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"You know you're going to lose him to me right. I love animals especially puppies

I figured that's why I told him to go grab them I've heard you like him more than the hellhounds we have a couple of those two they would have kept the ones we were able to tame but the rest they made us discard because they were too ravenous like we literally had a creature call the ravenous to not even joking I think it's crazy we couldn't even work with it and any human that went near it it killed okay so we might have one scope caged up that we couldn't disposal because they couldn't figure out how to we have to keep it in a cage and every time that we ask the humans about him. Because yes we still keep in contact with. The secret society that originally made us. Because they were actually very good to us and 4 years of a promising to make us offspring even females just worn out by ourselves and they never came through with their promises but they keep on trying to make more more promises and honestly we're just going against sick I'm never keeping your end of the bargain because we've been more than obedience for them and we put up with every thousand of years but there ain't no way in hell I'm going to tell him about you they found out about you especially that you got children and that you're pregnant then most likely try to experiment on you. I mean we always catch. Them distracting the creatures. We bring them in after Exterminating. Honestly that's probably why is the normal Nordstrom's have bits and pieces of our DNA they were probably made by the same people they're always trying to make something new that's not only superhuman. But is highly intelligent like a human. But capable of having superhuman intelligence as well they always told us that we were their grand design. But I highly doubt that consider. There's more regular non-human from there is us. But honestly I don't really know what their goal is either I don't know if they have a specific goal for why they're doing all these experiments and what they've been doing them for so long every time I ask the change of subject but that's literally all I know sweetheart. They keep a pretty in the dark about a lot of there projects."

Well they don't know about me and I am a certified scientist tell me where it's located I'll break him I'll tell you what's inside and I'll tell you what they're working on because I'm like you I'm Not underneath their lock and key how they don't even know about me so I can get underneath the radar without them even noticing and on top of that I'm a top geneticist. And I mean like Nobel Prize geneticist. I want all kinds of awards. Ice Place genetics and DNA. Creating artificial life-forms on a daily basis so trust me. I'm probably about one of the only few of you. That can actually decipher exactly what they are doing." She assured them

Where are you like last month when they actually brought us into the main building. For a checkup we always see their experiments from their Labs written down. But we have no idea what they mean. But I did manage to get a picture of one. When the doctor walked out. Brent one of the other males replied pulling out a film they have modified so is the perfect size for a Leviathan. He opened it up flipping through his pictures showing her a picture. Of their whiteboard with all kinds of scientific writing on it but they couldn't decipher or even have a clue of what it meant. But as soon as she looked. At it she knew exactly what it was. She took it jumping up out of his lab frantically checking it over to make sure that she read that right.

Now listen to me very carefully all of you this is very important this is a DNA sequence and I know what it's for I made this DNA sequence by accident 2 years ago you don't want to know what makes. So we have to stop them before they succeed. Because I barely got away. When I succeeded and mine was a baby. They're trying to make an adult. Trust me you don't want to know what it is but I thought I destroyed all evidence of it they must have got hold of a copy somehow which means I probably have a fuking mole in my lab. This is a disaster if they succeed we are all fruit these things multiply like roaches and very very hard to get rid of.

Remain calm down breve what is it. What are they trying to make.

Something I call a darkling and trust me they're a lot worse than they sound first of all they feed on humans and other non-humans. Which they also use to lay there eggs in. To use as an incubator. Which they feed off of when they're born and they spread like wildfire the blood is acid and they're pretty hard to they have human intelligence which makes them very hard to find. Because they have a tendency to mess with you. They're nocturnal, they're Pitch Black hence the name darkling, and they can survive any Clement or elevation or environment they're living nightmare so you have to tell me where this freaking lab is ASAP before they create one this is all my fault I have to fix my mistake before every human and nonhuman pays the price so where is the slab I'm not joking guys I will choke you if you don't tell me that is how dead-ass serious I am about getting rid of these damn things they aren't dangerous very dangerous their Ambush predators they pretty much act like a damn predator off of the movie Predators I don't know if you seen that or not but are literally a Game Hunter and they can evolve by them self to make themselves more efficient Hunters I so f***** up by making one I seriously thought I destroyed every trace of it some money in my lab must have given it to them and I swear when I find them I'm going to Wring their neck. I will kill them because they just put the whole entire world in Jeopardy to make one of these just one can produce Millions in just a month because they can self reproduce. It was my worst mistake of my life when I made that I didn't realize it was so dangerous till after... oh my God it was my sponsor it was my f****** sponsor my sponsor gave me a DNA sequence Ed sheer make it make me leave the greatest sewing machine of all time I didn't think anything of it when I made it until it I seen what it can do I knew I had to exterminated I didn't care how much it costed me and it did cost me thousands of dollars and I didn't do a s*** that thing was way too dangerous that's literally how much I'm trying to stress to you of how dangerous this damn thing is let me know if it has any natural Predators I mean to kill something like that I'm such a dumbass I'm something like that my Skin's impenetrable crime highly venomous I'm such a dumbass I literally could take on this thing okay guys we only got one shot of this cuz there's only one of me when this thing multiplies I'm not going to be able to stop it while there's numbers are still low and might have a chance to eradicate it. Before it gets out of hand. So let's not screw up this time please because every living creature on our planet I'm not being horny at all. Because they really are all counting on us not f****** this up. Why did I have to be so good at my job right after create that damn thing in the first place." Vivian said panicking they all modern understanding why she was so frantic.

"They call it Garden of Eden it's right up the street. The same city you were picked up in. Literally two buildings down more they picked you up at."

You're kidding me oh God this is really is all my fault that's original wow that used to work at but I made the saddle pad that I am now so somebody from my old lab is spying on me. I'm going to kill those crazy bastards come on we literally only have like 10 minutes because two buildings down there's a whole entire buffet for them and you took that picture a month ago if they already have that part of the gene sequence figured out all they got to do is put it together to create one of those nightmares I'm sorry I keep forgetting my son's part nightmare but the thing is literally my worst fear cuz like I said it also goes after non-humans imagine what it would do if I could get hold of a purebred dragon. Oh God my mates back at that building. So is Max another king and a whole shitload of other purebreds. We need to go like now. Because darklings glow like purebred not humans they grow very very fast and can reach adulthood with in only a couple of hours. You guys catch up with me I'll go first." She yelled before pulling out her wings and taking off into the sky flying out of the Abyss they called home. She changed her form to normal human size so her body would be lighter and go faster. She knew the reason why they had the reunions now was because they were using it as a testing ground for their new toy. Which met the guests were the target which is why the security was so tight and they had to run complete Lockdown. While the guests were in. They were using them as bait And food for the new toy.Which only made her fly faster She literally didn't even care to put her wings done before she will literally flew in the front doors Pushing pastTheGuards breaking the walk And putting a hole in the middle Shields that was blocking the doorKeeping their pet contained.She landed to see that nobody with her yet but that everybody was in the corner Petrified Even her fiance Was in the corner.

I'm going to need you to all remain calm And just as quiet as possible I need to catch this thing before it Gets to any of you Understand. It goes after non-humans and humans20 going to need you to stay completely quiet so I can hear it I have to be able to locate it The thing is Burn telligent And I highly DudleyAnd I promise you that after this I'm going to go every move her that made this thing.

We love you know what this

Sorry my love you guess I accidentally made it two years ago I thought I destroyed every trace of it but some jackass my old lab was spying on me and somehow you got Ollie's I burned them When I burned it I'm going to kill him when I find him But first I have to kill this thing because they multiply like Cockroaches.
I made it out of a random DNA sequence I had no idea what I was making. Till I seen what it could do. Love can you come here I might need your help I promise I'll protect you but I'm going to need your ears If you feel like scratching tell me which direction in all of you move Because I'm the only creature strong enough
To kill it and I don't want to hit any of you It's blood is acid So it will burn you so make sure to stay out of the way when I say move.Because I know it is going to be moving towards all of you It's a game hunter Predator And it uses the five humans and non-humans for incubator if you wantTo make it through this listen carefully where they followed exactly what I say I'm going to need you to all get behind me now. Because I can already hear it moving. This is my mistake I'm writing my this is my mistake I'mWriting my wrong And I'm not letting these jackasses win.
I'm going to be having reinforcements in a hot minute as soon as they get here. I called up the other leviathans. So don't freak out when you see them. They're only here to help me.Now get behind me Hurry up.As quietly as possible so I can locate exactly which wall this darklings in. She ushering them Getting them to move quickly behind her.And she was some you realizing there was more than one. There was five.As the other leviathans Open theDoor in the middle Shields they were using to contain them.
As A few stayed outside the door to make sure that none escaped.All the others walked Two Vivian's sides.

Damn took you guys long enoughBut rain on time Because I'm going to need your help There's five.And there's too many guests for me to keep an eye on And take all of them on at the same time.The rest of you form a shield around the guest. Hades, Zeus  and Kane you're helping me.Now tell me exactly whenAnd where precisely you've located Which malls are in.If any of them get out grab them by the neckSo they can't bite you. Since my necks aren't long enough to reach that far.And it should immobilize themLong enough So I can eradicate them Because my venoms highly  potent to them.ButI think I never created them Mark you're freaking dead meat when I get a hold of you you hear me cuz I know you'reWatching you freak I'm just letting you know. That when I'm done with your little pets. I'm coming after you."Baby and snapped looking at the security camera in the corner of the room Knowing he was watching from it When the intercom came on.

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