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Which only made her more frantic. when she found them in one of the rooms with some of the males trying to tie them up they had drugged them Vivian grabbed them by the neck eating shit out of them till they stopped moving. Before calling the police. She untied them cradling in her arms till the police got there. She didn't even bother and change your form or anything. She didn't care. So they did stop when they seen her. They immediately walked in. When I say she was crying.

Ma'am are you the mother that called

Yes I don't know what they gave my daughters I just came back home from a high school reunions and found this they were trying to assault my daughters. They drugged and then I don't know what with I just had a new move in and move in with me and I have a newborn and her friend from the bunny people that I didn't know was here this is what I came home to.
And knock the men out. I'm not going to lie I did want to kill them. I figured I'd leave that to the police. But I wouldn't be surprised if one of them has a broken skull maybe even some internal bleeding because I did lose my temper." Vivian said pudding Vixens head. As tears ran down her cheeks. As a paramedic and a police officer walked over.

"Well I'm glad she didn't murder them although I wouldn't blame you if you did what are their names and who. Are would caretaker supposed to be watching over them?" The police officer asked as has one of the paramedics from rubbef her hand. Realizing how distraught she was. As they took her children. To put them in the ambulance she gave him all the information to the best of her ability but she was. So out of it she couldn't move.

"If anything happens to my babies I'm going to kill them. Nobody harms my babies." Shame letter after giving her statement. She was so angry that smoke even came out of mouth. Which external the other paramedics and the police officers except one really young one she sat directly beside her giving her a hug which made tears flowed from her eyes.

"It's okay don't be all right that's what we're here for. Did what was right you caught it quick enough to where. It shouldn't do any damage. Which means it'll be okay be okay. And the culprits are all going. To be spending the rest of their life in prison." Sheer assured Vivian. As her head laid on her shoulder.

"One of my other children was seeing that I'm. So glad I came up here for myself." She literally sobbed into her shoulder.

"So you do have other children. Where were they?" She asked.

"They were with us they were old enough to go. We only left Vixen here because she was a newborn. So we left Rose and Eve two of our oldest keep an eye on her I didn't expect them to do that to them too I knew I shouldn't left. What if we want to come home early?" Vivian exclaimed bearing her face in her shoulder. Nobody know how to reply to that so she just rub your back. Until she calmed down. Enough to where she was actually able to get up. When I realized how tall. She actually was in realize she wasn't human. Which is when they realized. What she meant by Vixen was a newborn. She said nothing as they watched her walk out unlock talk to her family was waiting. When they realized to the people in the front yard were. As they all ran over to their mother and she explained. To them and their father what actually happened. They just deported and comforted their mother.
And nickel I didn't want them stepping inside of the house. He just told them that they're moving in with him. Luckily the girls were okay after the trip to the hospital and luckily their tests showed the date didn't get assaulted so they were fine. But they're mother vowed never to leave them alone again. And their uncles were the only ones. That were allowed to babysit. Them from now on since Vivian was their Supreme.
Which meant that can never go against her wishes. So they ended up going with them. When they moved into her fiance's home. Which needless to say made of his servants and the elders on edge. Ehen they seen leviathans. Till Zeus explained they weren't there because he was in trouble again. Butt that they were there helping them move in. Which only made them very confused.

"What do you mean helping them move in. Who is they?" One of the other King's questioned. Hades looked at Nikolai mysteriously.

"So do you want to break the news to him or do you want us to do it?" He snickered which only made them look even more curiously at them.

"You do it. I won't be able to make a straight face looking at them." Nicola said chuckling at their expressions. When Keith cold Nicoletta shirt off revealing his fated markings.

Your boy here finally found his fated partner." Keith exclaimed, their eyes widened.

"That's amazing my king. It's about damn time. But wait this doesn't explain why you guys are here?" An elder said, patting Nikolia's back.

"Be patient elder I was getting to that. She's our sister as in our Supreme.
She's also a purebred or a Wrath is the only one of us will buy things that can actually change form. Who do you think the get it from. We're all fey. Normal types of non humans are made from us which means that. Our DNA makes up the Fay population.
Southern Nevada think where did they get the original Beast DNA. From our queen. The only Beast Leviathan."
Hades answered and they just started them in disbelief.

"Well was till somebody give her some babies. Ain't that right Daddy." Zeus teased ruffling Nicholas hair.

"Hey now I love my kids. Even if they are purebred leviathans hair still my kids. So  now you Elders can be happy and stop nagging me.I actually have more than one offspring and one on the way. She's pregnant. Which is why I'm moving them in. Since we have so many children to look after. Me and my queen, their mother decided. To move them in with me with our children. I hope you guys are good leviathan's. Because every single one of our children are leviathans. Purebreds. And they're all still pretty young. We even have one that still a newborn. Like she's not even a week old. Because of their mother being the first Beast Leviathan. Each of our children are different species. So they're still my children and hers are just a different species of Beast. Because their mothers Gene is dominant." Nikolai exclaimed and they hung on every word.

You have children how many how far along is she is a boy or a girl.

"Boy and we don't know what speices yet and altogether. There is eight going to be nine. With the one that she is carrying. We have five girls and four boys. All have the original Gene. Since me and her mom are both Originals. So they are very powerful. Even though they're so young. So please be very delicate with them." Their father replied. They didn't seem to mind at all. In fact they were very happy.

"This is excellent news my Lord. You know we don't care what species your children are as long as you have a proper heir. A leviathan is just not at all what we were expecting. May we see them?" One of the other kings asked husband mother walked forward cradling Vixen.

"Yes, just keep it down. Cuz I just got our youngest to sleep I'm his fated partner Vivian. I'm their mother. The one I'm holding is Vixen. She's a Wrath like me." She exclaimed keeping her voice down Smiles at her nodding. Admiring how beautiful she was. She bent down to let them get a good look at their youngest one.

"She's beautiful she looks exactly like you. Nikolai how dare you hide her from us. She is absolutely gorgeous. And hold on are you the reason why the other leviathan's. Were afraid of Wraths for the longest time?" One of the king's asked. She smiled nodding.

Yeah that was me I used to torment them on a normal basis. Throughout the fattest and two years have been alive. Because I'm actually the same age as them. But for the longest time. I used to torment them. Always in the form of a Wrath. But always in different appearance and identity. Till I revealed I was one of them. Which was actually couple days ago. When identified me as their Supreme. Which is why when I found out I was pregnant. They decided that they were going to help out with the kids. So I promised your kings not in trouble with my brothers. They just want to look after me that's all. And help when I go into labor. So I hope it's not an inconvenience." She said nervously.

"No no no my dear not at all. They're his children they should be near their dad. In fact we wish that you guys when I moved in sooner." The Elder assured her smiling. Touching her own before she stood back up. As the rest of their children lined up oldest to youngest. The two older ones looped arms.

"These are oldest. This is Hercules and Rose they're twins. Hercules is a lightning diamondback and his sister is a death dealer nightmare. He gives life she takes it. And they were born at the exact same time. To the point where we thought. They were conjoined twins turns out. They weren't they were just literally latch to each other. So tightly when they were born. Literally at the same time. But they're 12." She exclaimed, as the notioned. To they're interlock arms. Before bowing their heads to everyone.

"Ahh they got such good manners and they are magnificent." One of the elders said.

"Why thank you mother takes pride. In teaching us to be respectful. Even if we're royals." Hercules said.

"Not to mention to always respect their elders and treat people. The way they want to be treated. Just because we're born of Supremes. Doesn't mean that we get to do whatever we want. Or act as a we're above anyone else. Trust me if any of us does. Mom immediately puts us back in her place. She's pretty strict." Rose explained.

"Very good and then like that for a reason. Because trust me if I didn't give you kids rules. Would be out of control because even with rules. They're extremely mischievous and ornery. So don't know if they're cute faces fool you. The younger ones can be quite rotten. The second oldest is Hunter who is 10 and Eve who is 9. He is a ravisher chimera and she. Is a phoenix mixed with a Thunderbird. Even though I'm all right I do have Phoenix in me. The other is Willow who is pheonix wolf Guardian Beast. Who is 8. Next Bane who is a lightning Beast Dryad. Who's 6 years old. He's the ornery one. So watch she likes to play pranks. But they're harmless. And there's his sister Raven who's in a demon archangel. She's four years old. Then there's Scarlet she's two. She's a wrath Diamondback.
Watch she has a bad tendency of scaring people. She thinks it's funny. But sometimes you're over does it. And then there's our youngest Vixen. Who's not even a week old. And we only know the one I'm carrying is a boy we don't know anything else. About him till he's born." Their mother explained introducing every single one of them. As the children bowed their heads to them in respect. As each of their names were called.

"Damn those are some deadly combinations. So which one's going to be your next in line?" One of the elders asked.

"Honestly that's hard. We love each and every one of our children. Neither one of us can pick one over the other. But one's going to take my place and was going to take her place. So there's essentially going to be two. Come to think of it. This is the first time in history our two species. Have been intertwined like this. So honestly I didn't know you guys. Were going to accept them so easily. As my heirs because they're leviathan's. We thought you guys. Were honestly going to deny them. So you have no idea how much pride. It fills me with to know that you guys except in my children." Nikolai and proudly.

"Well of course knucklehead. Even if their leviathans. Their still your kids and their ain't denying that. I mean look at Hercules. He looks exactly like you. Not to mention your other children carry. A lot of characteristics based off of both of you." One of the other Kings teased. Making the parents take a step back and look at all the kids noticing. What he was saying.

"Well I'll be yeah they do. I mean I knew that they got a lot of the characteristics from their mother. But I've never actually noticed. That they had my characteristics as well. Not to mention I never noticed how much Hercules look like me. You really are spitting image." Nikolai said even more with filled with pride.

"Well I better be. I'm the one with most of your genetic makeup." Hercules teased he even had his father's deep voice. Their voices were very identical. Is Father just reached up and touched his face. As Hercules reached down and hugged him. As Vixen started to stir waking up. Her mother snuggled her as she started winning. Her mother tryed humming a lullaby. But she wasn't having it she wanted her dad because as soon. As he took her she latched onto him. Nuzzling him if she woke up and was able to stand up on her own. But it was kind of funny watching him try to carry her. Since she was so much bigger than him. Leviathan's are literally giant compared to a normal purebred. Even one as big as their father. Who was in the original. not to mention a diamondback which are naturally pretty big. Even in their human form. She's so don't leave her father's side when she was fully awake.

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