be handed a baby that was already dead. I HAD TO HOLD HER HENRY. You have no idea what that like especially when I was alone. I had to bury her myself. I had to go through literally the worst moments of my life alone. My family doesn't even know any of this. Because they weren't there either. They were to busy congratulating for knocking sis up. I still haven't spoken or seen any of them. Since then not my dad, mom, and brothers. They all think I ran off with a sugar daddy with our daughter. If only they knew the truth. Just because I dont talk or have seen. Doesn't mean I don't miss them. Or creep on their social media accounts. Only to see them making sick messed jokes about where I disappeared with the baby. Which is why they'll never the daughter I adopted two days ago. She's who got me to open my heart again and feel happiness again. She litterally looks like an exact replica of our daughter. Just a bit older. Which I fell in love with her so fast and adopted her. Her times cut short just like mine. So I figured why not give her someone to spend it with. I have cancer in my brain. They found it when I was in the hospital when I lost her. I've only been alive this long is. Because I have such damn good doctor. You know you're the first person. I was at the hospital I've even said it to.' She replied.

'Oh my God. WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST TELL US. That's not something you can go through by yourself. Why would you do that to yourself. How much longer do you have. What's wrong with your daughter. Who's going to take care of her when your gone?'

Because I didn't know if you wanted to join me die a slow painful death doc says. I have maybe three years left if he plays it right maybe less. It's hard to estimate. She was born with the disease that causes her to grow much faster. Age rapidly she's not even ten looks like she's 21. Maybe older. But I'm determined to spend and realize were made for fine with her. But you do you got a point and I'm probably going to kick the bucket before she does I should probably find someone reliable who I know I won't put her back in the system. I don't want to go back into foster care. Or anything like that. Too bad I'm so close. Trust or talk to anyone. I could try grandparents. Eww wait that's actually not a bad idea. They love children and they can at least take care of her till her times up. Shit I hate even thinking about my precious little little miracle. My moon and stars passing. Even if I do pass before her I can't imagine leaving her alone in this world I can't imagine being without her. Shit now I'm crying. Damn why'd you have to remind me. I have to be strong work hard for the both of us and bring her life is. So short it's not fair at least I got to live mine to the fullest. She's nine about to be ten.' She replied, as tears streamed down her cheeks. When she seen his next email. Was a video. She opened it and he was crying.

"Come home please. I can't bare the thought of you dying. By yourself just heard about your side. Plus I can't bear the thought. Of never seeing you, your smile, hearing your laugh, and hearing your voice ever again. I can't I can't especially knowing that it's all my fault. It'd be different if you would have left with the kid. And you're life at these other two least. I know you're alive, healthy and safe. But I can't deal with. The fact that finding out that she didn't go with you but died. Breaks my heart enough. But knowing your dying a slow painful, death alone. I can't let you. If you going to pass I'd rather you do it here. Where you're surrounded by people that love you. Please I'm begging you. Believe it or not I still do love you. You know you're the love of my life. I only let you be happy. I didn't care how bad it hurt me. As long as you are happy. I'll with the fact in knowing that. I practically sentenced you to death. I can't imagine living in a world without you in it. Like I said I don't care if you're not with me. As long as you're alive and healthy. But there's no point in my life in the world. Where I lose you completely. You can yell me all you want. But I'm not losing you not like this. I love you to much. Regardless of whether you believe me or not which is why I took a video on. So you know that I do actually do generally regret everything. Please come I will never leave your side again. Please. Because otherwise of me thank you for sending your videos. Like this will you do." He said, with tears literally rolling down his face. His eyes were bloodshot from crying.

"And how do they expect me to do that. I don't have a job back home anymore. I don't have health insurance back home anymore. Which I obviously need for my chemo. I'm all the way on the other side of the country." She said, not realizing she was on camera. She said, wipping her tears.

"I'll just put you on mine. By the way you're on video. Let me take care of you not supposed to be working while on chemo anyways." He pleaded.

"I don't get it. And the doctor that does that favor patience's my surgeon see because of words that they can't really do chemo anyways so there has been removing it every time. It grows back. Look I've already made peace with the fact that I know it's going to kill me. Cuz they've explain to me all they can do is prolong the inevitable. I can't afford to not work. Even if it does kill me. Someone has to take care of vixen only part of me that will be a lot I may not have been completely honest. She's made from my DNA. You know that I know how to make a practical It clown from somebody's bone marrow. So yes she is technically a clone she's all I got to leave on this Earth before I leave. Email both wanted to be I'm off so yes. I did kind of do something sneaky. But skrew it I'm dying anyways. At least I mean the closest thing I could get to a daughter. I seriously thinks. I'm cursed because if the child's. I made for my bone marrow flawed. I never heard it before it and how she go about it. at least be able to prolong her's. But I wouldn't have any idea of. How you expecting me. To all the way across the country without somebody noticing. If they figured out how she was conceived. I can get in trouble." She asked.

"I've got an idea. You wouldn't lose her and we'll find a way to cure her. I do everything in my power to make sure she servives. And she is a part of you that means. She's also a part of the one we lost. Which means if she's our only connection to you. Which means that even after you passed. I will never let anything happen to her ever." He promised, he told her how much he loved her. Before hanging up. She finally unblocked him on everything. When all social media, messagers, her regular phone text and call. Started flooding in rapidly all from him. When I send some of the messages said. That it was my cousin just using his phone.

"So she texted him back to see now Sterling there's a problem there. If you want me to come back and feel like you actually do loveme. Stop doing stupid shit like let her. Your her phone okay I get it you guys had a kid that's still living. If you want to wash it with me to give me to come back. Everything can't be about her she can't be constantly involved. Like you can be involved as long as she stays away from me and Vixen.Otherwise I am staying right here. Because my doctor said not to be around anybody that stresses me out. Or my cancer will spread. Which only makes my time on this earth even shorter. Because every time she's around.I just want to bash her face in I'm being completely honest. I'm sorry I can't forgive her for what she did to me emesis I'm reading about this one staying the night before you guys are engaged. Are you fucken kidding me. After all that bullshit. About the love of my life and then I see they are engaged fukin right. Do you understand how bad you are hurting me right now. I mean you're trying to play me for a fool again. At least whenever I said you were the my life. I fukin meant it. And it's just killing me inside you and how very little I met to you. Do you know understand the heimerl ready dying if you upset me like this I just cut the cord in a minute. Not like it would bother you. But I have my daughter and I really don't want her finding my touch body. Because somebody couldn't decide what he wanted. I mean I know it's in those messages or four months ago but like just never mind the fact that you just went on with your life like me and that you can act like it never freaking happened. Kind of makes me want to blow my brains out. I know I'm not being sarcastic like I'm a really bad for you to learn grab a gun. But sadly my beautiful Vixen is blocking me. She's laying on me. You're stupid dumb ass that I do carry pistol and they do have a rifle somewhere. And honestly what you bothering me to shorten it little bit more cuz I don't understand anyways but just want to take care of her well I have to put you on by myself once again. Say that every time that I let you win and you actually do love me I see everything you sent me beforehand and it makes me really think. I mean have you and looked to have these if you would have known. What you needed a few things would that be appropriate to send somebody no it's not there's a somebody that is literally heartbroken and every way possible on their Deathbed literally had barely anything to live for and you're even more stuff not to live for. I mean the videos that she sent me and looked at them you never did have that shitt with me I never got mad at you be at this girls allowed to treat you. Like complete shit and you're treated like a queen it's a little messed up. How much I get I don't have hair I went underground since I left because you don't find me attractive. No one does. Why does your little bitch got to rub it in my face that her kid lived. Like this one is literally right after I lost her. Like this one is literally right after I lost her and unique baby pictures sonograms and everything else and pictures all over the damn place of her new baby you know I'm starting to thank you knew I was going to get sick cuz my also to knock up two bitches at the same time. Wake me up at your plan on replacing me already. What power do word hold if you can never keep them." She said about ready to send a really long last voice message. When Vixen woke up looking up at her mother.

"Moma I think you're absolutely beautiful inside and out whether you have no hair. Or not It's what the empty inside that counts. If they can't see that then they're all blind, Corrupted, and greedy. By the way no friends either girl sounds. Like a royal little slut. I'm not going to excuse myself minute. I'm saying what I feel you taught me to be honest to a fault. You always taught meI love and sugar and passion. But also have to be fierce and Strong. If one man can't. That's one hell of a woman worth its time But he's not worth your time. And if that thing you still playing. I don't appreciate you making my mother cry. Do it again and then I will break your fuckin jaw. Which dress may I have more than enough strength. To do more than just break it. Because I'm a girl don't underestimate me. My mother is a queen. And if you mess with the queen you mess with the dragon. Paraphrase I'm the Dragon. And just for the record. I don't need to be cured by him and made his help. I don't grow fast. I just don't grow In other word I immortal. See after my body matured. To a 24 year olds. It stopped growing. So I know you need that Man's help I don'tNeed cured because there's nothing wrong with meAn offense that if you'd see me in person I would tear you in In half if you manipulate my mother. I will come after you But if you genuinely do want to be with her. Be genuine And keep your shit in your pants If you're not going to do that don't even bother I'll take care of her and I'll just tendons better than meI have already decided I do not like you you're manipulative do you people. I don't care either way If I see him in person his ass is mine. Because you taught me. Never trust a man. Especially one that gives you his heart Because he's not actually giving it to you.So if I find out when you guys were chatting on the phone that you were just lying about everything I will hurt you. They will not find you I will turn you into Ash.So either be serious or good lost You've already made your choice you've already knocked up another batch And you decided that my mother was nothing to you. So quit trying to waste her time.Empres traditional a good guy bad guy with me remember this very freaking clear. I'm the one that makes the rules here. Because of anybody hurts my mom in or blood or not I will incinerate them People need to stop acting like they give a shit if they. Really don't because that manipulating someone. You're letting them all to think. That you care and love them when you don't." Vixen send making sure. The voice messenger picked it up and she pushed send.

"I'm sorry I'm going to make sure that he know. I do not like him or his lady friend. And that you don't need anyone else except me I can take care of you. I already protect you what more proof do you need. You don't need a man you don't need no fake friends. If you do have friends back home that you really dude genuinely know you are being honest with you that's different. But from What I heard being fake. You didn't notice it cuz you have human eyes But while he was on video with social standing background listening to the whole thing.Vixen said taking her phone texting a message

'Don't ever text my mother again. If you're going to have it a little bitch in the background listening to the whole conversation she didn't see her but I did which means you're busted. Now why was she standing in the background. Why so she can act like Pretend that's her fake like it's her life and she does everything else. I guess wants one of mother tumor in her head. Cuz I can give her on mom's back talk if you want to just. Because you thought they were going to. Exploite my mom for something and if. I see that anywhere you're going to have problems. She's got a year on her life. She has stage four Which means there were none of the treatments freaking work which means it can't be cared. They can only cut it out. So why do you guys going to make her suffer. Even more then she already is. Can't you guys just leave her alone. She only needs one Real person that loves her and that is her daughter Not you fakes.' She said, sending the message.

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