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"Yes sweetie can fetch mommy the man in box. He stole from mommy. Something of great importance  that has to do with Mommy's work  she wants it back  so don't kill him that doesn't mean that you can't break a few bones so break his legs. So he can't run away." She answered, kissing his head. As he nodded disappearing.

"You lied he was a leviathan wasn't me. Hes one of your children?" Hades ask, a smirk appeared on her face.

"Caught me okay so maybe I I have more children than I let on that was Hunter one of my older ones?" She admitted.

"Wait how many kids do we have? You need to tell me these things I'm their dad." Her mate asked walking over.

"Sorry love I didn't know if you'd be okay with how many I actually have. I didn't want to scare you away." Vivian said, nervously. When you hugged hed kissing her assuringly.

"So how many children do we actually  have?" He asked.

"Eight. Not including the one I'm carrying he makes nine. Five girls three boys for including the little one. All. purebred leviathans. I did tell you one thing I always wanted to be was a mom. I may have overdone it. But I hope you know I'm not stopping either I love my children. They're all under 20 all years old. The oldest ones not even 15. So their still pretty young. I'm m technically older then you and I've never had children till they were born. So of course I'm overprotective and cherish with them." She replied, warmly. He just smiled.

"Love. You do realize I love children. You should have just told me. So I could spoil and love each and everyone of them. I want each and every one of them to know that I'm their father. But where you been hiding them. He asked as a bunch of heads popped out all around them. They were literally hiding and every nook and cranny and even in the ceiling. Which is why none of the darklings were in the ceiling.

"I don't care to stay out of sight. They actually want me everywhere. What can I say they love their mother and there's two. With thier younger sister Vixen. But the youngest won't stay very close to me. You just don't see them. It's okay my babies you can go out now." She said as they all came out of their hiding spots. When a large male golden hair and gold eyes literally contortionist. His body from behind wood desks groaning stretching his body out. They were all extremely beautiful and tall and lengthy like their mother.

"Thank God that was a really hard my body is so stiff." He groaned walking  over and wrapping his arms around his mother. As the others ran over hugging their mother. As she smiled warmly. Lovingly giving kisses to each of her children hugging them.

"So for my precious babies ready to meet their daddy?" She asked and they all excitedly nodding. But when she turned to look at her mate he was gone. But the leviathans were laughing.

"It's okay kiddos I'll be out in a minute got to have excited we seeing you guys. He started crying uncontrollably and your uncle. Had to help him to the bathroom. So we're going to have to give him a minute okay." Hades exclaimed assuring her.

"Did he seriously?" Vivian asked as the other leviathan's all nodded.

"Yeah you made your mate. So happy you broke him. It was actually really sweet. Were just assuring you that. It was a very good reaction. That he just didn't just take off. He literally was crying so hard he couldn't see." Keith said, her mate and Zeus walked back out. Nikolai was to wiping his eyes. As he walked over.

"You good?" Vivian chuckled, making him one of us he gave her a kiss.

"Shut it you. Just because I'm man. Doesn't mean I don't get sensitive. Now who's ready to meet Daddy?" He said opening his arms as they literally  practically tackled him. When they hugged him. He gave each of them hugs in all the kisses they wanted.

"You're in heaven aren't you?" Vivian asked chuckling at how peaceful he looked. Eveloped in all his children as they hugged him.

"You have no idea this is absolutely heaven." Nikolai I said as he literally just snuggled up to them. She laughed. Because all his children leviathans which meant they were much bigger than he was and he was the size of a normal original. So they were almost three times his size. He loved every second.

"Mom helping dad's normal sized."

"Because your father is a normal original male Diamondback but since your mother's purebred Leviathan her Gene is dominant in all of you which is why you're all leviathan's. Her Gene is just dominant. But I promise he still your father. He's just not a Leviathan. You still love him don't ya?" Zeus explained.

"He's our father. We still love him all the same. No matter what species he is. We just wonder why we were so much bigger than him." The oldest sister Rose answered. As her father reached over and kissed her forehead. That was doing a lot of humans. Guests were actually intently watching. They seem to very Touch button scene in front of them. Which once again Vivian seem one videotaping. She cleared her throat throw catching their attention. But they didn't lower it.

"Let It Go Vivian. It's not worth getting worked up about. Besides besides you forbade us from punishing any humans. So how ate we're going to figure out a new system. To keep the humans room breaking our rules?" Hail one of her Leviathan brothers asked. As soon as they all heard that. They ripped out their phones.

"Nice one Hail now they know. You just had to say. That out loud now they know. Brooklyn's they're just going to do whatever. They want so we get everything situated. Best grill figure it out when it comes to that. But what are you guys that are you taking off for anyways?" Vivian asked us one of the girls walked over girl keeping her camera pointed at then but showing her white was going to a website called. And You Thought.....

"Can you tell me what. This And You Thought is about?" Couple of other girls walked up. One of them got on the actual website page handing it to her to let her see what it was. When she noticed that most of them more videos of non-humans doing things that I guess a human. Wouldn't  normally expect them to do. Most of them were very sweet videos of him being action in playful when she's in the one that her friend was videotaping. But captions what made her smile. And you thought they couldn't be heartwarming what day is is is Father with his children for the first time. I was being live-streamed and there was. A shit ton of people watching it in the numbers were climbing fast. What's the comments just made her day. 'Oh my God this is the cutest thing I've ever seen in my entire life.' 'The father so small. Why is he so small.' 'I love it.' ' wait are those non-humans and you thought they were scary. Does that look scary to you?'... she stopped when she got in front of the camera pulling you made out of the cluster children making him stand beside her and making one of the average height humans walk over beside him to show the height difference between the three

There now doesn't make sense I brought over an average highest human. So you can see he's not short. I'm just purebred Leviathan. Which means I'm super tall and a lot bigger than him. Our children are
Leviathan's so their just really big like me. My genes dominant. Sorry I seen a lot of comments asking why their dad was so small I was just trying to prove a point he is not salt in fact he's actually quite the opposite is an original so he is actually bigger than a regular. So he's actually pretty tall. I just have to be a giant so yes that is definitely their dad. They just get their size from me. Make sense?" Vivian said.

"Now they're all wanting ask questions. I told him I don't know if you're allowed to answer. Honestly I'm just a little too scared to ask you to ask her because this is a queen this isn't just a random Leviathan this is a supreme. So she's a queen I feel rude asking her that." The girl said who let me look at her phone and I was looking at the comments. Read off her phone.

"Well we don't really have a rule against it right now so I know I'll be the only time you allowed to I am a kind of nice to clear up some common misconception. Cuz there's actually quite a few." Her mate answered.

"Okay one are you willing to to admit on camera the nonhumans are real." She read out loud.

"Well obviously we're not Holograms. This is how tall I actually am in as you can see. I'm three times the size of an original in originals. Are twice as big as normal human so Dah. Technically I'm a supreme. So either one of us. Can technically say and get away with it." Vivian replied as her Sam Hunt her down holding Mark. By the collar of his shirt.

"Okay my favorite partner will answer any questions you have. I have some really urgent business to take care of trust me. You don't want to see and I'll explain it from them. If I don't take care of it this might happen again. So I got to get this dude locked up like a Asap. Before he tries to kill someone else." Vivian said before taking off every word for sun taking that wet by his call her and handing him over to Hades.

"Okay now I know I said not to punish humans. But this one I'm going to started entire building. Of people humans and non-humans. Put him in the deepest of this. You can find and throw away the key. I can't risk him fall in some like this again. They all got lucky if I happen. To have been one of the guests when it happened otherwise. That could have ended. So worse so make sure every part. Of me but he will never be able to get out." She commanded he nodded taking him and disappearing out. The main entrance. As Vivian and let out a deep sigh. As her mate walked over putting his head to hers.

"Relax my love it needed to be done he might be human but he did something very very dangerous and if you knew what I hear and realized what the hell he released in the I could have ended it and a Tragedy. You saved literally everyone in the building. No one's going to be angry for you for locking him away. Speaking of which did anybody get. he rest of that cleaned up I don't  want that being caught on camera. Veiw's innocent eyes don't need to see that."
Nikolai said as Keith Walker passed to get to. The other side of the room we're parts of one was at.

"Thanks Keith. BabeStop beating yourself up. You can't blame yourself for what happened." Her mate assured her.

"Yeah but that still doesn't change the fact that if I would have just disposed of the blueprints correctly he wouldn't have found them I thought it burned all them I'm still trying to figure out how you got a hold of them And which other ones he took from my lab. Screw it. I'm breaking into his office. I can't roast anybody else getting ahold of those blueprints. Or any of the other ones. That he might have stolen.So I'm going to need you to stay here with the kids and I'm going to take Hercules." She said, kissing him. Or whistling catching all the children's attention.

"Hercules come here darling You're coming with mother." She said getting theirFun ride gold eyes and gold hair. Who contorted out from behind the desk earlier walked over. They worked out the front entrance. Made their way to the on the roof. Before sliding down through the air duct. Climbing through all the piping. Till they found his room.Breaking out the Cover of the furnace fan Jumping down into his office Immediately started looking through all of his files And they found me he had made special darklingsAnd other creatures that she deemed too dangerous to put on the market Which she destroyed all the blueprints to and somehow he had copiesSo she had to go through the whole entire lab Gathering everybody's coffee is like he gave to them To dispose of properly Before finding the actual test subjects themselves which they also had to Eradicate before they sold them On the market And she made sure to leave no traces they wouldn't be able to recreate them She even got rid of most of their DNA samples but they were using to make them just because they won't be able to make. Copies if they knew the DNA sequence. By heart and could still create them. Even without the blueprints. So in other words. They literally destroyed the whole entire lab. So they won't be able to use any of their equipmentMaking it to where they would literally have to recreate the lab by scratch They make sure to keep theirFaces coveredSecurity cameras Wouldn't see their faces but could still Capture what they were doing They wanted them to see them. To send a message. Even writing one on their whiteboard. Vivian Fruit and big bold lettering on their whiteboard

'Play with life we'll play with yours. ou steal again. And use us to make biological weapons. To sell on the black market again. Or mean to cause others harm. Like you did at the reunions and I will burn the whole building to the ground next time.' After she wrote it. As she preceded you flip off the camera. And also making sure. That the camera captured them burning of their research.They make sure to totally trashed the place before they left And they made sure that every bit of research And Every single test subject And Sample was destroyedBecause they weren't even creating what they were Supposed to be which was hybrid animals for livestock of stuff They were creating biological living weapons. The sell on the black market. To the highest bidder.And they were testing them in public buildings I'm working it as an accident after they were done. To show their customer how. Efficient the product they were purchasing was.But the best part was that she found how they were getting with the blueprint they booked her whole entire lab with cameras Which meant they were watching everything she did every day. Which she destroyed. Along with their computers and everything. So they literally are going to have to start from scratch
And she made sure not to leave a hint Of any of their previous research For them to go off of. There literally were starting with a new Set up and everything. She ruined All their years of work. That they've developed. Since they've made leviathans. In 2 seconds. When Vivian wants to send a message. She make sure that message Would go through her and Hercules spray-painted the walls. Writing Notes like black market, Weapons, and Using people In public buildings Best demonstrations. To test Product. And is made to look like an accident. They tell you lies And they kill your kin,
Innocent bystanders. That happened to be at wrong place wrong time. We will not stand for it We are watching you destroy lives to make profit step out of line again and you'll be dealing with me in person. Just making sure to absolutely ruin the place so it wouldn't be considered safe working habits they have shut the whole thing down for several months. Till everything is all fixed. Before slipping out of one of the windows after breaking it. We're going back to the building or her other children and mate was. Who welcomed them back. Before they parted way. Going back to their hotel. Before they all decided
to go home early. Especially when they can have any voicemails. Their daughters that they left with Vixen  left them. Even sending them pictures of people coming in and out of the house work supposed to be there Eve another older daughters also with her said that it appraised non-stop the whole time and how to clean a lot of uninvited guests in and out of the house. She had even moved and 5 other females. So needless to say their parents were pissed and rushed.
They didn't bother to call Diana or Angela. So they didn't know they were coming over yet. So when they finally ended and got to the house. Even  it was trashed. Littered with beer bottles with you like glass bottles beer can coolers. Vivian was beyond pissed she didn't even knock Hershey one of the front door open catching the house littered with the same content and even some drugs. And no I don't mean like marijuana. I mean hard stuff. That she didn't want even 10 miles away from her daughter. Because I'm not really pissed her off what's when she picked. A needle out of her carpet she was beyond.

"You stay here stay with the stay with the kids stay don't let. Them come in here I'm going to find Vixen, Rose, and Eve." Vivian said taking off like a bullet changing into her Leviathan. As she started frantically searching the house. Only to find a bunch of junkies past out all over her house.

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