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"I know I'm not supposed to do this. But you practically a brother to me. I'll let you I let you have. Twenty minutes to speak with her. Before we take you. It's the least I could do. Since you had to mess her grow up. Without being in it and now you're giving me your life for her I can't let you die without talking to her first."

Are you sure though allow that? I don't want to put you in trouble leviathan's are no joke brother they're practically gods you can't even defy them they make the rules. We play the game

"Yeah but I got the one thing with that makes them nervous got to remember they don't like Wrath because they can't control them my mate happens to be one. So they try to get mad at me I can just always sick her on them. You know the only reason that they put up with me. Is because they can't actually get rid of me. But I can only buy the 20 minutes. Use it well." Nikolai told him cuffing his wrist with chains. Before helping him up. He looked around his garden with tears in his eyes.

"Do better don't break the absolute law again. I can't protect you twice. I'm sorry please forgive me for not telling you the truth but this is the only time I can talk to you so please actually listen to me I did it to protect you from them leviathan's are no joke never treat their laws as such. Otherwise I will take your soul. I thought them this time but I won't be able to talk for the second time their laws absolute. Just a reason why I had to give you a give you my life I broke the law and made me Give You Up please forgive me I did it for you and hopefully one day. Hopefully you'll understand. But remember that I always love you. So please behave for me. Because I will not be able to stop them a second." He said to her. As tears ran down her face. He made sure look her right in the eye soaking up every image of her. That he could before he had to go. Burning  her face into his mind. 

"Okay I'm ready?" He said looking back at Nikolai.

"Wait I got a deal you said that they're afraid of wraths. I'm a purebred why don't I just go I got to shut down fire that I need to blow out anyways I can just let her out on them. Why didn't I think of that earlier." Vivian blurted.

"No sweetie they're afraid of Furies." Max said.

"Umm Max Wraths and furies. Are the same thing. Wrath actually have several different names. Furies one of them. Which means I'm technically or Fury." She informed him as he was walking past when he dad stopped. When he realized what she just said and been around to look at her.

Oh yeah I forgot about that but she says she's totally right hey babe you think you got enough Firepower to unleash on them

Babe it's me that were talking about you were looking to have enough Firepower you haven't let me unleash any. So yes obviously I've got more than enough to burn literally the Hades and back. Plus I got to use on something this way I can use it and not get in trouble so when it came to trade me places.

Are you sure you can handle it.
Leviathan's  are literally Living Gods and on top of that they're huge.

Well good so am I have you ever seen my dragon it's pretty damn made and I mean like bigger than normal. So trust me when I say I'm going to give them a run for their damn money. Plus not going to buy I kind of miss the Wedgewood little bit I'm actually a changeling which means several different forms. Which means not only my part beasts and fey. So I'm actually a lot bigger than a normal one and I can use Magic. Un like a normal. So I can actually control my size which means you haven't even seen close. To how big my dragon actually is. And surprised I actually have a more potent Venom than even Nikolias. In fact if I bite anybody that he's bit as soon as my venom has contact with his it automatically makes an anti-venom because it's stronger but it does. That with every other Venom too. So mines actually more toxic. And just for the record every time he restrained me he wasn't actually refraining me because. If I really wanted to I could overpower him in 2 seconds. Because psych I'm actually an original of a Changeling. So is Vixen actually. We just promised each other we weren't going to tell anyone. Till we found the proper opponent. Every non-human has a natural enemy we don't so we made a deal not to tell anyone until we found one. So please let me have some fun. I want to see. If they match me or not and I'm sorry. But my dragon has been gay chin to burn something.

So wait a minute are you a purebred or a hybrid. What I'm so confused are you stronger than him?

Yeah by like a lot and yes I'm a purebred that I'm in Newton. That is both mixed together. I'm an evolved more advanced form of a Fury. We just call ourselves changelings because we can literally change any physical aspect of our body even including in my dragon form. So I can literally make another dragon and you wouldn't even know it. I'm a type of Fury that's developed and evolved to be able to use fey like abilities. So genetically we are both but that actually was a whole new species altogether if that makes sense that's why I even removed ones who don't look human in fact even less so than my partner who is an original Beast did you see what I actually look like I look way less human than he does in fact honestly I look really close to Leviathan don't freak out that I'm not a Lifan I've actually known about them for a while kind of been watching them if that made me we have the same traits. But I can't get close enough to want to get a blood sample that's why I want to volunteer this might be my only chance to figure out if I'm Leviathan or if I'm a changeling. Cuz I've been calling myself a changeling. What if I'm a leviathan I need to know but in order to find that out I have to be able to get close enough to one not going to let his little Jackass has a really scared of me so I haven't been able to get close enough to them. There's a present were a lot smarter than you think and when they're scared of something they pay really close attention especially to me for some odd reason which is why I think I might be either their natural enemy or one I don't know I need to know please let me drive me crazy not knowing what the hell. Me and my children actually are. And as you know I am pregnant. So finding out this information is becoming even more crucial." Vivian in begged changing her physical appearance still a much taller non-human that look you weigh less human and her physical appearance. Then she did before. Her imprint stayed. But she grew horns a long reptilian spiked tail like her dragon tail and wings to match. Not to mention certain spots. On her body showed her scales making hard illiterately impenetrable. But also made her Venom gland visible. Even in her human form. And she could tell by Max's horrified face that theory was right she was definitely somehow related to a leviathan.

"Oh no you're definitely built like one."

"And how come I don't physically look like one mama leviathans look like humans I look like a beast explain that shit. And on top of that normal leviathan's do not have a beast form. So why do I. Do you see why I am confused I need answers for my kids PS Nikolai you are not allowed to leave me because I am Leviathan. Or as pretty as it was before it's not my fault I look less human." Vivian said trying not to head to head. Since she was so tall and her real human form. She literally was taller than the ceiling.

"Dummy you're my fated partner I don't care. What you are and I think you're beautiful. No matter what you look like. Not going to lie I think it's actually pretty damn cool. You know I love you either way. But are you sure you want to do this."

"You are seriously the best partner ever. I love you too always will always have. Yeah I might not get another chance like this. Plus I'd rather go then let them take Max. I'm a parent so there's no way that I could let you go in her place.I mean at least I have a fighting chance okay more than a fighting Sans Turn regular leviathans can only use powers like fey. While I can use both.Which means even though there's only one of me. I have a huge advantage over themAnd on topOf that the power is this more of a furies. I want crazy from Leviathan for absolutely afraid of. So I'm practically Untouchable to them.Plus I'm not going to lie. About it kind of went toe-to-toe with them quite a few times. I did tell you I walked out a few things. Including my real age.The reason I think I'm aLeviathan because we were made around the same time But I was with the outcast I was listening to pushed out That was different I don't know where I fit in PlusI've gotten Amnesia quite a few times so It's taken me a while to remember who I actually am And like I said I can change my form. So I normally just kind. Of Camouflage myself Among the Beast. Till I remember. Such as My life as Vivian I lost my memory I didn't know. Till Max started talk about Leviathan. Then it started all coming back to me. Like I said I've never had a place up along or is it in. So I was never given a name. I know nothing makes sense right now. My memories are stillAnd the process of putting themselves back in place. So I'm just saying stuff as it comes to mind. I'm really trying but I know it makes no sense. But if I don't see it now I'm afraid that I'll forget again. I can't forget who I am. Especially if I'm the only thing that can help you.Break from their control. They've been Making the rules for a little too long Nicholas is my partner. Even if we are two different species. If they're trying to control him. I'm going to stick up for my man. And I know that they're afraid of me. I just remembered something really random. I also remember that I'm only female. Could that be the reason why I'm different.But now I'm losing track of Wait a minuteLicense are afraid of furies. Are afraid of me I'm the reason they'reAfraid of furies. Because I always take the form of a fury. Wow I can be so blond sometimes. Seriously took me forever Process thatThank God in this life I was a scientistOtherwise we'd be in serious trouble cuz apparently my original brain was not that smart Which is probably why I lost my memory 90% of the time.Like seriously song My thoughts are so dumbNo wonder when I first took spot.I only take the spot of those that the leviathans take.Now I think aboutThey put me in her spot Why would they do that. Because I did not take her spot by choice. I was put there on purpose.  Why that's what I've trying to figure out. But since I'm still regaining my memory. I keep on drawing a blank. I really do think they had something to do with it. My question is what." Vivian said thoughtfullyTrying to piece all of her thoughts together.

"I think I know. The amnesia Is on purpose So you don't remember. Because like me they can't get rid of you. But since you're stronger than them they can't use you either. So I'm guessing they purposely. Are erasing your memory. And putting you in the place of a human. Putting your Non-human Power Dormant Making you practically human.But even if that body dies You do not Because you're Practically living God. So you just I keep coming back like a phoenix. Cuz I'm guessing. Your fey like power comes from a Phoenix. Which means everyI'm your physical body dies. It just reborn again. And I'm guessing the reason why they're afraid of you is. Because you are they're only natural enemy. Which is precisely why you can never figure out where you fit in. Because you're something made. To be their natural enemy. You create balance your that Brings natural order." Nikolia suggested.

"Oh my God baby I'm right that makes perfect sense. I've always tried to fit in with them. I never thought about if I was their enemy. Their natural predator. No wonder they never liked me. Now you definitely let me go." Vivian said changing her form back. To a Human form letting them slip the chains around her wrists.

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