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Do your thing here Vivian such a dirty mouth my children will have fun with you you do realize I'm not superhuman intelligence." He snickered into the intercom.

"Yeah dip shit I'm the one that made them. Which means I knew all that weaknesses you moron. Plus I got something very deadly. For your little pet. Let's see how are they like the taste of choking on their own acid blood because when I'm done with them. And when I'm done I am coming after you. So think about running cuz I will chase you down." She snapped looking up the camera making sure to show her fangs.

Oh come now dear leviathans are impressive but do you really think they can kill one of those

Who says that I only had normal Leviathan stop, hell of of a powerful one right here. And are venoms highly deadly to your little pet kills on contact. Stronger than a diamondbacks. Let's see how you like that?

"You are such a bluff dear. I know that thing isn't real?" He laughed as she changed into her Leviathan form

Oh really because last time I checked I am very real it's like you didn't keep track of all your leviathan's cuz you let the strongest one slip away. Bet you weren't counting on that one now where are you b**** I always got rabbit of my hat plus I never create an artificial life-form. I can't kill I purposely make sure to sabotage each creation by giving them one flaw something I have weather it be my fiery breath, a special spell I concocted. Which only I know how to undo or in this case my Venom I flied your perfect creation. By making it weak against my Venom. And your dumbass copied my exact design to a T you didn't think I seen your blueprints one of the boys here snap the picture for me so I got a good look at how you created them so I know you didn't miss a thing. Meaning whatever sing one of the flaws and Little Kinks I purposely put in there are still present in your version which means I know every single one of their little flaws are still there which only I know do you think I brought them here to destroy your pet no no no my dear I'm just running your pet they're just making sure that they don't get to the humans I'm going to devour every single one of them how's that sucks to know your boss is a leviathan doesn't it. Which means I'm smarter than you. But luckily for you I anticipated that something like this was going to happen so I made them a natural enemy. That I can control you seriously thought I didn't think ahead come on I'm a world-renowned scientist I always been good. So I created this little puppy. Zues did you grab what I asked? But I hand in my old lab since I already knew that Mark was watching me. Didn't even know I had it there. If you think a darkling was impressive. Wait till you see this one. Vivian smirked as Zeus and her box. Which she carefully set on the ground.

"What's in it?" He asked,

"Oh you'll see it's the ultimate predator even more so the Predator this one because it's a true game predator it hunts for fun and I've got a taste for darklings it is from it's literally their natural anime so nobody getting its line of sight this is the ultimate Predator. When I mean old men are not pulling your leg. Like this thing is gnarly and I trained. It to listen to me. Well more like wired at that way. When I created it to where he would only listen to my voice and my commands. I raise the big bad boy from a baby. So he literally only listens to me. He is made from my DNA. But I've modifying altered. To make the ultimate killing machine. And yes I'm modified and pacifically to be stronger than one of your dang darklings. Meet the Goliath. Okay come on boy. I got some food for you. But you got to find it." She said, before blowing fire. Making the box expand to the point. Where it bursted open and something grew out of it. Growing into the size of a male Leviathan. But it looked nothing like a leviathan. It look more like a ravenous a very big ravenous. Which look like a large humanoid. With black breaded wings big fangs, Dragon Eyes, spiked horns. That ran all the way down its back. With a long spiked tail. Which is used to whip at its prey. That was covered in venom. All its body was covered in most strongest armored plating skin. So if a darkling tried to bite it. It would break it's teeth it also prevented the darklings from being able to laugh on to him with their claws. They slid right off. Darklings were actually quite small like a regular human. That's why she made him the size of the Leviathan. So he be able to take down his prey. Much easier it's pretty much. Like comparing a T-Rex to a velociraptor and even his claws fangs and spikes running his back. Were covered in his them. Which was the same Venom that Vivian produced.

"Hey buddy do you got a sent yet. Sorry that I dragged you guys out here I need to make sure we didn't have any casualties before he got here now all we have to do is sit back and let him. Do all the rest of work trust me. He's built specifically to hunt these things and he's got a high prey drive. So anytime he smells one he goes nuts. And he's a little intelligent as the Leviathan much smarter than a darkling. Because I actually lied about how smart but darklings intelligent is I didn't give them superhuman intelligence back they gave them in the intelligence of an average animal I'm not that stupid when I realized what I was making I made sure to fall that bitch. And by my estimations and how I designed him. I only need one to take out thousands. Because even if they don't eat them. They'll still kills them for fun. So I wasn't joking when I said he's the ultimate Hunter. Go ahead Hunter go find one bring it back to Mommy. She said as he sniffed the ground. Literally locating one right below feet. Before looking up at her. For her to give signal to give the okay. As she pulled out a little device with me to clicking sound as soon as she clicked it he a little late on the floor and pulled out a black figure by its neck it was a darkling. He literally ripped off its with his teeth. Making sure to envenomated. Making sure to give it a lethal dose. Mejor spitting out its head halfway across the room. Let making sure drink some of its blood. Before tossing the limp body at the wall. Where he heard another one moving making its Curry what you chased it punching through another wall looking women this one he did devour Lahore is only one to the next one he literally went after them one by one they didn't even get close to the humans before he had them in his fangs which all together candidum devouring three and then. Just killed the other two for Pure sport. We're for standing up completely straight like normal like how they did.

"Targets neutralized and eradicated. Do you have any more commands for me mother?" He answered,

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