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Vixen let her have her phone she kept it. So she can answer if they texted back. Another video called her vixen answered. Making sure to have it pointing at the ceiling first.

"Then why did you hide your kid threatened me." Someone said.

"Now I did that on my own. Because you had your fishy as a little boyfriend doing it. How much be a real woman come over here and say it to my face. Because I'll do more then knock her ass out so might make sure because mom's over there. On her machine fidget who's faking it now oh wait. I forgot you guys were actually honest. I explained to you little bitches three times she has cancer. She's on a freaking machine that isn't going and keeping. Her alive other than the doctor. So you keep it up and I'ma break your face. Or better yet I'm incinerate your freaking house. With you both in it. Kill two birds with one stone." Shooting out some of her fire her in front of the camera. Making them jump.

"Really you got a flamethrower?" Her cousin said sarcastically. Define Vixen pointed the camera at her own face

"Does that look like it came out of a flamethrower but you know that came out. Of my mouth I don't call myself a dragon for shits and giggles It's because of what I am but if you want to find out. She said blowing out some fire. Out the side of mymouth. Making sure the camera caught. She literally passed out and had to catch her. Not only does she have the dragon eyes and ears. In her human form and long claw like nails. I had this permanent red light eyeliner outline the outside for her eyes. When is girl got back up she literally shot her smile. Sean her that big mouth of razor sharp teeth.

"Maybe next time I (threaten) you. You dumbs will. Take it a lot more serious because I am a lot stronger than you. I mean I can pick up a wooly mammoth will. No problem. And on top of that because of what type I am. It only takes two of us. To burn down the whole entire country." Vixen assured them.

"You may not like you're an actual freaking dragon?" She asked

"Am I speaking Italian no obviously not look up a Wrath or Fury. And I'm only 2 days old and I'm Immortal older I get stronger I get. By the way when you look it up later think about the factors of my mom's domesticating one you guys were idiots to mess with. Her expression while she's raising one. We're very overprotective of those that we love. And trust me when I normally don't want anybody. I think my phone interview the police whatever remember this bullet, gun, sword, any primitive weapon. I don't die unless by a diamondback or another Wrath. But it has to be a one stronger than we are. And considering that I am the only one of my entire species yeah. Have fun with that because. That's all right you're going to get rid of me." Vixen chuckled.

"Wait a minute but I thought you were 10 years?" He asked.

"You believed that. No we're born fully-grown dumbass. Of course not I'm literally only 2 days old. By the way the fact that. I'm a dragon stays between us or I will hurt you mom doesn't know. I'm not human she thinks. I'm a hybrid human. I think that's what that is but now. I'm a full-blown nonhuman." Vixen said.

"Wait they how are you made if your mom's human?" She asked.

"What are you a two year old. It's basic biology. If your blood line carries a certain. Gene highest torment from generation to generation until pop. Get it. So it hereditary. So ladies and Jents do you know what hereditary means?" Vixen smiled showing her very sharp teeth.

"You got it from your mother." She answered nervously.

"Exactly which means she carries a dual and guess what I'm here. Which means I know how to wake it up." She smiled hanging up before putting down the phone. Walking up behind her mom and literally glowing fire. A her making it's swirel around. Her engulfing her in flames. But when it says he's just completely fine that's better than she looks perfect in her back and we had the same exact characteristics as her daughter. So needless to say she did not look human anymore. And her hight was almost exactly the same as her daughters. Vixen me hugged her.

"Hi Mom but I could tell. That you had actually less than a week and I was running out of options. I figure screwed is hereditary anyways." Mason answered as she examined herself in the mirror.

"What do you mean she made you in a lab?" Her mother questioned.

"That's not the point I am what I am because of a hereditary gene. That you carry you are the reason why I am. What I am you carried a dragon dormant Gene of a Wrath. It's always been there. It just needed to make it wake up. I know it's probably the last thing you want but there's nothing else I could do if I just left you as were you would have perished. I wasn't ready to say goodbye yet. I love you mom." Vixen said, every mother's expression softened. As she hugged her. She was taller than her daughter though. She kissed her several times on in head affectionately. Petting her head.

"Look I don't care sweetie. As long as I get to spend more time with you. A child needs their mother's guidance. I wasn't ready to leave you yet either. I love you too my sweet darling daughter. You are my reason of existence. You saved my like in more than one way. You not only gave me nothing to it. Gave me a reason to live. I was ready to give up before you came into this world. And on top of that you stopped me. From making a horrible mistake interesting that asswhole again. You supposed to stop me from ending it. When unblocked him and got all those messages. You stood up for me. When I couldn't stand up for myself. I want me to I'm supposed to do and be your mother. Let me look after you. Now that I have the strength to do what I must. Let me protect you?" Her mother asked, she nodded. As her mother kissed her head. As vixen snuggled against her mother as she nuzzled her.

"Potentially mean every word. I said I was ready to give up and call it quits. I was tired of being social lonely disappointing life. You saved me from the pits of my despair. But also from the cancer shorten your lifespan slowly killing me. You are what actually gave me something look forward. To in the future and making life with you for both of us. We can be happy together. As Long As I Got You. I can do anything as long as I got you. I have the will to go on. I can endure any hardships you give me strength." Another told her kissing her forehead.

"You know what know. My Visions a hell of a lot better. You want to redecorate the place? Because now I can smell it smells like old people and dust. I never noticed it before now it bothers me." Her mother's Hood cover her nose Vixen laughed nodded her head. So her and her mother went to her room so she could go get dressed more properly. So everything you tell what they were. But also making sure they don't look ridiculous. Her mother have slip-on gloves. While she slipped on gloves herself. Make me a pair of sunglasses. But also pinning some of their hair up. To cover their ears. For she examined her work to make sure that everything was decent not noticeable. Before she had her go put on her shoes. Before walking over and her mother putting on her shoes and grabbing her purse and her car keys.

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