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"Are you sure about this dear. What if you're wrong?" Max asked.

"Well there's only one way to turned out and either way. I'm going to have to go. But I'm more than sure I'm right and if I am. Isn't it worth at least trying. Especially if I'm the only way to break this nightmare I think it's worth a shot and besides. If it becomes too dangerous I'll booked out immediately." She is sure to me before they took her away loading her up in a then. Where they took her to a secluded area and threw her into an abyss. Where a giant caught her in his hand which was one of the leviathans. Which just as she had remembered. They were all male. He didn't do anything to her she just looked at her. Which was able to distract him enough. Since her hands were behind her back. To slip the syringe if she had hidden in her dress. Which state was previously able to can a blood sample. Without him noticing since the needle was so small. And she was able to quickly hide it before he noticed. When another one came over.

"Brother please tell me this is not. A Wrath in my hand I thought we got rid of all of them. But it smells like one." Keith sneered plugging his nose.

"So what you do if I just met you in the face. Because every time you think you get rid of me I always come back. Did you miss me Zeusy." She joked breaking the chains with no problem. Before the one that walked over going to horrified look on his face before trying to squish her. Luckily she was able to revert back to her original form. Which hich was more of that about Leviathan. Pinning the one to the ground as she stepped on his hand.

"Oh come on you Boys. You totally missed me. Haven't you learned by now. I'm a lot stronger then you you can't get rid of me. Why do you keep on trying." She chocolate before realizing. That they were all staring at her like she have a third eye.

"Okay what's up with the deer in headlights look. Do I have something on my face." She asked concerningly. Asbury normally terrified faces. Were replaced by curious ones.

"Your Leviathan? Your a female?" The one she called Zeus asked how's the other ones curiously walked over.

"Umm yeah which I'm guessing you didn't know by your expression. Which I thought you did? Now I'm thinking this was a bad idea. I'm warning you don't back me up into a corner bro I'm still a Fury." She said as they literally cornered her. Which only made her blow fire at them to make them back up. She end up blowing out so much that she was out of breath. She hunched over rubbing her stomach trying to catch her breath.

"Shit I did not think this through. Why you going to wear me out so much." She muttered to herself realizing the baby was taking most of her energy. So she couldn't blow out as much fire as you normally could. But because she was hunched over. She didn't notice how close one of them had gotten." Tell he was literally in her face. Which made her jump punching his face. Making him stumble back. As he covered his nose. Which she had literally broken.

"That is definitely no name I recognize that Punch Anywhere." He groans. Tilting his head back. Keeping the blood from pouring out of his nose.

"My name isn't no name it's Vivian. Just because you guys whenever nice. Enough to give me a real name. Or even acknowledge my existence. Except for when you erase my memory. Doesn't mean that somebody else didn't." She growled. They all got very silent and looked at her realizing how angry she was.

"We seriously didn't know you want one of us I don't want to female we just thought you were..." the one she nicknamed Hade's started. Till she cut him off.

"Mistake a parasite. Same your lame excuses. You made me into this. So, so what if I am a female Leviathan. But you made me into a mistake that was your own damn fault you robbed me of my identity never gave me one put me in a human's place. Just because you didn't want put up with me when was I ever did since the moment I was created would try to fit in with you guys so yeah this is all your fault if you would have just been nice gave me a name treating me like a decent living organism instead of a parasite things would have been different now I'm just your worst nightmare and I've made it my goal. To make you jackasses miserable. Like you've made my entire life." She growled making smoke come out of your mouth. The Force Unleashed shifting into her wrath form. Which was way bigger than even the leviathans. Needless to say they were very nervous.

"Big Brother what do we do she is huge. There is no way that want to be able to handle her." Ask one of the younger ones. When Hades noticed how out of breath she was.

"Well I think I figured out why she's being so defensive and violent. She's pregnant. That's why she keeps getting out of breath and keeps running out of energy. Can't blow out as much as fire as normal. She is pregnant. Watch how she's breathing." Hades said, as the other started watching her closely.

"Holyshit you're right. I can't believe you didn't notice that. Poor thing looks like she's really struggling." Another one answered. Trying to get close to her. Which only made her attacker way defensively. Making sure to Shield her stomach.

"Yep she is definitely pregnant and she is definitely aware of it you know how defensively she's shielding her stomach. It's okay sweetie we're not going to hurt you or just trying to see if your child is a Leviathan or not." Zeus assured her.

"Well you could have just asked?" She replied using her dragon voice.

"Sorry I didn't know you could talk in that form. Is it?" Zeus asked.

"Well obviously both my children are you think this is my first kid I have an older daughter. Who's exactly like me. She still a newborn though." She replied, relaxing her posture but staying on guard.

"So you have a daughter and she's Leviathan?"

Well she was artificially made so yeah she's checking clear cologne she has the same exact DNA I do. So she is exactly like me. But my son was conceived by accident. A jackass to take full advantage of me I didn't know who's purebred nightmare my partner. Claims him as his own so I guess I can't be that mad but he's memorizing like me cuz my is the  dominant gene. Why you're not going to try to hurt any more children are you?" He asked nervously.

Of course not Vivian we're not monsters. We might be a lot of things. But we are not that. We do not kill newborns at 11 Offspring especially if they are of our own species there's never been in Leviathan born. Since we were created. So course we're not going to hurt them. If anything we would help protect them but trust me whenever haunted room how are you and I'm sorry that we did before. We didn't know you were one of us. Or we would have protected you. But you never showed us we thought you were just a regular non-human. And we deeply apologize will do anything to make up for it. So please trust us?" Their oldest brother Kane begged.

"Then stop bringing in humans I don't care if you bringing drum and I'm on humans they deserve it but the humans are being brought in for breaking the rules are being replaced by their family. Because their parents don't want to send them here. How do you think you ended up with me today I took the place of one of the fathers honestly I needed it a blood sample. To confirm I was Leviathan. Sorry Keith." She said, as Keith peace looked at his hand.

"So is that when I felt and hit my hand earlier sweetie you know you could have just asked. Do you still need some? And deal do you want anything or need anything. We'll do it no questions asked." He said as the others noted. She changed back in North Korea human Leviathan form. As Hades, covered her up. Picking up her dress which was destroyed when she shifted when a small device with the syringe plugged into fell out.

My cousins going to kill me I hate to ask this but can one of you guys fix that dress it's not mine my cousin just let me borrow it. She'll be so pissed if she finds out I ripped it." She asked Zeus took it giving her a wink.

"I'll have it done in 2 seconds and it will look good as new I promise.
Quiet he replied literally pulling out a a needle and thread he literally sat down right there and started sewing it back up. For her. You literally was so fast she was. So fascinated watching him. That she literally creeped over and sat beside him. He neatly you couldn't even tell it was there. She was watching him too much to even notice. Him picking her up and putting her on his lap. She just continued to watch him not even realizing that his hands went from beside her to in front of her

"So may I ask what your partner is?"

A diamondback I'm pretty sure you can guess who it is considering there's only one.

"Oh Nikolai he's a good guy. I like him might me a pain in my ass sometimes. But he's his heart's in the right place. Plus he's one of those people that no matter how about a pisses you off you always have liked him at the end of the day. He'll even hated can't stay mad at him we'll just kind of creepy. Because Hades doesn't like anyone. Except for his brothers. Which is obviously us. So what did your little Gadget say?"

Zeus it's a DNA scanner fixed on your blood tells you what it's made of I had to compare it to mine which I already did obviously and mine was an appointment so I am a purebred Leviathan I thought I might be a part
Leviathan and Part beast. But nope there's no beast in me in fact priests are actually made for my blood which I don't get how that doesn't make any sense because I have no children except the ones that I have at home what should be the only way that they would even have my DNA unless somebody artificial me of them. But I'm the only one that knows how to do that sort of thing.

What do you mean they're made from your DNA.

Like if you look at any regular non-humans face DNA it's identical to mine but not just mine you guys is to which means The Originals were originally created from are DNA somehow like most of the phase are made up for you guys most of the beasts are made up of me. Since I'm the one that actually can shift like a beast while the rest of the DNA sequence is actually filled in with xiumin and some unknown DNA which doesn't make any sense cuz I didn't know there was anything other than regular non-humans in leviathans. Do you guys know anything?" She asked.

Well I know the were actually a couple of their ones that were made alongside of but they were very unstable someone destroyed okay I'm going to be completely honest with you we were actually created from humans like they made us artificially trying to make a super soldier instead made a living God they're trying to make a weapon but obviously they made some mistakes along the way which they had to terminate because they were far too dangerous and unstable for them to control. And since we were the most strongest out of the or they had us terminate the rest of them. But some of them did get loose and they don't know. Where they went. We tried tracking them down but can't find them anywhere but they were nothing like the normal non-human see you have today I mean like these things were deadly lethal violent destructive and didn't exactly act like humans. Like the normal non-humans you're used to. These things acted like pure animals. These things were very ravenous. Like Hellhound hell we even had a huge three-headed hellhound you know which one I'm talking about Cerberus that's his name we had one of those and let me tell you he would only listen to Alibi's then directly I actually still have him the humans told us to keep him since he was too big for them to disposal and he was. Pretty obedient for us. Hades go get him." Zeus said, and she turned to look him. As Hades walked out down a long Cavern disappearing into the darkness.

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