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"You're probably should have warned you. By showing her that." Claire said.

"What why she's not going to try to take it is she?" Vivian asked, as man literally tried. To slip it off her hand. But she balled up her hand. Into a fist before he could.

"Miss Holloway when I showed that to you. I did not mean take it that's my engagement ring. You are not getting it. I should report you for even trying that." Vivian snapped ripping her hand away.

"Miss she's not trying to take it she's just trying to see if it's real or not.
Since you didn't know. Vixen." He said and she slapped him across the face not holding back one bit. Leaving his face literally bruised. Not realizing that she also knocked out some of his  teeth.

"Actually we do we were there when it was made obviously know it's real but I don't want mr. Grabby hands touching it. This things pure diamonds. You really think I want you touching it. Vixen happens to be my daughter's name you stupid asswhole. Ever insult her name again. I will break every bone in your freaking body. How's that sound." She said, storming off into the building. Till Nikolia grabbed her arm pulling her into his chest.

"It's okay. I'm going to report them. But obviously not to their officials to mine. You can't just insult a royal like that and get away with it. That stupid dumbass had no right and I did give him a piece of my mind. Before I  chased after you." Nikolia said, holding her. Tightly rubbing her back to calm her. As all the others stopped looking over. As a police officer walked over. Pulling out his hand cuffs with the same dipshit she hit. But Nikolia batted his hand away as her reached to grab hers. Or speaking a foreign language. Which made the police officer stop and made his face turn as white as a sheet. But it didn't just catch the nonhumans attention. It also lot of the humans attention as well. Some even pulled out their phones. Trying to discreetly videotaped the whole thing.

"Hhhhhow do you know that language?" The police officer stuttered. Before he pulled out his Medallion marked him. As a supreme and speaking of that same foreign language. Which means the police officer almost drop to his knees.

"Sorry I didn't mean to offend I didn't know you were one of those?" He pleaded.

"I'm not just one of those. And we take offense to that. I'm their King he insulted my daughter. So you'll be hearing from my authority." As Nikolai got in his face. Making a man practically piss himself as he started shaking.

"Do you have any identification?" He whispered. Before Nikolai angrily pulled out his phone calling a number.

"Hello can you send Max. I'm in his sector and there's a stupid meat bags. Who's being very disrespectful and there's someone trying to videotape me. Can you please send the king and some of his other higher-ups over thank you. I sent you the address already. Tell him this is from his Supreme. So no bulshitting I'm in a very strong mood. So he better get here as quick as possible. Before I let go of my wrath. Not even joking I'm literally holding. A Wrath right now this is not easy she is very pissed off. Yes as in the Firebreather dip shit. I told you I'm not in those brother." He said, keeping his ear up to the phone. Having to hold to his chin and shoulder. As Vivian started to squirm trying to get out of his hold. As he had to wrap his other arm around her.

Son of a bitch. Love please stop squirming. I know you're mad. But you got to calm down. Dude hurry the hell up or you're going to have a lot of cleaning up to do. Claire why let you talk me into me into this. By the way any of you trolls upload that and you're going to have a lot more to deal with than just your account being flagged. So delete them or I'm taking all of your phones and letting her burn them."

"Yeah and how you going to do that with no hands?" A woman said sarcastically. Laughing showing him. That she was recording him and literally getting up in his face.

"I could just let go of my fire Dragon and let her do it. Want to find out?" He asked making her eyes widen as she backed away.

"That's a damn fire dragon?" One man yelled.

"Okay first of all that's rude. As hell cuz I'm a Dragon to. Second I'm their Supreme so is she. So consider yourself under arrest when. My athorities get here. Jesus where's my king. I'm just about ready to let go of you love. But I really don't want you to fly any of these humans. But then again I'm starting to wonder. If any of you are worth saving. I mean first you insult my daughter. Then you insult my fated partner. Who happens to be pregnant with our second kid. I don't even know why I side with you meat bags all the time. You can seriously all you have been since we've gotten here is been disrespectful and rude do you even know. What a is supreme is. Just don't give you an idea of who you actually just pissed off. I'm thinking of every single one of them including their other Kings. You really want to be that disrespectful I will let go of my wrath and considering my only two of them can just made a hole in her country I only need one to decimate this whole entire city. Want to find out if I'm bluffing or not because I'm not. I probably already am because of how rude you people are I mean the one city we actually let them know about our existence and you guys are assholes. To the king of every non-human genius. I told the council this was a bad idea. Now where's my king at before I call out one of the other one?" He yelled in his phone as main entrance doors swing open as a whole entire SWAT team came in with one of the other kings.

"Seriously what the hell took you so long take care of this before I do. Cuz I'm about to bring in the whole entire city incinerated."

I'm sorry my Lord I apologize for their disrespect but please don't punish them like that. I had no idea that you were even in the area

Yeah well when I call you you come running because I've had enough of this place and salt in my daughter and insulted my fated partner. Who happens to be pregnant with my son. She is a purebred Wrath that's literally just blossomed like a day ago. You really want to find out what. A Wrath born of Royal blood. Can do to the city. Cuz I'm about ready to let her go. She is a supreme as much as I am. Which you know damn well means I'm the only one that can stop her. If she goes on a rampage. I'm literally happening to restrain her physically. So she doesn't go fall out dragon. And that numbskull had the audacity to stick her phone in my face while her harassing me. To spite me. I know you're protecting her. Cuz she's your family even though she doesn't know it this is the second time that she done the store Royal second in this time it was me. So sorry dude I'm taking out your daughter." Nikolai said dress Trend towards the girl. That shoved her phone in his face. Making her lower her phone.

"What why you say your daughter my dad died when I was Kid?" She demanded.

"Try again stupid. Your dad's the king of this region Maxwell and I know. That because I'm the one that helped deliver you. He had you to protect you. Because you're human and he loves you too much. I have been respectful enough due to the fact that I respect your father. But at this you've overstepped your boundaries. Believe it or not most you morons are related to us." Nikolai said angrily. As she looked at the man bowing in front of him.

"You promised me. You weren't going to tell her." The king muttered with his head out in front of Nikolai. Not lifting his head. As a single tear trickled down his cheek.

"Yeah I did. Old friend you know I do nothing to go against my people's wishes. But this becoming way too out of hand.

You know she won't last a day with those criminals just take me instead she is human they would kill her. You know I can't live with that on my conscience. But I wouldn't dare challenge or defy you my lord. I'll let you strip away my rights as king. You know she's all I got I'm willing to give it all up. Ifyou take me instead of her. That's my only request and you still owe me one." The man said pulling out his pendant at the Supreme gave him. For going above and beyond for him that allows him to ask for one favor. That even the Supreme cannot deny.

"Are you sure this is what you want? You know I'm a man of my word. Which means I cannot deny one final offer from you. Are you sure it's this you know you'll never get out most people. Put in even purebreds die there. Are you sure that's where you want your final resting place to be?" Nikolai asked, as even a couple tears go down his face. As he was finally able to let go of Vivian. Who had calm calm down. When she realized what type of sacrifice that father was making. Leaving tears in her eyes. Nikolai kneeled in front of him taking the pendant. Before making Max lift his head.

Yes your father you can understand 2000 years old and only ever had one child. Even if she is mortal you know I can't give up especially to just throw in the pit. The leviathans would kill her. I've had a good run besides all they're going to do is torture me for the rest of my days. Till I finally croak and we both know I'm immortal. So that could take a while. Human life is far too fragile and short for me to let you take her and you know that you know I will always be loyal to you. But she is my daughter. Which means I am your father. A fathers duty is to protect their children. So let me protect mine. I don't care that she doesn't know who I am I know she is and I know she is mine. You know I only gave her up to protect her. I've already sacrifice so much just to keep her safe including watching her grow up. Which is literally the hardest thing for a parent. So giving my life for her. Is something you know I would gladly do any day. No mortal should ever have to be Put where we put our criminals. Which is why we had our. Existence From them to begin with. So we don't have Put them in there.I want her to understand why I'm doing this for her so she doesn't break the law againI've already had you turn your head three times.For breaking our laws. But she did the Unspeakable and I cannot ask you to turn around this time.The Supremes law are absolute. If they are broken You must pay the Ultimate price." Max answered as tears. Silently ran down him face.Nikolai hugged him.

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